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Time to say goodbye

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InspectorGreenPen Report 9 Jun 2005 19:58

I don't have a problem with any of this. My only contention is that G Re-u keep changing the defaults, which as I now understand it, if you contact someone with an enquiry on one of their name,s they can automatically see your tree UNLESS you first tick the box. At the end of the dad YOU still have the choice as to who sees your tree, although I agree it can be a bit misleading. Currently I have 11 pages of names in My Contacts. About 60% can see my tree and I can see about 70%. The remaing contacts are where we have no proven connection but both of us want to keep in touch for other reasons. I have no reason or desire to see their tree or vice versa.


Joy Report 9 Jun 2005 20:52

I am not sure whether or not we have spoken, but I have seen your name. I wish you well in your research. :-) Joy


Irene Report 9 Jun 2005 21:46

Thank you all for your support. I have been given another site to add to my ever growing sites. Roots Chat leave the space out. I will be looking on this site after I have looked up a couple of things for people on this site, so that will be at the week end if I have time. Just off to look at another site, are we related will see what that has. Funny enough I have just been contacted via another site about someone with my maiden name. This is in the early 1800's so I think I will be busy for a bit trying to sort that one out as its in Bath, and I do have lots of information which I have collected I just may be lucky and have her information. Would be even funnier if it turns out we are connected as its in the same area of Bath. Anyway all Just in case I can't get back on tomorrow bye. Irene


Ann Report 9 Jun 2005 22:16

Irene, Sorry to hear you have decided to go after your membership runs out. I don't understand what its about, as I have sent loads of messages to people and checked for this box and never seen it, and have looked. All my contacts say allow, and that means no one can see my tree. The only place there is a tick box, is on the name summary page, and I have only sent two messages from there, and unticked the box. Enlighten me if I am wrong. Ann


Irene Report 9 Jun 2005 22:17

I didn't see your earier message. Thanks but do you mean its will end after 12 tonight or tormorrow night. Irene


Irene Report 9 Jun 2005 22:27

Ann When you do a surname search, you can send them a message via genes are you with me so far. Well as I don't just email possible rellies, but others that happen to be in the same parishes that I have information on I email them if they would like me to check for them. At the bottom just out of sight is a box that now always has a tick in so you are allowing this other person to view your tree. Even though they are not related. If I was emailing someone who I though was related I still would not let them view my tree till I had made sure they were related. Even then I would probably just send the the relevant bits to do with their side they don't need my whole tree. Irene


Irene Report 9 Jun 2005 22:41

Not sure what happened but I lost my last message oh well perhaps I won't type it again. I had noticed by the way that some messages I had read one min would disappear the next. I thought is was me for some reason, (may be a bit thick!!) but I have been reading a few messages where they say they have been removed. Now I know I am doing the right thing. Didn't dictators do that sort of thing. Problem what problem, there's no problem can you see any. Irene


Julia Report 9 Jun 2005 23:07

Why is it a problem if people see your tree?


Irene Report 9 Jun 2005 23:35

They same way why do other people want to see my tree. I have spent many hours and many many £'s proving my tree. I do like all my t to be crossed. I also like to be sure I am right. I don't mind helping them and also giving them information but I don't want my tree to be used. I wouldn't use anyone else's would you, they could have made a mistake. I would check it with mine after yes. Then if they were different we could discuss it. I have a 2nd cousin who has just found me in the last couple of months, only living 5 miles away would you believe. He had gone wrong on his tree, to be fair it was done before computers got going. I was already to go back and check my details when he came back, he had gone wrong. He now has to do the tree from his and my g grandfather. So really it more to help new people, not to withhold information because I don't want to share but so they can find the information themselves and then check it. Anyway thats part of the fun is the Hunting, takes the fun out of it if its all done for you. Irene


Unknown Report 10 Jun 2005 01:21

Irene - I admire you for standing by your principles, and wish you luck in the future. Julia - Have you actually bothered to read ALL of this thread? Kim


Sheleen Report 10 Jun 2005 01:28

It seems as though many people are leaving and/or not renewing their membership to Genes.. and I think that's terribly sad - that people feel GR has become such an awful place, where the management are NOT listening to its own members, is an awful state to get in. To that effect (as I do not believe I have spoken to Irene before), I too shall be sad to see another member throw in the towel. And that is a pretty good analogy, as far as I can assess... as the boards here, and how the paying members wish to use them (as well as general managment) has become pretty much a fight lately.


