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1 day to go!!! Visit to the FRC in London 21st May

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Rachel Report 21 May 2005 00:28

Nudge for anyone still wnting details. See you all later in the morning.


Louise Report 19 May 2005 20:35

OK. Here's a list of people who have at some time said they were coming and have not yet let me know if they can't ... Lunar Natalie from Hants Tracy Elsom Linda Shaw Chris in Sussex Brenda Hawkins Mr Hosmer Angel Heather Martin (maybe?) Zoe Linkson (maybe?) As said earlier in the thread, I'll be at the main entrance from 9.45ish to 10.30am and then in the ground floor rooms somewhere amongst the BMD indexes. We'll be easy to spot as we'll be wearing Brenda's labels!!! I'm out tomorrow so there'll be no more updates from me but please do come along. It'll be a great day and hopefully we'll all make loads of progress in our research as well as making some new friends. Louise


Rachel Report 19 May 2005 14:54

Thanks Brenda. I'll bare (sp?) that in mind whilst sorting out what i need to look for on Saturday.


Phoenix Report 19 May 2005 13:58

Aaargh! National Archives are advertising their access to the 1861 census. The banks of empty computer desks were pretty full last week and people were stubbornly looking things up right up to closing time. 1861 was available then, but I don't think many people were aware of this. Please don't elbow little old ladies out of the way in the fight for desks: the information is still going to be there next week. Anyone without Ancestry, you can do all your basic searches at home and just print the images you want on the day. If you do need to spend a considerable amount of time at the computer, then aim to get there early rather than late.


Phoenix Report 18 May 2005 22:55

Label for Mr Hosmer Angel coming up!!!!


Louise Report 18 May 2005 20:02

A few have unfortunately had to drop out but a couple more have signed up so we are still a good number for Saturday's meet. I'll email confirmed attendees today or tomorrow but even if you haven't already signed up you can still come along on the day. Just turn up at the FRC and look for the bunch having the best time! Before I get into details, a big thanks to Brenda for helping out with the organising. Not only is she sorting out labels but she has also volunteered to help new folk in the census room which is by far the most confusing bit to me. After welcoming folk I'll mostly hang around the ground floor and can help with getting started BMD index queries. I'll be in the entrance from about 9.45am to 10.30am. I have long blonde hair (probably in a pony tail), I'll be wearing jeans and I'll be carrying a bright red backpack to carry my notebook, pencils and packed lunch! For those who've not been before, it's fairly relaxed at the FRC so you can take bags into the research rooms BUT they have to be searched first and it is a bit of pain of lug them about all day. I try to keep stuff to a minimum. There are lockers in the basement room but they're not very big so no suitcases! I will be taking a packed lunch as it saves time and there is a room there where you can eat it, but there are some shops as well as an OK pub very close by if you want to pop out for lunch. I hope you're all looking forward to this as much as me. Louise PS. Sorry to post such a long message when the font size is all squiffy - hope you can read it!!!!!!!


Amanda, Report 17 May 2005 15:15

Dear All, I will not be able to make it on Saturday, am sending e mail to Louise to explain. Best wishes Amanda


Rachel Report 17 May 2005 13:29

Brenda, Labels seem like a good idea - at least we'll have an idea of who everyone is. I'm perfectally happy to have Lunar on mine evan though it's not my name (legally at least).


Phoenix Report 17 May 2005 13:20

Four days to go! I'm doing labels for everyone who has said they are/might be coming. Kiltmon the Phantom Nudger, do you really want this on a label?!!!!! Louise and I would be delighted to welcome anyone else who has just discovered that they are free on Saturday - the more the merrier. There are various useful things that aren't available online and it's always fun to have a bit of support when you are researching, so do join us. If you want a label (or want to be incognito!) please add to the thread or pm me or Louise.


Phoenix Report 16 May 2005 13:35

Only five days to go now!


