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My daughter and her boyfriend were attacked last n

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Jean Durant

Jean Durant Report 6 May 2008 19:52

Steve... I am so sorry to read this(((

I hope they catch the mindless morons
that did this and then the courts punish them.

I wonder what it was that the mindless morons were afraid of.

Jean x.

Cumbrian Caz~**~

Cumbrian Caz~**~ Report 6 May 2008 18:54

Steve im so sorry for your lass and her boyfriend, it is a very sad inditement of what is going on in society.Just because they were dressed a bit differntly makes them a target.......just awful!!

I pray they are both ok and will not let these thugs affect them too badly,

Hugs for Dad too,

Caz xxx


Harpstrings Report 6 May 2008 18:35

OM Goodness Steve. How dreadful for all of you. I really do not like the way the world is going its dreadful. Thank heavens they were nearly home.
I hope you get some justice.
best wishes to you all
Tina xx

***Julie*Ann***.sprinkling fairydust***

***Julie*Ann***.sprinkling fairydust*** Report 6 May 2008 18:12

if thats what it takes thats what it must be
just hope your boys mates and aquaintances meet up with these thugs
cos what goes around im afraid comes around

hope your daughter and her fella are ok today and no long term injurys,
i dont know what to say its just so bad that they cant walk down the street isnt it
very scary for you too


Deanna Report 6 May 2008 17:56

Babs, I and my husband say that all the time so understand your grandad.
What the world is going to be like for my g.children and their children... God alone knows.
And bringing them up the 'nice way'... is so stupid today, but what do you do if you are a decent person. you don't want to let your standards drop to the level of some of the people you see around.

As for them (the thugs) understanding when they have their own children.... it does not work that way.
I have lived beside people like that. The teach their children to behave as they did.... and so it goes on!!
God help us all.

Steve, how are they now?
It is often frightening to get up the next morning and carry on as normal, when your confidence has been shattered.
I just hope they are both very strong young people.
Deanna X


Peipal Report 6 May 2008 17:39

Hi Sue

I know hun, still what can one do it seems to be the nature of how great britan is not

The good people cant do anything because it infringes these poor thugs civil rights

well i will tell you this both her elder brothers have put the word out and are just waiting to see what comes back

the police may not do anything but as my boys say Dad its family

Ok i know many will dissagree with that but its how i brought my lot up family comes first lol


Sue Report 6 May 2008 17:13

Just logged on and have seen this.

How bl@@dy terrible. I hope to God someone does the same to them, I know that is not pc but I don't care. The UK offers no significant punishment even if they are caught.

We heard of an attack fairly locally today, young lad has his skull fractured and he was just standing talking to friends.

People wonder why I hate this country.

Please pass on my best wishes for a quick recovery.

Sue xx

(¯`*•.¸*Karen on the Coast*(¯`*•.¸

(¯`*•.¸*Karen on the Coast*(¯`*•.¸ Report 6 May 2008 15:49

Steve i hope your daughter and her boyfriend are ok,

what is happening to the world around us,

Karen x


DIZZI Report 6 May 2008 15:28

ten years ago son, and girlfriend
were attacked at midnight
the walked towards a gang who had som members in it they knew they smiled
said hello an passed,,on abou ten foot as
son f turned just intime to see two of then behind him

swinnig motor bike chains above their head

he duckrd they got him all down his spine
his girl jumped on them screaming

he didnt report it

....they treatened to come after me a gang *****


UzziAndHerDogs Report 6 May 2008 15:18

Sorry to hear Steve , hope they both recover. shows what a sorry society its becoming, even worse when u know that if they are caught, the thugs wont really be punished.

It makes me glad that I dont live there no more, mind spain can be as bad at times, just the punishment is harsher.


{****wendylady****} Report 6 May 2008 15:07

thats the problem steve nothings ever done till the great and good are on the recieving end, then its woe is me, but they do know of the problems with the hoodies and hudlums, they choose to turn a blind eye, if they go to prison its a holiday camp for them, call up national service and that will sort the big boys from the rest, my nephew was pick on because he wouldn't join one of these so called
gangs of hoodies, instead he chose the army.


JoyBoroAngel Report 6 May 2008 15:03

how awful steve

a sad sign of the way this worlds going

i say live and let live

lets hope the police catch them

and they are dealt with in court


Peipal Report 6 May 2008 14:58

Thanks Tinks hun xxxxxx


Peipal Report 6 May 2008 14:57

Very true wendy

BC my lovely

It seems to me at least, that this country has to many do gooders thats seem to win at every turn

I often think what would happen if happend to our great and good and their kids got beaten up

would that make them change their minds and actualy do something


tinkers Report 6 May 2008 14:53

im sorry to hear this (((((((hugs))))


ButtercupFields Report 6 May 2008 14:31

I am so sorry to hear this, Stevie, but thank goodness they were not badly injured. I am really puzzled and sad at how our society is going down the tubes and innocent people can be hurt and the perpetrators go free. Big hugs for you all, must have been such a shock. BC XX


{****wendylady****} Report 6 May 2008 14:27

Its appaulling what these hoodies and yobs do to people, I say get our innocent boys whop are in the army back to britain who are in afganistan fighting the war and put these yobs and pathetic hudlums in their place, if they want to fight they will have all the time to do it, I think they wouldn't last five minutes.

Sending my wishes to your daughter and her boyfriend for a speedy recovery.

wendy x


Peipal Report 6 May 2008 14:26

Thanks guys

The problem is the goverment seems to have no idea how to stop them, and even if the did have one some group of tossers would complain that its not their faults and they just need a little understanding

yeah right they do, what they need ia something a bit stronger than a slap on the wrist or an ASBO


doryth Report 6 May 2008 14:24

Really sorry to hear this --mindless. Hope your daughter and boyfriend ok today


JustKaz Report 6 May 2008 14:01

Sorry to hear this, Best wishes to your daughter and her boyfriend.
kaz xxx