Unknown Report 10 Jun 2005 01:33

Well said Cha Cha Cha. I totally agree. It is a shame that Irene and others are leaving, they are the 'Cream of GR' Shame GR do not realise this. Kim


Sheleen Report 10 Jun 2005 01:42

I have noticed a HUGE change in the boards recently... over the last month or so, but especially the last few days. I have seen so many posts whereby the writer has stated their intention to leave GR... The latest has been quite a blow for me...Lou saying she will leave. She was one of the first people I spoke to on these boards, and she helped me get one branch of my tree started that snowballed brilliantly into a great success ... but only for her initial help was I able to look so much further on my own - and she also explained to me how best to find things out. Lou is like an institution on these boards as far as I am concerned, and I do not want to see her leave. Too many members are feeling despondant over the way GR have been handling situations of late... I only hope that something can be sorted out beneficial to the members - as it is THEY who do the leg-work at GR - as every member is here for the genealogy, and it is genealogy that these members are doing not only for themselves, but in helping others too.


Unknown Report 10 Jun 2005 01:54

I entirely agree ChaChaCha!! But as someone pointed out earlier tonight - GR obviously dont care about people who are genuinely helping members with their family trees. No, they would rather suspend all the helpful members (who wanted ONE thread, on this board to relax in) And, listen to their 'buddies' who complain about anything and everything! Lost Cause Really isnt it? I for one Give Up! Yep - This site will be known in the future as GR Chat. Maybe someone will ask the question 'What does the G stand for'? Sweet Dreams! xx


McDitzy Report 10 Jun 2005 07:59

Sorry to hear that you're leaving, Irene. I can understand your reasons - and despite all the messages that GR got concerning this, they have still ignored us. Thanks for the help you have given me in the past. Take care Chloe


Dwaffy Report 10 Jun 2005 09:13

I too shall not be renewing my subscription, when it expires. Reasons The complete disregard of the wishes of the members regarding the 'view tree' issue. The failure to address the server problems. If I see one more 'page not found' I shall explode. The deletion of the one social thread on this board, whilst other wildly off topic threads remain. As others have said, I shall haunt the many other freely available newsgroups and boards. dave


valinkent Report 10 Jun 2005 09:21

I am sorry you are leaving Irene,you where one of the first people to help me when i starting on my quest to find my ancestors i thank you very much for that. All the best for the future. Val


Joy Report 10 Jun 2005 09:57

Julia asked ''Why is it a problem if people see your tree?'' - because there are people / name collectors about. I was caught by one. Joy


KathleenBell Report 10 Jun 2005 10:30

I, too, am sad to hear you are leaving Irene, but I can understand why. I have been a member for about two years and up until about 3 months ago, spent hours at a time on these boards (well Tips and Record Office), but just lately the whole atmosphere of the boards has changed, and I've even thought about not renewing myself at the end of the year. I hope it doesn't come to that and that the boards get back to what they used to be. I know there are other similar sites, but this is the only one I have used, as I'm not very good at getting used to new things, and I understand the format of this site. However I don't spend as much time on here now as it just doesn't seem the same, and a lot of the names that used the boards when I first started seem to have disappeared. The 'tick box' fiasco is ridiculous. They did the same thing last year and very quickly remedied it, so I don't know why they won't sort it out this time. I think to be honest it is just an oversight when they update the site, and then don't want to admit that they've made a mistake. Anyway, sorry to have had my moan on your thread Irene, but you will be missed and I hope GR listen and that sometime in the future you decide to come back. Good Luck. Kath. x


Irene Report 10 Jun 2005 17:29

Well as you can see I am still here, there is a notice now my subs are about to expire. I don't think I will put on a who's leaving tread as I don't wish to hurt this site only for those's that be to take notice and please please reconsider, I have 6 hours before cut off point. I am sorry Gene's will not listen to us. But I do stand by what I said about letting people view my tree. You also have to have a bit of fun and if they remove all that as well what is the fun of coming on this site, we are not children or at work, its bad enough there feeling you have to put your head down with out coming home and having the same. Just off to pick up my grandchildren from after school club, back to normal again next week. For those of you who want to know other sites I will email you or you can with your email address so I can reply. Irene