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Women Bishops Confirmed

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CMD Report 8 Jul 2008 18:25

Dear Eldrick,
your question of which side would God take..... tricky....
here is my thoughts and opinion.....not to everyones taste.
I was under the opinion, as an EX member of the
C of E that it represented the teachings of God and Jesus, and that the clergy work for the C of E.(as they get be clergy) so as employees, they should be using the company rule book....which is the Bible.....
The Bible is credited as being the word of God, so therefore they should be preaching that word, and teachings, contained in the company work-book....But it appears as if some although they are an employee, do not like to stick to the company go about trying to change,alter, and oppose it...

In most companies, if you dont abide by the are OUT..

I am confused as to why they stop there.. why dont they go and set up their own church..... or is it the wages they enjoy.? and the prestige, of being clergy..or whatever!!
just my thoughts.


SallyF Report 8 Jul 2008 18:30

The only trouble with this particualr set of rules cmd is that they are very open to interpretation and can be twisted to suit.