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SylviaInCanada Report 30 Jan 2014 01:29

Hi Sue, and everyone

Thank you for all your good wishes.

The Memorial for my sis-i-l was amazing!

She had organised it all, with the emphasis being on the family .............. from the Bishop being restricted to doing the Opening and Closing prayers, to readings by 4 people (OH and 3 vicars from elsewhere in the Diocese), to happy hymns and clapping songs, to requesting that her grandchildren dance in the aisle to the music!

It was a happy occasion, with a few tears shed here and there.

We thought there might have been as many as 300 people there ............ they were standing 2 and 3 deep along the side aisles, extra chairs placed along side each row down the main aisle, and an overflow in the Hall. Over 200 had signed the guest book that had been set out, and we know that many people had attended but not signed (including the family %3A-%29 )

Sitting on one of the extra chairs across the aisle from me was the Roman Catholic minister, and the United Church minister was somewhere else in the congregation. We think the Lutheran minister was also there!

Mind you ................. sis-i-l was well known in the little town of about 5000 people, and had touched many people.

She first went to live there in 1970, taught in the Middle School and then in the High School, she and her husband were heavily involved in the ski hill organisation and in search and rescue, then was minister of the only Anglican Church since 2005.

The Bishop returned to the Parish this past Sunday for a special Eucharist Service with Communion.

We got back very late on Monday night from our daughter's

Daughter had had abdominal surgery, but was released from the hospital the day after we arrived, about 6 days after the surgery, still with staples in, under orders not to lift ANYTHING for 2 weeks, then nothing over 5 lbs for another 4 weeks.

It was amazing to see how well she was walking though!

There are also some marital problems that we didn't know about .......... but they are working on those, and we are hoping all will work out for them.

Thank you again for all your good wishes.


Talking about food poisoning .........

........ daughter went to have her staples out on Thursday, then went for sushi lunch as a treat.

She was violently ill, both ends, that night and a lot of Friday ............ she thinks it was from the sushi. But not exactly what you need with an abdominal incision :-(

Meanwhile, the grandson had had some sort of upset stomach on and off for the week, brought home from daycare.

I had some sort of stomach upset on Friday and into Saturday

I managed to lose 4 lbs!


Old Report 28 Jan 2014 15:27

Too busy building an ark :-)


Sally Report 28 Jan 2014 13:57

youooooooo still here ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-)

sally w <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


Tabitha Report 28 Jan 2014 13:29

Has everyone hibernated?

Poor old thread seems to have come to a stop

I miss hearing all your news


Tabitha Report 26 Jan 2014 19:14

Sorry its late


Have a Laminton for me - Advance Australia Fair


Sally Report 26 Jan 2014 14:17

hello all

we had a huge storm yesterday afternoon

wind thunder sheet lighting it got so dark the street lights came on

hope you are all right

sally w <3


Cynthia Report 24 Jan 2014 14:57

Hello I am, late as per usual!!

I have been very diligently helping two friends with their family trees and, as I am rather slower at this than most folk on here, it takes me longer - that's my excuse anyway.

Sorry about the food poisoning....that's such a horrible thing to have Anne. Hope you feeling much better now.

Life has just been going on much as usual - nothing too dramatic happening thank goodness! OH is fairly stable at the moment - but the mornings and evenings are his worse time. It's when the meds are starting off and finishing between times are okay. :-D

Took my grandson into town on Tuesday after school. It's so strange walking round with him now that he is so tall. I did so love it when he used to clutch my hand - where does time go ??

Am now going back to tree climbing for my friend......keep well everyone. Love, Cx



Sally Report 23 Jan 2014 21:52

hello all

sorry to hear your sad news Sylvia

susan do hope your computer is all right now iam sure rllo gave some good advice but it was all goberly goog to me lol

the government tell us that hospital waiting lists are down well they have fore got to tell Peterborough hospital my oh is still waiting after all this time :-S

everyone seams to have some sort of problem I hope they all go away :-|

sally w <3


Tabitha Report 19 Jan 2014 11:04

Sylvia - so sorry to hear about your S-I-L my condolences at least it was peaceful

Hope your daughter Is ok

Had a nasty attack of food poisoning - we think it must have been eggs as nothing else fitted the bill

At least I am over it now (fingers crossed) not feeling sore anymore at least & considering eating again

Cynthia hope your OH is feeling better now

Take care all


Susan Report 16 Jan 2014 03:41

Hi Everyone

Sylvia ...I am so sorry to hear about your Sister In Law ,my condolences to all your family .

I am on my way out just now but after reading Sylvias post I had to comment, Have a safe trip and I hope your dau is OK.

Love to your family <3 <3 <3



SylviaInCanada Report 15 Jan 2014 21:59

Hi Sue, and everyone

Thank you all for your good wishes xxx

The Memorial is on Friday, we are going up there tomorrow and returning on Saturday.

Then we are going to the daughter's on Sunday on one way tickets, as we don't know how long she will want us.

so expect me when you see me.

take care everyone



Cynthia Report 15 Jan 2014 14:21

So very sorry to hear about your sister-in-law Sylvia but it must be a relief to know that she died very peacefully and free from pain. Also hope your daughter is better soon. Sending love and (((hugs))) <3

I have been busy helping a friend with her tree but I am so slow at it that it takes ages....... :-(

My OH has recovered from cellulitis in his calf - that was over Christmas and then he got a cough. For heaven's sake..........if it isn't one thing, it's another!! :-S

Haven't done anything very exciting recently, but we have managed to get out for a couple of pleasant walks. Roll on Spring!

