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Famous Ancestors

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Janet Report 14 Oct 2003 22:17

Patricia I just watched 'what the industrial revolution did for us' on tv. All about Mr Arkwright, his spinning jenny, his 'inventions' of the factory and shift work. Fascinating stuff and I was interested to see how the cotton mills worked as I am currently researching a family of cotton workers. Interesting fact from the program: 1750 British population 5 million, 1850 population 15million. Janet


Patricia Report 14 Oct 2003 22:39

Janet I wish i had known that it was on, i enjoy watching things like that i will have to keep my eyes open in case it is repeated. The cotton industry that you are reasearching is very vast, hopefully there will be a lot of archives around for you to gather your information. Good Luck Pat


Sinead Report 14 Oct 2003 22:44

Unfortunately,most of mine are pretty dull however my great Grandfather's nephew was the irish boxer Stephen Sullivan very well known in Ireland but not sure how well known outside of Ireland!!! Sinead


Margaret Report 14 Oct 2003 22:58

I am finding out that most of my ancestors on my dads side worked in the cotton mills in Lancashire. There is a really good site about the cotton mills at www(.)cottontimes(.)co(.)uk Is fasinating stuff, and is making me weep for my poor family, they where treated so badly, I want to go back in time and look after them all. All in the name of making loads of money for the boss's. It was an horrific time for the poor cotton workers. Maggie


Janice Report 15 Oct 2003 00:52

I was told that my 4x great grand father was the illegitamate son of a Count Du Fose who came over hear in the French Revolution (I have not traced him yet) Janice


Carol Report 15 Oct 2003 01:03

I remember Patricia had the title Famous Descendants before, and you are right Crista, it should be Ancestors On the other hand, do we really know whether we are coming or going.


Patricia Report 15 Oct 2003 11:09

I know and i took it on board Crista was right, it is all these late nights and early morning reasearching, everything is rolling into one LOL.


Donald Report 15 Oct 2003 11:22

My nan had told me many years ago that she was related to the actor Richard Greene (Adventures of Robin Hood) but I haven't found a connection (yet). My nan's maiden name was Moore and was born in Bethnal Green in 1889. Jackie


Donald Report 15 Oct 2003 11:28

My grandmother (Jessie Elizabeth Moore - born 1889 Bethnal Green) said her grandfather or GGrandfather was the illegitimate son of an Irish Lord. How I wish I was into genealogy when she was alive! Many questions I would like to ask now! Jackie


BrianW Report 15 Oct 2003 11:34

Family folklore has it that my mother's side had connections with Lady Hamilton, but I've not got that far back yet.


Melvyn Report 3 Jan 2005 00:07

Thomas Jefferson is my 8th cousin 9 times removed


Emma Report 3 Jan 2005 00:44

Apparently we are related to the footballing charltons! and Alan Milburn mp?

Janet 693215

Janet 693215 Report 3 Jan 2005 00:59

I haven't found any yet but I'm still trying to disprove any link to Alexis de Tocqueville the French writer/anthropologist and his b****y book "Democracy in America"


Unknown Report 3 Jan 2005 01:01

My other half is descended from Mozart but about 16 times removed or something. Quite a tenuous link! Mine are all Cotton Operatives, Labourers or Shop Packers...nothing exciting YET!!! Lou

Big Shaz

Big Shaz Report 3 Jan 2005 01:23

Well I have Two second cousins twice removed who have just been given MBE's in the New Years honours lists... The Alexander Brothers!! Shaz x


maggiewinchester Report 3 Jan 2005 01:29

I started this addictive hobby 12 years ago, when I found a picture frame at my grans house with what looked like a type written newspaper report about the 'Heaviest man in England'. I traced this gentleman. He was my 6X grandfather who died in 1842 weighing 37 stone!!! They had to knock the wall out under his bedroom window to get him out, and he was buried in Romsey Abbey (over 2,000 people attended is funeral) cos he was too big to drag up the hill to the 'commoners' burial ground! Can I call this a claim to fame or shame lol maggie (9 stone honest!)


Lynnette Report 3 Jan 2005 01:38

As a child I was always told that we were related to Alfred Hitchcock on my Father's side. I am still trying to find that connection, be nice if I can prove it. Lynne

Richard in Perth

Richard in Perth Report 3 Jan 2005 02:21

No famous ancestors so far - all plebs I think. My only famous rellie is Amanda Platell, who is my third cousin.


Julie Report 3 Jan 2005 02:25

My step-father's father was the cousin of Quentin Blake.


Aileen Report 3 Jan 2005 10:30

My mum mentioned many years ago that she was connected by marriage to the late actress Paulette Goddard and since researching my Tree I have found that one of my ancestors married a Goddard so she could have been right! Hapy New Year! Aileenx