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im totally gob smacked updated

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kirstendeanne Report 25 Jan 2008 21:29

andy i have no reason to change my bank i may have been publicly humilitated but i havent done anything wrong so when i do finally go back in there it will be with my head held high

Selena in South East London

Selena in South East London Report 25 Jan 2008 21:23

Kirsten, what a horrible experience for you and your friend. I probably would be shaking with fright if it happened to me.

It's certainly something to tell the grandchildren when you are older :)

Please let us know if you get any response from your letters. Fingers crossed for a good response.


Staffs Col

Staffs Col Report 25 Jan 2008 21:20

Pm'd you as I share your views so much


AnnCardiff Report 25 Jan 2008 21:10

I'm a thwarted journalist Colin!!! Just love getting my teeth into a good letter or article. I'm very hopeful that my local paper will print my letter re the Greek Tragedy - Mental Illness thread - hopefully tomorrow or maybe Monday - will keep you posted. Never been successful with the nationals but there again have only written two to the Daily Mail. I was a runner up in a national letter writing competition years ago with the Good Housekeeping magazine and received a stack of stationery and a briefcase! That's my only piece of journalistic fame sadly but there's still time

SIR  Andy of the garter

SIR Andy of the garter Report 25 Jan 2008 21:08


Staffs Col

Staffs Col Report 25 Jan 2008 21:04

I'd gathered that Ann!!....and thats not being critical I am always putting pen to paper or for numerous reasons, mainly local but some national papers and still think that the pen is mightier than the sword


AnnCardiff Report 25 Jan 2008 21:01

my absolute pleasure Kirsten - I just love writing letters - it's a hobby of mine and I do hope you manage to get resolution to this appalling incident


kirstendeanne Report 25 Jan 2008 20:55

hi i just wanted to personally thank all of you who have posted on this thread and have supported me

and a real BIG personal thank you to ANN OF GREEN GABLES who has emailed me two amazing and very brilliant letters one which i will send to the police and one to woolworths
take care all
kirsten xx


Deanna Report 25 Jan 2008 20:40

Yes you MUST write letter of complaint .

That was a dreadful experience for you.
It is one of my deepest fears and always was, that I will be picked up for 'shop lifting'.
I never have and never would, but the floor walkers have been following me around shops all my life!!

So if you ever see me in a shop, and you are inclined to shop lift of pocket pick..... you would be quite safe.... they are busy watching me and even as far as escorting me to the door!!
It is so very embarrassing, so goodness kows how you felt. Poor thing.

Deanna X


Patricia Report 25 Jan 2008 20:31

OMG makes you wonder if anywhere is safe. every few mins something is stolen, car broken it, burgulary mugging etc. so basically any one of us could have this happen to us purly for being in the wrong place at the wrong time rare altho it is and if it does happen stop and search rules make it legal. scary stuff eh?


kirstendeanne Report 25 Jan 2008 17:09

woolworths staff must of seen us as it all happened within 15 mins or so the security guard saw us having a smoke outside because he walked outside then back in again i remember seeing him but didnt take much notice on what was going on


AnninGlos Report 25 Jan 2008 15:31

I imagine that the reason the security didn't stop you outside woolworths was because they didn't know at the time you were there. The person whose purse it was probably 'identified' who they thought it was from CCTV and that is why it followed you to the bank. Or maybe security checked CCTV saw it was somebody with dark hair, saw you outside and then tracked you to the bank. frightening that it can happen though.

Strange because if you have your purse stolen you don't normally see who took it!

I vaguely remember seeing something similar in the paper in the past. with all the excuses and cover ups that colin has identified.


Staffs Col

Staffs Col Report 25 Jan 2008 15:15

Maddy, I agree 110% and another reason after two and a bit years in the police service I left! Col x

Shady Lady

Shady Lady Report 25 Jan 2008 15:13

It doesn"t seem fair though Colin .


Staffs Col

Staffs Col Report 25 Jan 2008 15:04

I agree the police were only acting on information they had received from the staff at Woolworth's and as you say why didn't Woolies staff or security officer step in when you first left the shop, it could have all been resolved so easily without causing you this upset and Maddy afraid not there is no requirement in law for an officer to conduct a simple stop search in private and its this law that undoubtably they will hide behind

Shady Lady

Shady Lady Report 25 Jan 2008 15:03

The horrible thing about it is you were searched in the street in front of everyone,you cant know who was watching and what they will say to their friends and neighbours,your good name could be irrefutably damaged now,can you claim damages on the grounds of PUBLIC searching instead of in private??



kirstendeanne Report 25 Jan 2008 15:01

i can see why the police did it its their job i suppose but it should of been done in a less humiliating way and also why didnt woolworths sercurity guard stop us either before we left the shop or asked us to come back into the shop when we were waiting outside


kirstendeanne Report 25 Jan 2008 14:59

im going to have to go to the paper not only while i was being phyically searched did the man from the local shop saw also a couple of women who go up to my childrens school saw

Staffs Col

Staffs Col Report 25 Jan 2008 14:54

POLICE POWERS * STOP AND SEARCH Part 1 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (PACE) empowers any constable acting with reasonable grounds for suspicion to stop, detain and search you or your vehicle, or anything in or on your vehicle for certain items, which may be seized. The provisions of the Act are supplemented by a Code of Practice on stop and search. The police must observe the contents of the Code, although the remedy for failure to observe it is usually to make a police complaint - or if prosecuted to raise an objection in court - rather than to take legal proceedings against the police.

And unfortunately that is the law M its very hard to prove that you have been unlawfully detained as no-one has ever defined 'reasonable grounds'


AnninGlos Report 25 Jan 2008 14:51

I would be tempted to put a letter in the local paper. "for the benefit of the people who witnessed our humiliating search on friday. The police found nothing because we were not guilty" people who recognise you will still be wondering if there was no smoke without fire.
