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Ancestral-villages WEBSITE

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Rose Report 9 May 2006 11:13

nudging to look at later


Louise Report 9 May 2006 11:07



Andrea Report 10 Apr 2006 15:06

If you are worried about leaving your personal E-mail details, set up an account with Yahoo or some such, then strangers can still get in touch, but hopefully you will still have peace of mind, and no junk mail or crazy people using your proper E-mail address. Hope that makes sense. PS I also found the site a while ago but haven't been back since. Will go now!!


LindaG Report 4 Apr 2006 13:33

Luisana thansks for that - I've emailed my request! Lx


Louise Report 4 Apr 2006 13:02

If you click on an ancestors name there should be more details showing up along with the space for an email address. I have added one to all mine but if they don't have an email address I guess it's because people are wary. However, if you don't add an address there is NO way people can can contact you. When you go into the page for one of the villages you have at the top of page a grey tab with 'contact us' on. This takes you to a page which gives their email address and phone number. I have just looked myself and it is definitely there. But not on your home page for some reason. Louise

Anne in North London

Anne in North London Report 4 Apr 2006 12:43

Nudge for later. Anne in North London :)


LindaG Report 4 Apr 2006 12:26

Firstly the email addresses don't seem to be on full view? The ones I have seen have the @ in much large script, suggesting that they've been set up so they can't be trawled by spam engines. Most of the names I've checked out don't seem to have anemail address at all. It is a good idea to set up an amil address with hotmail or similar to use on public sites like this. Then that account can be spammed out and your main email won't care. With btopenworld you have the facility to set up aliases. These are just alternative names for your main email address. I use these extensively. If one gets too much spam, I delete it and set up another, changing the email on the relevant websites! Secondly, I can't see how you can contact anyone from Ancestral Villages apart from by Royal Mail (a postal address in Norfolk). If anyone knows otherwise, please let me know as I have 2 villages that need adding! Lx


Louise Report 4 Apr 2006 12:01

I would contact them if you haven't received it yet. I had to contact them when I wanted to change my email address that I registered with and they were very prompt and helpful. With regards to the email address that you leave - I have a separate one for message boards and such so that if there was a problem I can simply either change my email account or block the sender from sending me any more email and report them in the process. Blocking senders with mine is very easy. Louise


Ellen Report 4 Apr 2006 11:50

Hi I am still awaiting the Email for Ancestral Villages and no its not in my Spam or Junk mail. I am also a little aprehensive of putting up my Email address on full view. But I would love to know more about the village that my ancestors last lived in and the ones they were born in too and if anyone knows anything about them. Ellen


LindaG Report 4 Apr 2006 11:15

I think the big problem is that there's no bulk load facility. You need time to chip away at this. I have started to put people up, but it is slow going typing everything out from scratch. If you don't get the email, check your bulk/spam folder! Lx

₪ TeresaW elite empress of deleted threads&#

₪ TeresaW elite empress of deleted threads&# Report 28 Mar 2006 17:42

I just found my registration mail, it was in my bulk mail folder along with all the spam I get! Thought I would tell you, if you are still waiting for yours. T x

₪ TeresaW elite empress of deleted threads&#

₪ TeresaW elite empress of deleted threads&# Report 28 Mar 2006 17:33

I have also tried registering, and no email has arrived yet. Maybe with all this promotion we have jammed their servers haha! T x


Ellen Report 28 Mar 2006 17:21

Hi I've tried registering twice on this site and each time they say I should get an Email telling me what to do next ..........and I'm still waiting. I would love to add my info. Will try again. Ellen.


Margaret Report 1 Feb 2006 13:34

I've just spent the last 45 minutes trying to get past the registration board. I got a email back saying that my details had been received and to click on a link - I tried every link nothing worked so I've given up. No wonder there's not many messages if it takes this long to get into the site. 4.10 I've finally managed to post two villages - let's wait and see.


Yvonne Report 5 Jan 2006 13:13



Crafty Report 28 Dec 2005 13:32

This looks a great site.. have just registered and put on a couple of names. I will add more as soon as I can. Lets hope that it grows, think it has great potential. Sue


Baby Report 10 Nov 2005 17:57

I will put a notice on the general board,It might get a few more people join the sute then


Tracey Report 25 Oct 2005 17:12

Hi, I read this thread, registered on the site and added half a dozen relatives. Trace

Elizabeth Anne

Elizabeth Anne Report 4 Oct 2005 11:37

Hi Louise, thank you for your help. Will have a look at my notes on my ancestors once again and see if I can change it. Otherwise will send them another E-mail. thank you, very much appreciated. Elizabeth

Elizabeth Anne

Elizabeth Anne Report 4 Oct 2005 10:47

Can somebody please tell me how to change my E-mail address on Ancestral-villages, since I have three messages posted on there. I contacted the site two weeks ago asking for help but have not had a reply to date. Thank you. Elizabeth