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(flat) - Hold your breath...UPDATE Pg4 -more

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Ladylol Pusser Cat

Ladylol Pusser Cat Report 4 Mar 2008 19:50

i have a young friend of 22 she phoned up oswestry ouncil and asked how long she would have to wait for a flat etc, the girl/woman she spoke to said your best off getting pregnant bring in proof, she was furio
us she teaches and is a beautician but not on a brilliant wage , what a thing to say. ring every day i agree, and me and specky used to drive round and then ring up council and say so and so is empty good luck, when my kids leave home i will be quite happy in my caravan i will come and visit ya all on ya drive lol.

~Summer Scribe~

~Summer Scribe~ Report 4 Mar 2008 20:01

Deana, yes it is a council flat.

Caz, I told her to put me down for everywhere except the noted dodgy areas lol. I agree, John Hutton got on the cabinet and now doesn't give a stuff about the people here, he just wants to keep his seat there now (hence his backing the academy).

I agree, the selling off of properties has caused a major issue, along with the way our local council regenerate an area by demolishing it and rebuilding less properties than were originally there. Another problem is people who aren't disabled being allocated ground floor properties.

She'd originally said to me that it would probably be only a couple of months, that was in September. There were two flats meant to be due in Dec but they changed their minds. Also, no one has popped off either.

~Summer Scribe~

~Summer Scribe~ Report 4 Mar 2008 20:02

Puss, we did the drive around thing too at the weekend lol. I also have a friend who is a spy and has his friends spying in their various areas lol.