Louise Report 15 May 2005 20:10

A nudge for those who haven't seen the update yet. I hope it doesn't annoy everyone else too much but could we please nudge this from time to time this week to make sure all those who want to come are aware of the meet up time. Thanks Louise


Louise Report 15 May 2005 00:08

Brenda, As always you are an amazing font of knowledge! I am still a novice at this and can't wait to meet you and the others next week. I had a really good night tonight as I met one of my uncles who I hardly ever get to see. I started telling him about my research and he came out with lots of interesting stories. A number of these confirmed one of my more tenous links so I am really pleased to get this sorted. In addition I now have lots of new links to look up so I need to get my thoughts in order so I can make the most of next Saturday. Louise


Rachel Report 14 May 2005 20:41

This trip is getting better by the day! Maybe I'll manage to trace some more welsh relatives back another decade - that's the 19th centry sorted or just about!!! Next stop the 20th centary??? in 2012!!!


Phoenix Report 14 May 2005 20:12

Hi Louise I was up there today. Although it isn't advertised, the FRC has free access to 1861 images on Ancestry. Other useful things are: Nonconformist registers - on microfilm. Many of these entries appear on the IGI, but the registers may have more detail. PCC administrations - on microfilm. Documents Online has PCC wills, but there were cases where administration was granted to next of kin where there was no will. Death Duty Registers 1796 - 1858 - on microfilm. If your estate was worth more than a certain amount, tax would be paid on your death. These records shown the relationships between the beneficiaries and the testator. Probate Index post 1858 - on microfiche. It only goes up to the early 1900s, but the early indexes are very detailed. There are also lots and lots of finding aids.


Michaela Report 14 May 2005 10:32

Thanks Louise, I'll have a look at their sites when I take a t-break! Probably wont come this time but, if I really wanted abreak, would it be ok just to turn up? Lots of my relations come from the East end, do they have parish records? Hope you all have agreat day Michaela


Louise Report 14 May 2005 10:26

Hi Michaela, The main things I use at the FRC are the GRO birth, marriage and death indexes for England and Wales and the censuses but there are a few other things there as well. I suggest you check out the FRC website to get the full picture. Kew is massive and has loads of records. Again you should look at their website to get an idea. Lots of people go there to get information about ancestors who were in the armed forces or merchant navy but you could find stufff about almost anyone. I haven't been to the LMA but I believe it has lots of records for the London area - all my ancestors come from 'oop North'! If you have already got back to the 1840s then the FRC may not be so helpful as the BMD indexes only go back to 1837 and the censuses start from 1841. Maybe your studies should take priority this time but if you need a break it would be nice to see you! People on this site have arranged trips to Kew but there is no fixed plan. It just happens when someone has an urge to do a bit of organising. Good luck in exams. Louise


Michaela Report 14 May 2005 10:10

Louise, I'd love to come but should be studying and feel guilty not but the temptation is great (- if you know what I mean). What is there? I have 'got back' to 1840's so would this be the 'right' place to go and what is the difference betw. FRC and Kew? Is that LMA? (think not) and roughly how often do you do them? Thanks Michaela


Louise Report 14 May 2005 09:58

Only one week to go, so I hope that eveyone is still able to make it. So far I have the following names and would be grateful if you could let me know if you are still able to come or not. I don't want to be worrying about lost souls if you're no longer able to make it. Lunar Amanda, London Natalie from Hants Tracy Elsom Linda Shaw Chris in Sussex Brenda Hawkins David Thomas Heather Martin (maybe?) Zoe Linkson (maybe?) I suggest that all those who can get there in time meet at the entrance at 10am. It's normally a little bit quieter earlier in the day. If you are arrriving later, let me know what time and I'll pop to the door to meet you. Don't forget to plan your research and bring a list of what you want to look up. I'm already having to prioritise my list as I've been saving up my searches and it always takes longer than you think it will! I'll post a final message confirming the final arrangements in a few days. I'm really looking forward to meeting everyone and having a good day out. Louise PS. There's room for more if you've not signed up but would like to.


Zoe Report 12 May 2005 12:54

Oooooooooh - I'm in London area on this date so I might just join you. Being a birthing partner on the Thursday so I may be a bit exhausted to make it for 10am but I'll trek you all down inside. I'll be the one mumbling Gloster, Glaster, Glester, Glister, Closter, Cloaster, Coaster = Time for tea!!!! (its the only way I can remember my name variants) Is there a planned lunch break when I can pinpoint you in the canteen - or are you wandering up to the park opposite the school for a picnic? Z xx p.s. I'm also one of the reprobates regulalry moved along for smoking outside the front door so if you see a shameful looking lady emmitting smoke thats me too


Phoenix Report 12 May 2005 12:46

A nudge for anyone who'se interested