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im totally gob smacked updated

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Janette Report 25 Jan 2008 13:57


You poor thing, hope your all ok

I hope they apologised.

Jan x


AnnCardiff Report 25 Jan 2008 13:57

how appalling - never heard of this in my life before - surely you should have been taken to a police station to be searched - I would be taking this to the highest level I could find and I would be demanding a public apology in the local newspaper. And were it me, as a prolific letter writer[!!] I'd be writing to every newspaper that covered the area - don't let it lie


maggiewinchester Report 25 Jan 2008 13:56

If they had absolutely nothing to go on, and you and your friend weren't being awkward - I can't see why they couldn't take you into an office in the bank!!



Carole Report 25 Jan 2008 13:56

Oh my God why didn't they take you in the office at the bank!! Inocent until proven guilty ! How embarasing for you. I'd put a complaint in to the police station xx


kirstendeanne Report 25 Jan 2008 13:54

ive just been publicly humiliated in the bank, went into town with a friend went to woolworths then went to the bank as i was filling in a paying in slip two police officers escorted me and my friend out of the bank and in the middle of the street in front of everyone searched myself my friend and her 18 month year old daughter
someone had reported a purse theft in woolworths

nothing was found obviously but i was so humiliated they even had to do a police check to see whether i had ever been in trouble before

im so shocked
has anyone ever had this done to them before?