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Serious...your opinions needed please.
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Linda G | Report | 2 May 2008 14:41 |
Just been to BHS with OH and 3 year old granddaughter..thankfully left her with OH while I went to the loo. |
Merlin | Report | 2 May 2008 14:44 |
There,s not much more you can do,personally I,d have kicked him where it hurt most.But Then,Thats Me.**M**. |
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Lee in Yorkshire | Report | 2 May 2008 14:59 |
Hi Linda |
moe | Report | 2 May 2008 16:07 |
Linda you did totally the RIGHT thing, don't let the authorities play it down, imagine if your grand-daughter went in the toilets alone?I feel sick thinking about it, i would also send an email to BHS head office telling them if they don't change their securitys attitude you will go to the newspapers, an assault is when a person is scared by the actions of someone else, he didn't have to touch you to assault you, stand your ground girl, the evil beast.... |
Jenxx | Report | 2 May 2008 16:07 |
Hi linda |
eRRolSheep | Report | 2 May 2008 16:34 |
I see the lynch mob are back in town again! |
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Taff | Report | 2 May 2008 16:35 |
Linda, that is called voyerism(sp) and is a criminal offence, why didnt the security guards, pull him into their office and call the police? |
Deanna | Report | 2 May 2008 16:39 |
You did the right thing Linda.... a pity that those being paid for the job were not so efficient. |
Staffs Col | Report | 2 May 2008 16:41 |
I am not sure that voyerisim is an 'arrestable offence' and supermarket security guards have no more power than you or me as far as detaining people is concerned. |
Twinklyoceanblue | Report | 2 May 2008 16:44 |
Does anyone KNOW what he was doing on his hands and knees?...was there anyone in the cubicle with him? |
Uggers | Report | 2 May 2008 16:44 |
I don't think you could have done any different, Linda. It is difficult and there could have been an innocent explanation - I know I've walked into the wrong loo before - and it could have been embarrasment that sent him back into the cubicle. But you were there and your instincts probably tell you what was what. |
Scooby's | Report | 2 May 2008 16:44 |
What a shock, I would have reported him as loud as I could but it is not easy to think when something like that has happened |
eRRolSheep | Report | 2 May 2008 16:47 |
Under the revised Sexual Offenses Act which was brought in during 2004, he has only committed a criminal act if it was for his own physical/sexual gratification. Watching someone without their knowledge is not a crime. |
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AnninGlos | Report | 2 May 2008 16:48 |
Wasn't there a young girl raped in a supermarket loo not so long ago? |
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eRRolSheep | Report | 2 May 2008 16:49 |
Deanna, where did I actually say he was "innocently in a ladies (sic) toilet"? Please read my first post. |
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Twinklyoceanblue | Report | 2 May 2008 16:49 |
maybe he was ill....maybe the ladies toilets were closer than the gents...just a thought x |
Taff | Report | 2 May 2008 16:50 |
hang on a moment, the only reason I can think of for a man being on his knees in a Ladies toilet is......he was sick, and had his head in the pan!!?? |
Staffs Col | Report | 2 May 2008 16:51 |
Errol - the initial post on the thread makes it clear that the man was in a ladies toilet |
Twinklyoceanblue | Report | 2 May 2008 16:52 |
Taff...if I felt sick and needed to get to the toilet I...personally...wouldn't give a damn if it was the ladies or the gents x |
eRRolSheep | Report | 2 May 2008 16:54 |
Colin, I fully understand that. What I meant was that Deanna seemed to be suggesting that I think he was "innocently" in there and I said nothing of the sort - she was totally misquoting me. |
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