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Favourite Films!

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EyebrowsEd Report 3 Feb 2009 00:06

Hi Pam,

I'm OK up here in Herts - we've had snow for most of the day but its manageable. OH and kids had day of school - they've got tomorrow off as well, whilst some of us poor footsoldiers had to slog it into work. Never mind, I'm off tomorrow too, as I worked over the weekend and I'm not allowed to do too many days on the trot. Might get to build a snowman with the kids!

Watching "The Fast and the Furious" with Vin Diesel at the moment. Not much of a story but some good racing scenes.

☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 3 Feb 2009 17:00

Afternoon Ed,

Glad you were ok. We haven't heard from Nicky for a while have we? Or anyone else for that matter, hope our little thread doesn't die.

Nice to have a day with your girls I bet. Hope you've had a good one.

Hubby was watching that film last night...he's into his cars. He and our son aren't football fans atall. They're mostly into cars and bikes.

Cousin Frank (or as the kids call him uncle Fester!) loves his football, and supports Luton Town,so he's very depressed at the moment !

Anyway, we'd better think of some more films Ed, or I can see this thread going down the pan! I'll give it a nudge everyday as well.

Take care. ☺

☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 3 Feb 2009 17:32



EyebrowsEd Report 3 Feb 2009 19:19

Hi Pam,

Yes it was nice to have a day off with the girls, even if I did spend the morning hanging a new door!

Do you like horror films Pam? I'm not a great one for them myself - as a rule I always find them more funny than scary. I know we covered the Pit and the Pendulum earlier in the thread but other than that one I don't think we've mentioned any horror films.

I suppose my favourite horror film is the Picture of Dorian Gray - which I have mentioned before and I see they remade it in 2006 (which I didn't see.)

I also quite liked the Dracula films with Christopher Lee - but even then some of them made me snigger. There's not many others that do it for me - I thought the Blair Witch Project was a complete and utter waste of money and time; I have never seen such a banal film in all my life.

I think Shaun of the Dead is brilliant - I know it's not really a horror film and more of a comedy - but it is a great parody of the Hammer films of the 60s and 70s.

☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 3 Feb 2009 20:20

Hello Ed,

No like you I'm not a huge fan of the horror films. Yes I know the film you mean The Picture of Dorian Gray and I enjoyed it. I've not seen the newer one, but generally you can't beat the original I find.

i remember seeing all the old Dracula ones with Christopher Lee, and have to admit they did put the wind up me! Frankenstein was to daft to be scarey!

Shaun of the Dead is another one I've missed, but my daughter has just informed me that it was very good! She also enjoyed Hot Fuzz apparantly! Don't think that's a horror one though.

Just watched Rory Bremner on Who do You Think You Are, a very good one.

☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 3 Feb 2009 20:32

Got to put this film up for my late dad. PAPER MOON, he loved this one and it always made him cry! Think it was more to do with the fact that it was a real life dad and daughter in the film and the fact that they got into some scrapes together! Starring Ryan and Tatum O'Neal.

Dad used to take me everywhere with him when his job allowed Ed, and I was a real little tom boy. I lost my mum very young so of course he and I were very close. He worked all around the London Docks, he was with Customs and Excise, I had a brilliant time as a young kid, going on all the ships from all over the world. We moved up to East Anglia in 1968 as he was relocated to Gt. Yarmouth. I was very lucky. I remember a couple of occassions when he said, you're not going to school tomorrow as there would be a celebrity coming to the docks to do different things for television and I'd get to see them. Dick Emery was one, he did an advert for De Kuyper Brandy. (Another St. Pancras born Ed) and then I got to see Liz Taylor, from a distance of about 100 yards when she was doing a documentary about London. Richard Burton was actually pi*sed dad said on the day. He probably was come to think of it!


EyebrowsEd Report 3 Feb 2009 22:27

Hi Pam, yes I love Paper Moon too - haven't seen it for a good few years though. It had Madeline Kahn in it too didn't it? We used to call Tatum O'Neal "Tantrum" O'Neal when I was younger - she had a reputation as being a "proper little madam" if I remember rightly.

It came out about the same time as The Sting - another one set in the depression of the 30s. Mind you, The Sting wouldn't appeal to you Pam - Robert Redford was in it!!

Your dad sounds like he was a very interesting man . Lucky you getting to see thoses celebs - I can well believe Richard Burton was p***ed!

When was growing up dad was on the Post Office, so I didn't go to work with him (far too early in the morning). But he was home early in the afternoon so we got to see him a lot in the holidays.


Nickydownsouth Report 3 Feb 2009 22:54

Hi you 2..... Yes I`m still around, have been busy with family stuff and just made a breakthrough today on my family history thats been a brickwall for a while. I by chance purchased a Will from The National Archives yesterday as the deceased had the same surname as my gr gr gr gr grandfather, and lived in a similar part of London, well to cut a long story short, the details of that Will have taken me back a whole generation, and tied up many loose ends, so am a happy bunny tonight.

Our snows all melted today, but East sussex apparently had it a lot worse than us , my school was shut as well, so me and youngest daughter have been home for 2 days.... back to normal tommorow.

I hate horror films..... I hate anything that scares me, as I`m ok when watching it, but later when in bed will have terrible dreams.....

I went to bed last night and watched the Rory Bremner WDYTYA on tape, but fell asleep through it......did he only look in to his fathers history? or did he move on to other members of the family..... t was amazing the Dutch First Aid guy, who had so many tales to tell.


☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 3 Feb 2009 23:23

Hi Nicky, nice to hear from you...we knew you hadn't deserted us!! That's good that you've got some news re: your family tree, very satisfying when that happens.

