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Oldies and Newbies Alike...For those that have not

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babs123 Report 16 Jan 2006 16:10

You do not need to use brackets in any url unless it has (.)com or (.)co in the address For example brackets http://www.genesreunited(.) ........ It does make it a lot easier for those that want to copy and paste the addy. I know that this has been mentioned before but I think it needed re iterating for those who are new and maybe didn't realise. Thanks Kat


Unknown Report 16 Jan 2006 16:31

or those of an age where they forget a lot, like yours truly. Gloria

Chris in Sussex

Chris in Sussex Report 16 Jan 2006 16:37

Kat So just for those of a certain age..... Do we only need to bracket the (dot) after the Co or Uk? Or if there are following (dots) do we have also have to bracket them? :)))) Thanks Chris<<< Now totally (bracketed) and (dotted) out :(( lol


Heather Report 16 Jan 2006 16:42

Well, I think Id remembered it then til I read Chris's posting!

Chris in Sussex

Chris in Sussex Report 16 Jan 2006 16:50

Heather Senior moments all round here......I will have to copy and paste the answer ....And then try to remember where I pasted it :((((( Chris :)


Heather Report 16 Jan 2006 16:51

Have you found your glasses in the fridge yet Chris? Or, the other day, in the bag of dog biscuits?


Heather Report 16 Jan 2006 16:54

But what about the d o t that follows the w w w?

Chris in Sussex

Chris in Sussex Report 16 Jan 2006 17:00

Heather Appointment made with SpecSavers :))) Dog Biscuits????....Errrrr, not me....Another Chris in Sussex? I must have a Doppleganger!! Chris

Chris in Sussex

Chris in Sussex Report 16 Jan 2006 17:03

Liz Thanks for the explanation re (.) com, Uk ect and the other following (dots) That will save alot of use of the shift key :)) Chris

Chris in Sussex

Chris in Sussex Report 16 Jan 2006 17:06

And Jim got away with only half a bracket......Or was that only because it related to this site? Chris


babs123 Report 16 Jan 2006 17:13

Jim The only problem with your 3rd example is that if you leave a gap people don't often notice that they must close the gap up or don't even notice the gap is there. best to put (.) or just *) and remember to replace them with a dot. Kat feeling a bit dotty...........not unusual tho'

Janet 693215

Janet 693215 Report 16 Jan 2006 18:08

The text recognition programme only looks for a . followed by a letter c (I wonder if you use a capital c it will object? I think I'll have a go.)

Janet 693215

Janet 693215 Report 16 Jan 2006 18:11

No, obviously spots that one. I think the idea is that it will prevent people using the message boards to advertise profit making websites belonging to companies. Therefore, org, gov, ac and net are not affected as they are non profit making.


McAlp Report 16 Jan 2006 18:16

This has nothing to do with DOTS and BRACKETS, but reading Chris and Heather i had to LOL, Mind those gaps you two or you might fall through,now hubby has had it confirmed i 've lost it completely i do so love this board cheers me up no end when the rellies that i can't find won't play , hey maybe they fell though the gap!!!!! Ann


babs123 Report 16 Jan 2006 20:22

I think you are right Janet, I don't think you get ads on the org, net or gov websites


Heather Report 16 Jan 2006 20:38

NO Chris, it twas me that found me glasses in the dogs biscuit bag.


babs123 Report 16 Jan 2006 20:58

LOL Heather. I have 4 pairs and sometimes I'm scrambling around trying to find one pair, having too many senior moments methinks Kat


Heather Report 16 Jan 2006 20:59

Kat, do you have a Pound Land near you. I have bought about 8 pairs of reading glasses (yes at a pound each) from there and scatter them round the house so one should be in reach. I have so many senior moments now that I look forward to the occasional junior ones!


babs123 Report 16 Jan 2006 21:04

No Heather, Have to admit mine are a bit posher,.... from Tescos. I leave them in strategic places too but after a while I have to start hunting and replacing them in those never to be found 'safe places' Kat


Bobtanian Report 16 Jan 2006 22:33

hot mail, and Y ahoo are ok