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I'm only here for a rant! UPDATED P3...SAD!

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Rambling Report 13 Mar 2008 14:12

Hi Lindy and Ann,

I know, if you don't want animals don' t have them! I am really a 'dog person' but (fanciful though it may be!) I swear since my mum died she has been sending all these cats to me! She was a cat lover and always collected strays and looked after


★♥*¨¨*Little Ann*¨¨*♥★

★♥*¨¨*Little Ann*¨¨*♥★ Report 13 Mar 2008 14:05

Hi Rose and Lindy x

I think maybe a call to the rspca is needed in this instance !

(`•¿•`) Loopy § Lady Ŀindy (`•¿-`)

(`•¿•`) Loopy § Lady Ŀindy (`•¿-`) Report 13 Mar 2008 14:00

Why do people have animals when they don't want to look after them? This makes me MAD, too!!!

Lindy xxx


Rambling Report 13 Mar 2008 13:56

I am angry! ...

bit of background...I have two cats...adopted when a neighbour 'disowned' them to the RSPCA ...inspector asked if (as I was feeding them because I couldn't bear to see them starve) I could at least keep them till after Christmas as there was nowhere for them to go. So ,lol, they stayed...since then I have fed one of their other cats and had it in when the weather is bad.

This morning I opened the door and there was one of their 3 other cats lying there, its leg was caught up in its collar and on looking I realised must have been like that for at very least a has cut into its leg and neck and the cat has not been able to eat I am sure.....

if i take it back 'home' it will not be looked after or fed ,so I have it least for a few days to see if I can help has managed to drink and i have just liquidized some fish for it (I HATE the small of boiled fish lol).

Thankyou if anyone has listened! lol just needed to get it off my chest LOL
