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GR member research

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Flip Report 4 Jun 2014 19:13

But I'm still feeling left out - haven't had mine, but don't intend to chase it up - who really takes any notice of surveys anyway :-P


KempinaPartyhat Report 4 Jun 2014 18:53

I tried I pressed next and the page expired ..



Kense Report 4 Jun 2014 18:26

Dotty/Ann, read Hannah*'s response of 2 June 17:40 on this thread.


Joseph Report 4 Jun 2014 17:24

Completed survey on Sunday.

Just got a second one!!!!


DottyAnn Report 4 Jun 2014 16:47


I've had a survey request too and also cannot get past question 3 as there is no category for saying that you have a yearly subscription. Since my yearly sub is with GenesReunited and I have had it since Genes first started I found this a bit odd. I sent a reply to say why I cannot complete the survey so maybe they will rethink the questions and add a yearly sub category. Not very well thought out!



SylviaInCanada Report 3 Jun 2014 18:55

I contacted support, complaining that I had not received the survey .......

I now have it, with the following comments .....................

I'm sorry that you didn't receive our original survey email.

You can access your unique survey via the below link

Thank you for taking the time to give us your feedback on this survey - your support for Genes Reunited is appreciated.

With kind regards,

Genes Reunited Support Team


now what does "unique survey" mean?

Do each get a different survey than from anyone else???

I haven't yet filled it out :-)

ElizabethK ..................

I don't think buying credits matters ............ I've never bought any myself, although I have been awarded them by GR in the past, as an apology for things going wrong or as a gesture of goodwill.


Kense Report 3 Jun 2014 15:18

Got it from support today and have now completed it.


alviegal Report 3 Jun 2014 14:43

I haven't received one either. :-( :-(


MargaretM Report 3 Jun 2014 13:46

This statement by Hannah upset me:

"The statement “monthly period subscriptions to use the website” in the survey is meant to refer to all our subscriptions (which include 1 month, 6 month, 12 month). We understand from your comments that this isn’t clear so for future surveys we will rephrase this question to cover all the subscriptions more explicitly. "

Of course it isn't clear, Hannah. It says monthly but you make it seem that we are all a little thick and should have understood that it means monthly, 6 monthly or 12 monthly.

To me monthly means monthly and nothing else.


ElizabethK Report 3 Jun 2014 09:44

Neither did I but I have never bought any credits so assume that is the difference :-)


Kense Report 3 Jun 2014 08:32

I also did not receive it.


MarieCeleste Report 3 Jun 2014 07:31

Quite honestly, if GR can't be bothered to send me the email (and NO, it's not in "junk") then I can't be bothered to send them an email.


SylviaInCanada Report 2 Jun 2014 21:58


I have been a subscribing member since April 2004

You say this survey was sent to all subscribing members

I have not received it.

I check my junk email folder every day


now you say that I have to contact support

colour me disgruntled long-time subscriber


Hannah Advisor Report 2 Jun 2014 17:40

Thank you to everyone who has already answered the survey. The member research survey was sent to all current subscribers and those who have recently purchased pay-as-you-go credits. If you fall into one of these groups but have not received a link to the survey, please check you junk email folder and then email [email protected] if one hasn’t arrived.

The statement “monthly period subscriptions to use the website” in the survey is meant to refer to all our subscriptions (which include 1 month, 6 month, 12 month). We understand from your comments that this isn’t clear so for future surveys we will rephrase this question to cover all the subscriptions more explicitly.

We’ve been very pleased by the number of responses we have received already and we will carefully consider all your feedback. Finally, please email [email protected] if you have any problems completing the survey.

Thank you for your understanding and participation.


Robert Report 1 Jun 2014 23:55

Completed my form .. no real issues with the process, but I would suggest they ask more appropriate questions next time

Karen in the desert

Karen in the desert Report 1 Jun 2014 11:56

Goodness only knows, Margee, but since they're likely to take as much notice of the results as they ever have - well it really doesn't matter does it :-D
I made good use of the additional info boxes too Gins, but I would imagine that's going nowhere. It did help me in getting it all off my chest though, so not a totally pointless exercise :-D :-D
Det, I believe they do still offer an annual sub, tho' it would seem GR are unaware that such a thing exists on their own, or any other, site. :-S


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 1 Jun 2014 11:54

After 2 days, I've eventually been able to access my linked email account and, yes, the invite was there!

I do agree that there ought have been the option to indicate an annual sub. Does GR no longer offer this? :-S

One other criticism - although you could indicate 'other' site, there was no where, apart from ' sites that come to mind' at the beginning, to indicate which particular 'other' you meant.


MargaretM Report 1 Jun 2014 11:47

Karen, you're right, in my first attempt I didn't click on a box in "Other" in question 3. However on my 2nd attempt I did but it still wouldn't let me continue.

One wonders how they decided who would take part in this survey?


Gee Report 1 Jun 2014 10:19

I've said it as it is! I made good use of the additional information boxes ;-)


SylviaInCanada Report 31 May 2014 23:31


they never have done before :-)

Margee ................

you mean that I now have a, gasp, "reputation"?

:-D :-D :-D