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Serious...your opinions needed please.

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moe Report 2 May 2008 16:07

Linda you did totally the RIGHT thing, don't let the authorities play it down, imagine if your grand-daughter went in the toilets alone?I feel sick thinking about it, i would also send an email to BHS head office telling them if they don't change their securitys attitude you will go to the newspapers, an assault is when a person is scared by the actions of someone else, he didn't have to touch you to assault you, stand your ground girl, the evil beast....

keep us informed..


Lee in Yorkshire

Lee in Yorkshire Report 2 May 2008 14:59

Hi Linda
You did the right thing, same thing happened to my 10 year old boy not so long ago.
We was in Tesco and he needed loo, he wouldnt go in the ladies so I stood outside the mens toilet while he went in, when he came out he said theres a man in the next cubicle to me mum, and hes laid on the floor looking under at me.
We went straight to security, who said they would speak to him when he came out and to leave our phone number.
When we got home we also contacted the police, which we were advised to do, but nothing was done, the guy had come out of the toilet and said he was looking for his little boy, although that is utter rubbish, why would he have locked himself in the cubicle looking for a child, plus he must have been there before my little one went in, and it took him a while to come back out.
I will never let my little one use a public toilet again, unless we have male relative with us, it shook him up for ages afterwards.
Lee x


Merlin Report 2 May 2008 14:44

There,s not much more you can do,personally I,d have kicked him where it hurt most.But Then,Thats Me.**M**.

Linda G

Linda G Report 2 May 2008 14:41

Just been to BHS with OH and 3 year old granddaughter..thankfully left her with OH while I went to the loo.

While I was in the cubicle I realized someone was on their knees in the next loo, I though they were unwell as I thought someone was using a ventilator,
I came out and was washing my hands when a man came out of the cubicle. then I realized what he had probably been doing... in his shock at seeing me he went back in and shut the door and I ran to tell someone.

The security arrived and said 'OK we'll get him. I went back to OH. They came round to me and said 'It's o.k. he's left the store and is waiting at the bus stop. CCTV are monitoring him!!!!!!!!!!!!

It that it??? I told them I was disgusted that they didn't speak to him and that I was ringing the police.

Police are coming round to me later today to take a statement.

What would you have done??
