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Depression / Anxiety

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lavender Report 28 Sep 2011 13:39

Thank you so much for your kind words Mary which have given me a little lift. So sorry to learn of the problems with your hearing, hopefully all will be made clearer to you! I've had a little feather in my ear all week so I have a little understanding now of how it feels to be missing words! Glad you are trying to look on the positive side and hope that you get to feel the benefit of the little device asap. Take care, Mary x


maxiMary Report 28 Sep 2011 03:32

Oh Lavender you are having a time of it aren't you? What you describe is so familiar. You listed some positive things in your life, bless you, you cannot let yourself feel guilty when you feel down despite those positive aspects and people. You have nothing to feel guilty about; one thing someone told me many years ago, early in my depression journey, was to take control of the condition rather than letting it take control of me. We are not defined by our diagnosis, we are unique individuals, who happen to have a common diagnosis. We are not depressives, we are people with depression. The same thing holds true for all diagnoses. Will be thinking about you.
I had a bit of a blow today, finally had my hearing tested and surprise, I need an aid, actually two aids. Finally I have an explanation, been so frustrated with missing parts of every conversation, the new hearing aids are so much more compact and virtually invisible- not as important as long as my world makes more sense, I intend to be cooperative and try and see/hear the positive. Been lecturing myself too today, hearing loss doesn't define me, and I wasn't imagining the problem. I didn't even faint when I heard the price!!! It must be done, I suspect it may reduce my anxiety levels if i am not missing so many words!!!! This aging business is for the birds, wish it didn't progress at top speed, I thought the term "the slippery slope" was someones negative concept, now it seems to haver a large grain of truth!
Time for bed, g'night all.
Hugs where needed,


Sharron Report 26 Sep 2011 08:49

Just think yourself lucky you haven't had five wheelbarrow crashes in one day!

It is scary knowing you are going to feel like warm salt and that there is no escape.Do you think it might be an exaggerated come-down from your little holiday?

You just lay back and let it go by. It will pass, you know that. It always does.

My computer likes to make sure you all notice what I have said!


lavender Report 26 Sep 2011 00:01

I've read a bit on the general chat and had a chat of my own with the Sams. It's wretched when you don't know what to do with your depression, I know it's all in my head, that I've a lovely OH but what to do! That sinking feeling... and every little thing feels so huge and insurmountable. When I was feeling good some months ago I got some tickets for a friend and I to attend a lunch and lecture and now of course I'm not wanting to go... just want to curl up in a little ball...


lavender Report 25 Sep 2011 23:10

Did it happen five times over, Sharron? Confused of Warwickshire.

After my busy high I am now settling into the start of a depression. Please God not!!! It certainly is feeling that way which is very scary this evening. I need to have a little read and cheer myself up with some light stuff.


Sharron Report 24 Sep 2011 12:00

Well,we had a trauma on Thursday. The convoy were out on dung carting duties and the wheelbarrow collapsed!

There is now a nice new green wheelbarrow in theback garden awaiting the next trip.

I thought about nabbing one of those supermarket trollies that fit on the front of the wheelchair, then thay could carry twice as much. I am sure the old man would soon get used to the smell of horse dung round his face on the way home.


Sharron Report 24 Sep 2011 11:59

Well,we had a trauma on Thursday. The convoy were out on dung carting duties and the wheelbarrow collapsed!

There is now a nice new green wheelbarrow in theback garden awaiting the next trip.

I thought about nabbing one of those supermarket trollies that fit on the front of the wheelchair, then thay could carry twice as much. I am sure the old man would soon get used to the smell of horse dung round his face on the way home.


Sharron Report 24 Sep 2011 11:59

Well,we had a trauma on Thursday. The convoy were out on dung carting duties and the wheelbarrow collapsed!

There is now a nice new green wheelbarrow in theback garden awaiting the next trip.

I thought about nabbing one of those supermarket trollies that fit on the front of the wheelchair, then thay could carry twice as much. I am sure the old man would soon get used to the smell of horse dung round his face on the way home.


