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Staffs Col

Staffs Col Report 19 Oct 2008 17:55

That donates blood?

Because that is the level of donation of blood from the eligible UK population last year.

Pretty poor effort isn't it?

Almost everyone between the ages of 17 and 60 can donate...its easy and painless...(I am petrified of needles and have notched up my 70th donation)

More importantly for us as a community we have people on GR who are really poorly at the moment and are receiving treatment that may result in them requiring a transfusion of a blood component known as Platelets.

Platelet donation can help sufferers of a number of illnesses including leukaemia or other cancers to fight the illness and return to good health.

I have been a whole blood donor for the last 30 years but a couple of years ago I cross matched with a cancer sufferer who so badly needed my platelets that a motorbike courier was outside the donor session waiting to take my donation down to the south west.

After a couple of regular donations I can't tell you the buzz I got when the Blood Service told me he/she had responded to treatment and my donation had helped him/her turn the corner.

Not everyone can donate platelets but most can donate whole blood, but as I said at the start only 4% of the population do.

Please if there is one thing you do, think about giving the gift of life....GIVE BLOOD

Contact the Blood Donation line on 0845 7 711 711 to arrange an appointment and ask then about platelet donation

If you have any queries about donation of what it involves by all means please ask me....I will be brutally honest in my reply and before you ask the tea they give you is erm not good lol.

I start platelet donation again very soon... and will post my diary here so you can see it doesnt take a lot to make a difference


Bev Report 19 Oct 2008 17:56

they dont want my blood

i have a blood condition that means they cannot use it apparantly


Suzanne Report 19 Oct 2008 17:56

yes i do,i have the quite rare o neg group.x


KeithInFujairah Report 19 Oct 2008 17:57

I was Colin until coming over here, not sure when I will be able to give again after returning.
Was three donations away from my gold badge :-((

5 more and you will get your wedgewood plate?

I am A+ so quite normal :-))


Bev Report 19 Oct 2008 17:57

just read the last part of your post again

i have platelet depletion (thrombocytapenia)

hence they cant use it


CATHKIN Report 19 Oct 2008 17:59

is it correct if you`ve had a transfusion since 1980 you can`t donate?

Mrs.  Blue Eyes

Mrs. Blue Eyes Report 19 Oct 2008 18:01

Good idea to promote this, you never know it may be you or your loved ones that are in need,.

I used to be a donor until ironically after being given a transfusion in 1986, I'm no longer allowed to give..

Staffs Col

Staffs Col Report 19 Oct 2008 18:02

True Rosalyn at present if you have had a transfusion since January 1980 you cant donate


Jane Report 19 Oct 2008 18:03

I am due to give mine on the 25th.My group is B+


Mazfromnorf Report 19 Oct 2008 18:04

i gave for years until my HB levels wernt high enough for them so gave up as i was not aneamic
I agree it does not take much time to do either

(¯`*•.¸*Karen on the Coast*(¯`*•.¸

(¯`*•.¸*Karen on the Coast*(¯`*•.¸ Report 19 Oct 2008 18:06

i would love to but i faint every time blood is taken so they don't want me :-(

but i would like to thank those that do...they helped save the life of our daughter when she had meningitis in 1997

Karen x


Uggers Report 19 Oct 2008 18:08

I'm not allowed to donate either.

Spud Fae Livi

Spud Fae Livi Report 19 Oct 2008 18:09

Yes Ihave been giving since I was 18( now 43).
The only breaks that I have had was when I got tattoos.
My blood group is o Rh+ Lea-
The last bit is an antibody that I have, which means if I get a transfusion I need to get that antibody.


Mrs.  Blue Eyes

Mrs. Blue Eyes Report 19 Oct 2008 18:13

just out of curiosity what percentages of the populations has what blood groups ??

Staffs Col

Staffs Col Report 19 Oct 2008 18:20

MBE...Not certain of that but was surprised to see that some blood groups have as little as 3 days stock in storage


Kate Report 19 Oct 2008 18:22

I do it - couldn't last time as my iron levels were 7 grams per litre too low when I went to donate it in August so they gave me a leaflet on how to make sure you get enough iron so I'm putting a lot of effort in lately to try to keep topped up!

Like Colin, I am totally needle-phobic (I hate waiting between having the iron test and actually donating - it does my nerves no favours!) and am only just heavy enough to donate (8 st. - they always ask me because I'm short too!) but if I can do it in December, which I hope I can, it'll be my tenth donation in 4 years. Could be a better score but allowing for colds and things, it's not too bad.

Mrs.  Blue Eyes

Mrs. Blue Eyes Report 19 Oct 2008 18:23

I must admit to being surprised by how few people donate, it's quick, it barely hurts and you get tea and biccies as well as a lie down....xx


Kate Report 19 Oct 2008 18:26

True, Mrs. Blue Eyes. The one time I can truly say it hurt was when they put the needle in before the antiseptic had had time to dry properly but I think that was a mistake. (It was about 10.30 am - certainly woke me up!)

I take a book or my iPod for while I'm waiting - it gives me something to do so I don't dwell on the needle side of things!


MayBlossomEmpressofSpring Report 19 Oct 2008 18:36

I was a blood doner until I had to have medication but my son has given and still gives his blood and has started giving platelets


Cyprus Report 19 Oct 2008 18:42

Thanks everyone for reminding me to donate--I was a
regular donor till I came to live here ,then I was treated like a leper when I went to the doning sessions in the local village hall!
I have donated on and off for the last 20 years here ,but always when a family member needed a transfusion-of course then any blood group is welcome ,to top up supplies (and to reduce the cost of their treatment---can you believe this?)