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meeting Daff soon home again now

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MrDaff Report 21 May 2008 18:03

lol Ann... I was fibbing... I said well, you can see what I said!!

*cackles at being caught in a fib* lol


Susan719813 Report 21 May 2008 18:05


Ann says there are none left.....and Daff says there are.......methinks maybe they had something more than milk in their cup of tea!



MrDaff Report 21 May 2008 18:06

Ann.... my garden here was originally stocked with all the plants I bought in Gloucester... they had just opened the new big Blooms a couple of months before I left... so many of them came from Hurrans... and the Blooms up near the racecourse as I used to work near there for a while..... in fact, all around the area, lol.... but Hurrans was my favourite, as the plants always thrived... and still do!


Daff xxx


AnninGlos Report 21 May 2008 18:07

I changed it to some Susan because I am sure we could find a few more. Lots to Gos.. Chat about!



MrDaff Report 21 May 2008 18:09

lol Ann!!!

*sticks tongue out childishly at Susan* lol

xxx Daff


AnninGlos Report 21 May 2008 18:10

Daff, did you know that Blooms has been taken over by Wyevale. So from Jardinerie, to Blooms to Wyvale in a space of a few years. did you ever get tot he Blooms at Haresfield, Gloucester, not the Cheltenham one? It is very large, and has a leading Labels shop next door.



AnninGlos Report 21 May 2008 18:10

Susan, more than milk!! I wish!!


MrDaff Report 21 May 2008 18:15

Yes Ann... that's the one I meant... it was just being finished off when I left... I eyed it up on my way home today, lol!!

I wondered about that.... we have a Blooms just down the road from us.... but it has been a bit of a poor show this year... it has a Wyevale not half a mile from it on the other side of the road... I expect one of them will go, and it looks like it might be the one I preferred!! I do hope Hurrans stays independent though... I had forgotten how nice and robust the plants are there.


Daff xxx


Susan719813 Report 21 May 2008 18:19

Did you notice Ann?....that the conversation would start off as one subject and the digressive path it takes is amazing!......

Warning if anyone chats to Daff ( or me come to that lol).....make notes about what you were originally talking about, cos it could possibly get lost by the time you have finished :-))))))


who is glad she not near Daff at the moment in case she gets clobbered :-))))))


MrDaff Report 21 May 2008 18:23

*practices glaring at Susan, but is laughing too much* wmsl!!


Daff xxx


AnninGlos Report 21 May 2008 20:55

sorry, got sidetracked by sausage and mash and a glass of red.

No didn't notice side tracking was probably too busy going off in an entirely different direction myself. My brain and tongue can multi task anyway!!

Well Daff, as I said (I think), going to Blooms tomorrow!


₪ TeresaW elite empress of deleted threads&#

₪ TeresaW elite empress of deleted threads&# Report 21 May 2008 20:56

Isn't Daff simply lovely Ann?

Beautiful person, inside and out.


AnninGlos Report 21 May 2008 21:12

yes she is. I had a wonderful time and came home feeling really relaxed and happy.


NOG Report 21 May 2008 21:23

daft!!!!!!!!!!!! me thinks ur fibbin.............u takin a breath ummmmmmmm ok lolxxx

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 21 May 2008 23:10

I'm glad you had a good time meeting up.
Maybe one day I will get to meet both of you.
Actually I knew Daff many, many years ago but lost touch until we 'met' again here on GR, last year.



MrDaff Report 21 May 2008 23:56

Gwyn... we talked about you, all very nice, I promise!!.... I am looking at the photo of our two boys crawling all over each other as I type!!!
Doesn't time go by... it's his 35th birthday today!! wish your son happy birthday (belated) from me!! I actually cuddled him as a little one!! Last time I saw him was 34 years ago today!! It seems like last week.

Where has the time gone???

Teresa... You are so lovely too... I'll let Ann tell you what she said when she saw your photo!! ;¬D

Peggy.... I did draw breath...honestly!!. well just for a second or three... and I didn't show the photo of you trying to throttle me either!!

*note to Social Services, Peggy was actually hugging me... the camera angle was not good, lol*

*please don't let her know... but Northernheart of Gold (Peggy) is more than a little bit lovely!!*

Daff... who is off to bed now... nite nite!! xxx


MrDaff Report 22 May 2008 00:00

Ann... me too! I had such a lovely time... thank you so much.


Daff xxx

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 22 May 2008 00:03

34 years today ??...surely not.

I couldn't remember the exact day but knew it was about now. I hope B. has had a great birthday.

What happened to all those years in between.?



MrDaff Report 22 May 2008 00:16

lol Gwyn... his almost two year old has been having tantrums all day, it would seem, so not a wonderful day.... partner has a dreadful cold.. she sounds really rough, poor thing!!

Still... we are all there in Scarborough in two weeks for little'uns birthday..... I have bought B some gardening stuff which we will take up as he has always had a flat until recently!! He has been cutting the lawn with scissors and a chef's knife as a scythe!!

Just mentioned to Taff that you are online... he said.. wow!! seems like last week.. and sends all the best to you and OH!! He also mentioned the phrase that confirmed we knew each other, lol!! It is one of our memories of that time that always makes us laugh!

I have to admit to feeling a little bit maudling at having a 35 year old son.. and me only a whipper snapper myself!! ;¬)))


Daff xxx


NOG Report 22 May 2008 00:22

oy daft stop makin me blush

& whats dis about Scarborough??????????? bit close ant it hummmmmmmmm hummmmmmmmmm??