Sharron Report 24 Sep 2011 11:59

Well,we had a trauma on Thursday. The convoy were out on dung carting duties and the wheelbarrow collapsed!

There is now a nice new green wheelbarrow in theback garden awaiting the next trip.

I thought about nabbing one of those supermarket trollies that fit on the front of the wheelchair, then thay could carry twice as much. I am sure the old man would soon get used to the smell of horse dung round his face on the way home.


Carole Report 24 Sep 2011 10:18

Mary you remember my cousin Gale and her husband Clair who were with us at Niagara. well they are suposed to be meeting us in Florida next month. But Gales Mom who is 92 is slipping away. So she has booked hospice care for when she gets frailer, but obviously we don't know how long it will take. So at the mo Gale and Clairs trip is still on, but things could change at any time.
I haven't seen Gale or Clair since that time, so it will be fun for us all to spend time playing at Disney! My daughter and her boyfriend are coming too.

Had another tooth out yesterday. It was a back bottom tooth, which had broken. Took the dentist an hour to get it all. I had three injections as the lower jaw wouldn't freeze. When the injections wore off it hurt so much, all the brusing from the injection area. So just need to heal now ready for the holiday.

My friends son is coming this afternoon to bring his new baby boy, Charlie to meet me. He grew up with my kids as his parents and us have been friends for over thirty years.( His sister does my hair) Hope I don't start crying again!! I've got all soft and weepy!!


maxiMary Report 22 Sep 2011 13:34

Hi carole, it seemed appropriate to sit down to cool my tea and here you are!! That was a great day at Niagara Falls wasn't it, just much too short; in retrospect, I could/should have taken you on a better tour - next time?
One of the 'new' cousins is coming to New York city next year for her 50th, and, come hell or high water, I am going to meet up with her!! Hopefully halfway between NYC and here, maybe in the 'finger lakes' part of NY state. On my mother's side, my grandfather was one of 15 children -she is a descendent of one of my gt-aunties (her gtgmo). I never met my g'fa or any of his sibs. No idea what relation that makes us, except some form of cousin. Her ancestor (gtgmo)was 15 yrs older than my gfa, so there is a huge variance in the ages of descendents of the same generation.
In 2018 it will be 200 yrs since the birth of those gtgrandparents (Bowden/Beer) and we hope to plan a family reunion of their descendents prob in Plymouth. I get myself totally excited when I think about the possibilities. I now am in direct contact with 4 cousins and, a year ago, hadn't heard of any of them.
Sorry, wrong thread, nice to feel truly cheerful, with winter approaching, I am much 'higher' than is normal for me in September.
Colin nice to see you again, can so relate to your mood/symptoms - Vicky, sending you a gentle hug - whatever is upsetting you at the moment sounds like you could use a caring hug.
Back to my duties, a dreary day calls for some baking to be done, have a bushel of apples to be put down for the winter too.
Mary :-)


Carole Report 22 Sep 2011 12:41

Mary (I Curtsy to you), What an interesting story. How exciting it gets when the pieces come together and make the truth!

Just had a happy ending to my own little story. There was a local story that when Alfred Wright Tomlinson died, he left his farm to two of his daughters on the condition they never married,or they would loose everything, but one had a live in lover! I sent for Alfreds will and am pleased to say he left his farm to one of his sons, who lived away. He must have let his sisters carry on living at their home (the farm). Mystery solved. Local gossip that has survived since 1926.

Mary I just changed my profile pic earlier this morning to you and me at The Falls, then you are next to post! :-)


maxiMary Report 22 Sep 2011 12:07

Morning folks, haven't been on for a while, just keeping on keeping on I suppose. I too went to the Dr recently for bloodwork as I was so tired, of course the BW was absolutely OK. Depression, prob weather-related to some degree. Widened my bottom end from sitting moping too often LOL
having some happy times with my tree, expanding an area which has sat dormant for ages, contact from 3 'new' cousins, and on the other side I think finally we may be close to solving a mystery related to unknown greatgrandfather. It may take DNA to prove it, but here's the scenario, grandfather was one of 3 boys, all with the same mother, all apparently born illegitimate. Their grandfather was a tenant farmer, and we have suspected that the owner of the farmland could be the constant in her baby production of 3 boys. That idea bottomed out. Seems the landowners brother may be the missing link, as on another site I read a post from 2001 which stated an undocumented rumour that he fathered 3 children with a local woman. Could that be 'my' local woman, my gtgmo? Could my gtgfa really have owned 2 castles? Could some blood really be blue? I am all a-tither thinking about it, been almost 40 years since I started searching for a clue.
have to run, duty calls, kids to get ready and out the door to school.


