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I know I shouldnt but I do

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ButtercupFields Report 26 May 2008 20:25

My, Mac, you have been around! Pat Phoenix eh? I bet she was great...all the men were in love with her and all the women admired her spirit....

ah well must go and watch My Norris now....mwahhh BC XX


AnninGlos Report 26 May 2008 21:42

Sorry Hayley was off having a meal and watching the soaps so i didn't see your answer to me. Yes I visualise characters, in the threads that lend themselves to it. And many of yours do (in the nicest possible way of course. I see this very smart well manicured lady in red high heels arranging her towels and cushions non stop. Such lovely clean and folded towels and well plumped up cushions. Then I see BC with her skirt tucked into her bloomers because she forgot to check, ruffling up your towels with a wicked grin on her face because she thinks nobody has noticed.

Seriously, I visualise people grinning on happy threads and people being brave on sad threads etc etc. and often I imagine what people look like but I am not always right there.


Silly Sausage

Silly Sausage Report 26 May 2008 22:20

PMSL..Ann its my own fault...but may I add that when we put the P,boro pics on FB...Colin I think was one...that was up in arms as they was looking for a little old lady with a tartan shopping trolly...and not the very glam BC..who is stunning....I was the same with granny gtumps I pictured her as a small very plump lady in her 60's with cauliflower grey hair...with her short plump legs with her very plump foot squeezed in to a pair of red high heels shinny shoes...she sent me a pic of her I was deeply disappointed to see a young lady with long blonde

By the way I picture you like a librian and I dont own a pair of red