Hope you are all okay......... lots of love, Cx <3


SylviaInCanada Report 15 Jan 2014 06:39

My sis-i-l died about an hour ago, very peacefully but suddenly.

They are hoping to hold the Memorial on either Friday or Saturday, but will know more tomorrow (Wednesday)

OH will get on a plane as soon as we know the timing ..........

....... but I might be going to my daughter instead ......... she's in hospital after some sort of accident at home



Susan Report 13 Jan 2014 11:38

Hi Everyone

All cleaned up from Christmas and New Year.
taking the lights down tomorrow ,there has been too much Cricket lately so have been inside out of the heat to get thing done outside.

We have a few days of mid 20;s so taking advantage of the cool spell.

Very bad fires in Perth 48 homes destroyed so far ,one death due to a heart attack,the poor guy was trying to save his home from the fire ..all got too much for him.
Fire is under control now but still a lot of spot fires around .
We have had some terrible temps the last few days ,44c 43c,glad we finally have a cool spell.

Glad to hear you all had a good Christmas .

Sylvia i would love to swap some of my weather for yours.

Off to do the dinner dishes .
Love to you all. <3

Suex :-D <3


Tabitha Report 11 Jan 2014 14:18

Happy belated birthday Sylvia

We have been so busy - didn't get a chance to pop in for any chat

Too tired to get up to anything

Just changed the office furniture at home and chair as the old one the gas had gone & it kept slowly sinking to the floor

I need that done at work too - must remember to order it.

Keep safe & warm everyone


SylviaInCanada Report 11 Jan 2014 04:48

Hi Sue, and everyone

It poured with rain here Thursday afternoon afternoon and most of the night., then eased off during the morning

it really is raining right now. A good old Pacific storm .............. very wet and high winds on the coast, and lots of snow inland and on the mountains.

The skiers will love that!!

I had the basal cancer scraped on Wednesday afternoon ................... it was interesting! Something I'd never had done before!!

I was asked if a Medical student could also be in the room ........... and that was also interesting listening to the doctor teaching him, explaining what he was doing, etc ................ I learnt a bit more than I might otherwise have done!

It was on my shin ............... and seemingly that is a hard area for healing, and prone to infection. So I have to use a prescription antibiotic cream and keep it covered for the next 2 weeks, changing the plaster every day.

It didn't actually hurt too much .................. especially as he'd numbed it well!

It was hurting this morning ............... I sleep with a leg pillow, and I think I had been lying in such a way that pressure was on that part of my leg. It eventually wore off.

I only had one question ........ how did they know when they had removed all of it, and left none behind? After all, we're always being told about the "safety margin".

I got my answer ........... bit gory, but I got my answer :-D

I think we're going out tomorrow (Saturday) to buy my birthday present :-)

OH didn't have either a card or present on Tuesday morning ............. he'd bought a card by the time he got home on Tuesday afternoon :-D

We have a tradition of the birthday person being taken for a birthday dinner at a place we have never been to before, usually choosing a more expensive place than, say, Macdonalds :-D

But I honestly did not feel like a slap-up meal on Tuesday .................. so we went to our local little bistro. I had a super lamb shank meal.

Take care everyone



Sally Report 9 Jan 2014 21:35

hello all

is every one in hideing :-(

what interesting things have you been doing or are you not feeling well I hope not the latter :-|

me I have done nothing :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

sally w <3 <3


Susan Report 2 Jan 2014 04:51

Happy New Year Everyone <3 :-D

Weather here is as usual,warm but not too hot .

I think we had a rush of Summer before Chrissy...High 30's.

I for one am glad it is all over ,it gets very tiring the older you get ,I am cleaning out the fridge today just to get things back to normal.

My OH and I spent New years on our own ,can't be bother these days with New Years Eve....too worn out from Christmas.

Been following the storms in the Uk ,A few of my Rellies are affected.
Just heard my Uncle has Alzheimer's,it came on quite fast for him he has gone downhill in two months ,they have him on meds but don't know yet whether it will help or not ,I suppose time will tell us.

Hubby and I are talking about maybe next Christmas in the Uk ,Sister likes the idea just a bit worried about the weather around that time and if we will be able to drive around Uk as we usually do .
Would love Snow for OH to see but could be bad for Driving.

Hope you all had a geat Christmas and hope the New year is better than the last one .

Love to you all.

Suex <3 :-D <3 :-D <3 :-D


SylviaInCanada Report 1 Jan 2014 04:35

Hi Sue, and everyone

Love the cat stories!!!

it's not even 9 pm here ................... we're the last of the lot I think! :-)

we went from the high to the low this morning

9 am ............... hear the news that a very close friend has been made an Officer of the Order of Canada :-D :-D (OH did have a hand in this, but you don't hear whether it has been successful or not until "the" day :-) )

10:45 am ......... phone call to say that OH's sister has been taken into hospital, prognosis maybe a week ......... 3 days and 2 weeks are the extremes. :-( :-(

It seems she hung on for Christmas, and her children and grandchildren all being there.

OH wanted to spend New Year here, with me, so we have him on a plane up there on Thursday morning, returning next Monday. I'm staying here.

I will go up for the Memorial.

I sure hope that 2014 is a better year.

I wish you all a very Happy New Year, and the hope that we have peace, prosperity, and happiness



Cynthia Report 31 Dec 2013 21:32

Wishing all my friends on here, a very happy, healthy and peaceful New Year.

Love to you <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3