Carole Report 22 Sep 2011 09:47

Colin isn't that part of the problem that depression gives? You think it's flu, poisoning, a virus, the list goes on. But you feel poorly and can't shake it off. Before you know it you are in a deep depression and it's so hard to pull yourself up again.
We are all looking forward to our holiday, but as it looms nearer I'm getting anxious. I feel sick. My daughter and her boyfriend are coming with my husband and I. My mind can't cope so I try not to think about it. But daughter is so excited she texts me every day to say how long till we go. Last week was the worst, I had tooth ache, and was so worried about it as because of stress hadn't been to a dentist for years. But it got so bad my husband made me an appointment, (once I admitted what was the problem). So will be off on holiday minus three teeth!!
Vicky sorry you sound upset. My family and friends make me feel that way sometimes. We have to let it wash over us or we are the ones to suffer while they don't care and carry on happy as Larry!


Sydneybloke Report 20 Sep 2011 10:21

Hello everyone, as the father of none but having been on this planet 62 years I hope I have gained some wisdom.
It is easy to say that kids will be kids, but it is d--- well true, and some of them can be absolute mongrels to their parents. Of course we know people who suffered at the hands of parents, too.
My parents died young (46 for mum and 54 for dad). Mum's death was particularly difficult for all of us, and I think I inherited her depression.
Have been "depressed" on and off for at least 26 years, and at the moment I have fallen in a bit of a hole. I took 3 weeks annual leave starting Monday 12th. Not going away, but until yesterday could not stir myself. Sleeping during the day and hiding in a book was the easiest way.
I went to my GP, who suspects it may be psychological, so do I although I don't actually feel depressed. However the lack of initiative and loss of appetite are symptoms. He has increased my A-D dose by 25%. Doesn't sound much but I am hopeful.. Just to be sure he ordered some blood tests, as in total blood count, thyroid function and Vitamin D. Sounds ridiculous in this country, but I rarely got out into the sun over our winter.
Today was relatively productive: blood test,, got some folders for my collection of genealogical B/D/M certificates and other papers, got rid of my old computer at a recycle centre (they charge $1.50 a kilogram. Cost me $38 but well worth it. Then back to the shops for a cople of racks for my CDs and DVDs.
Must go, meeting friends tonight (didn't cop out, another good sign).

xx to all.- Colin


Grabagran Report 20 Sep 2011 04:40

I'd that supposed to make me feel better Caz? This isn't just pointed at family, so think before you reply. Time to say goodbye here.


YorkshireCaz Report 19 Sep 2011 19:35

Sorry Sharron my head was racing faster than my hands can type, I had my mums chutney in mind.

Vicky kids will be kids whoevers they are, they are all the same at times.


Grabagran Report 19 Sep 2011 18:38

I have strived to be a good mother and grandmother.
I have dried away tears, plastered scraped knees.
I have tried to do do my best.
I've even gone of my way for them.

So where have I gone wrong?


Sharron Report 19 Sep 2011 18:33

Sorry about the repeats, I say, sorry about the repeats!

It's not chutney but mincemeat that I am making. Plenty of greenies so I made double.About enough to keep a family of fifteen going for thirty years.

Have only made mango chutney this year as my other stuff doesn't always get eaten and I like to buy different sorts to try them.

My walls and doorways are all graunched from the things at the back of the wheelchair that stop it pitching over backwards and the hubs on the wheels.


YorkshireCaz Report 19 Sep 2011 18:11