I watched Rory Bremner tonight and they do his mother's side of the family too. Actually it was a good thing that his mum had the foresight to leave lots of stuff for him and his brother to work on, she marked all the photos with names and dates etc. His mum died in 2000, and left great amounts of stuff about the ancestors in a trunk at his brothers house...don't know how he could have waited so long to open it!!

As you can see Nicky, Ed and myself are still plodding on with the films thread, although we do tend to wander off the the theme at times.

I thought of Ed last night actually, as the L'Oreal advert came on with some very attractive lady by the name of Milla Jovovich! I persomally think James Purefoy should do the L'Oreal advert for men instead of old Piers Brossnan...because he's worth it! LOL Actually my secret crush (well not so secret cos I've told everyone I know) is the very handsome Tom Bradby, he's the ITV political correspondent. My friend said "Is he that ugly git with the glasses?". I despair at that's Nick somebody who's with BBC 1. Tom Bradby is deffinately on ITV.

Yes Ed, my dad was lovely. We had some great times together. It was only as I got older I used to ask why he didn't marry again, he was a good looking bloke and intelligent. He always said that he worried that they might not have been kind to me. I'm sure they would have been, but I thought that was so selfless of him to always put me first. He also said, there is no love like you have for your child and when I had kids of my own I'd understand. And yes I do now.

☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 3 Feb 2009 23:36

No I 'm not keen on Robert Redford!!


EyebrowsEd Report 3 Feb 2009 23:36

Hi Nicky, nice to see you back. Glad to hear you've managed to break through your brick wall. I have one at the moment that I think will require a visit to the records office up at County Hall.

I didn't get to see Rory Bremner - funny I manage to miss WDYTYA more times than I watch it! The trouble is I'm about 4th in the pecking order for the TV remote after the ladies of the house, and the OH has no interest whatsoever in geneaology.

☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 3 Feb 2009 23:57

Talking of HORROR! Don't know if we've mentioned The Exorcist. I honestly couldn't watch this film on my own. I found it just as scarey as they said it was. I remember going with a couple of friends to see it, and there were Salvation Army men and women outside the cinema in Regent Road Gt Yarmouth giving out leaflets! It really did frighten me and I still found it disturbing the last time I watched it with my daughter. I think it's the religious parts that scare me the most, all that praying. Urrghhh!


EyebrowsEd Report 4 Feb 2009 00:06

Now that is a horror film Pam. I agree, the religous stuff is more terrifying than the mushy peas Linda Blair spits everywhere.

Loved the Shining as well - "Here's Johnny!" being one of the classic cinema lines. Also, "The Birds", "The Wicker Man" and "The Thing".

☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 4 Feb 2009 00:07

Off to bed now, so night night all.

☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 4 Feb 2009 00:10

Ed, you've hit the nail on the head there, it's deffinately the religious wouldn't get me sleeping in or going in a church at night...sooner sleep outside!!

My daughter has a picture of Jack Nicholson on her bedroom door in that lunatic gaze of his! It's to keep nosey mums out....before you ask, no it doesn't work!



EyebrowsEd Report 4 Feb 2009 00:22

NOTHING keeps nosey mums out - nor nosey dads!

Night Pam.

☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 4 Feb 2009 13:17


☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 4 Feb 2009 14:06

"Entertaining Mr Sloane", with the wonderful late Beryl Reed, the young and handsome Peter McEnery and Harry Andrws. Not everyones cup of tea I expect but I enjoyed it. Not shown nearly enough on the telly. Made around 1970-71 ish.

EDIT: Didn't know Harry Andrews was gay!


Nickydownsouth Report 4 Feb 2009 20:09

The Shining......I think it got mentioned a few pages back, great film.......

The Birds..... even though the Special effects are lousy, i`m sure its because of that film I can`t bare things flying round my head....... you know when you go to the Zoo with the kids, and theres always that covered area where butterflies and other things fly around.... OH and the kids would always pile on in there, while I waited outside with the pushchair and all the coats.......!!

The park over by us where I walk the dog every day has a lake with plenty of wildlife on it... I often take over the bread to feed them all, but end up throwing the last lot all at once, as the birds all line up on the fence, and look me straight in the eye {well I think they are} it scares the life out of me, and I make a quick exit away from the lake........ you`d probably laugh if you could see me.!!!

You mentioned the film Mandy about the little deaf girl the other day, another goody of that type which raises awareness of deafness is Children of a Lesser God....... have either of you seen it?

Pam..... your Dad sounds a wonderful man, with very wise words and a big heart...... I had a lovely childhood, and feel quite privelidged, so many people have huge problems in their adult life due to their upbringing.

Watched the last hour and a half of Pretty Woman last night, Julia Roberts really is very good in it, and Richard Gere is very pleasing on the eye.......



EyebrowsEd Report 4 Feb 2009 21:17

Hi Nicky, no I've not seen Chldren of a Lesser God. But I remember seeing a film called The Miracle Worker, which was based on the story of Annie Sullivan and Helen Keller. I can't remember any of the cast but it was a very moving film.

One from my childhood here - when I was younger, there was a film on nearly every Christmas/New Year called "The Silver Skates" (or something very much like it). I remember it was about a young lad in Holland who was trying to raise money to help his disabled father by competing in a skating race on the frozen canals. I think it was a Disney film and I remember the lad gets the laces holding his skates on cut by his big rival as they were skating in the final race. I think his sister wins the girls race.

A nice innocent film that I haven't seen for many years - anyone remember it?