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My daughter and her boyfriend were attacked last n

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Peipal Report 6 May 2008 10:52

Thanks Mau and Karen xxxxxxxxx


MaryinSpain Report 6 May 2008 11:02

I am so sorry to read this - hope your daughter and her boyfriend are ok. What is it with the younger generation that they get a buzz from doing this. I would like to give them a good kicking - I personally think they should receive the same treatment that they give out.
Love Mary xx


Peipal Report 6 May 2008 11:12


I think its the way our socity is now its decending into no go areas for decent people and that must stop

we need to regain control and make it safe for young and old alike to go to the shops without the worry of being attacked


Deanna Report 6 May 2008 11:20

O.M.G. Steve that is dreadful.
How are they this morning?

I see the police sent out the *flying squad*
2 hours??

Different in anyway can be enough to have you picked out in public.
Fat... thin.. bald..old.. beautifully dressed, poorly dressed.
We have gone to pot as a nation.
Best wishes to you all Steve.
Deanna X

Wild Cat

Wild Cat Report 6 May 2008 11:20

Steve,its sorry reflection of modern world i'm afraid & as you rightly say 'mod/rocker was at least defined.
Plus numbers were evenly balanced, still main thing is your daughter though obviously shaken was unhurt
& i wish her boyfrien speedy recovery.
It just important that it stops there realy as his mates are bound to desire retaliation & off goes 'viscious circle' syndrome.


Julie Report 6 May 2008 11:23

OMG Steve

I too hope that they are caught, it don't bear thinking about especially after what happened to that girl & her B/F the other week

The rate things are going my 2 won't be allowed outside the front door


Borobabs Report 6 May 2008 11:38

Oh dear Steve so sorry to read this those poor youngsters, when oh when is this stupid attacking people going to stop and when is this country going to get its act together, I might get my head in my hands for this but at least in the gangster days they sorted out those who attacked kids and old folk by breaking there knees;;
Give them both a hug from me dear and hope it really doesn't Mar them to much

Its only 2 weeks ago since friends daughter went to goth w/e at Whitby and there was a big memorial service for that poor lassie;;



Peipal Report 6 May 2008 11:41

Thanks guys i will pass on your good wishes to them

I have just been out and cleaned the blood up from the path outside the door so at least the daughter wont see it when she comes home


Peipal Report 6 May 2008 11:45

Hello Babs sweets

yes its a sad reflection on todays kids

but whats evem more worrying is these thugs will have kids of their own at some pont in time

and what values are they going to teach them

It does not bare thinking about do it


Borobabs Report 6 May 2008 11:50

It sure doesnt Steve,,,I can understand now why my grandad used to say he was glad he was going out of this wold and not just coming into it ,,,,but god you do worry for your Kids and grandkids one hell of a lot more these days ;;;
Mwah to you as well dear as bet gave you one hell of a shock as well



(¯`*•.¸JUPITER JOY AND HER CRYSTAL BALLS(¯`*•.¸ Report 6 May 2008 11:58

hi steve jeeze this is bang out of order,...bit of advice make sure police or solicitor take pics yours wont stand in court...been there it must be police or solicitor pref police,as they came out last night.
hope there ok .big hugs xx


Peipal Report 6 May 2008 12:02

Awwwwwwww thank you sweetie

and mwahhhhhhhhh for you as well

Lol i didnt have time to be shocked once i got the B/F cleaned up and daughter had washed the blood of her i spent the intervel making them laff to take their minds of it lol


Jax in Wales

Jax in Wales Report 6 May 2008 12:05

Steve you have a point there about these thugs, as I have told you before I dressed a bit weird as a teen (Kim says I still do lol) as did Cher and it was the children of the ones who used to make comments to me that used to give Cher a hard time.

Seems some people just dont like others being or dressing differently to them and in turn teach their children the same principles.


R.B. Report 6 May 2008 12:05

Hi Steve,
So sorry to hear about your daughter & her boyfriend.
Makes you wounder what the world is coming too.

It makes me sick.



Susan719813 Report 6 May 2008 13:00

Sorry to here this Steve. I hope they are both ok.

sickens me it does, and I bet if they fought back and 'harmed' one of the little angels they would now be waiting to go to court.

God bless



Mandy Report 6 May 2008 13:06

Sorry to hear this, Steve. Best wishes to your daughter and her boyfriend.


Peipal Report 6 May 2008 13:11

Jax hun

Yeah i know a thug culture breeding the next generation of thugs and with even less values than these would be parents have today

so god help us, unless some one grabs the bull by the horns and changes things

Thanks RB xx


I agree they use the system to their advantage its a no win for the victum


TinaElizabeth Report 6 May 2008 13:39

I am to hear that your daughter and her boy friend were attacked, especially when it was just the way they dressed, hope they are both feeling better.

But hasn't this been happening for years?
The mods and rockers , the punks and skinheads its not something new. It must be a thug culture that has already been bred from at least the 60's.


Ladylol Pusser Cat

Ladylol Pusser Cat Report 6 May 2008 13:49

hope there both ok, my son dresses different, and there is a pub that actually says no tracki bottoms allowed in, he feel very safe there, i was frantic the other nite when id heard he had gone there,i drANK there 20 yrs ago it was a biker pub, he said its a really sound friendly place such a shame people get targerted for there choice in clothes, i was a punk till 24 and the looks i used to get yet i was a mum and working see nothing changes


George_of_Westbury Report 6 May 2008 13:51

Sorry to hear about this Steve ,hope your daughter and boyfriend are OK a sad reflection on our society today.

When are our politicians going to put meaningful measures into place, get rid of these human rights/ civil liberties people, whose sole purpose is to protect the guilty and let the innocent suffer, let prison be hard labour and a punishment, not some institution for reforming them.I know the do gooders and prison reform people would not agree, but to me dogooders seem to live in some place where they are not affected by these forms of low life.Let prison be somewhere they are terrified of going, not looking at it as some sort of holiday camp.

This government came into power saying they were going to be of "tough on crime"little have they done