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Scrap photography, quilt knit crochet, crafts

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AnninGlos Report 30 Dec 2009 21:50

Hello Cori, welcome to a scrapper from Oz. We all seem to have more than one album on the go and some of us are card makers as well. Please come back and chat to us again and tell us more about what you are doing, what sort of pages you do/materials you use. For example I prefer to have more than one photo on a page, don't go with the less is more theory.

I actually got as far as planning a page out this afternoon, the first for a couple of weeks, it is of Christmas day at our sons with the grandchildren opening their presents. I like to lay it out with photos and journalling then leave it overnight to see if it looks right to me when I see it the next morning.


Cos Report 31 Dec 2009 02:34

hi, is nice to talk,to someone with the same hobbies my most important subject at the moment is a small album/of birthday memories for my dad, we had a surprise birthday party for his 80th.I was going to use a 8x8" cre8tiv scrapebook album but I think its going to be too small.Like you I like to have more than 1 photo on a page and dont think I will make it, I will have to save this for another time and go into town to PIA,S (oo oh more money)and see if I can get some thing different.I have 1 album nearly finished its called COME WALK WITH ME DOWN MEMORY LANE .M y son didnt know his father very much he died of asbestosis when Will was only 13, his dad and I split up when he was4.but a couple of years ago he asked if I could put an album together of what I new of his dad. its looking good.it was the 1st thing I attempted.I LIKE USING ALL SORTS OF THINGS,i LIKE BLING AND bazzil card.because I am a card maker too. I use alsorts of things. I still go to card making classes you can always learn something new.W hat I do like is the fairly new FLOWER SOFT it makes flowers look so realmy dad is was a photographer and I HOPE HE WILL TEACH ME A FEW TRICKS.
I like using lace as well on some things. on the page about my grandmother in the heritage albun as she used to do beautifull crocheting. cant see what I am typing will write again, got to go get this new album I hope Pia is open maybe not being the day of NEW YEARS EVE.HAPPY NEW YEAR LADIES


JustJean Report 31 Dec 2009 07:36

Hello, Cori, nice to meet you.my scrapbooking has been on hold for a while. with one thing or another, but hope to get going again in the new year,
I too like more than one photo on a page, we have sent some pictures of our pages to one another, so if you feel like sharing yours with us, p.m. your e-mail addy, and we can give it a go.... if you manage to read further back on this board, you will see we swap ideas too,I did a 8x8 of my grandson quite a while ago , called it "Nanas Boast Book" and loads of 12x12 albums, just about to start a golden wedding party one for my friends,, but too many photos so will have to cull a few ....keep chatting to us, we are a friendly bunch, Happy New Year to you and yours....

Jean x


AnninGlos Report 31 Dec 2009 15:27

My digital scrapbooking software has arrived and looks good.

I can now tell you that true digital scrap books are done on line, just like you do paper ones only pulling all the elements together and building the page on your pc, you then store them in digital albums. But the individual elements can also be downloaded and printed off.

I haven't got time to get to grips with it at the moment as expecting daughter and hubby to arrive so will leave it until after the weekend but I have installed it all on the pc and look forward to grappling with it.


AnninGlos Report 2 Jan 2010 15:59

Went to a local store called Home sense this morning, they sell all sorts of stuff, end of lines etc, couldn't resist a scrap book 12x12 for £5.99, not that I really need it, I have four empty ones now, but it will come in handy!!!!


Cheshiremaid Report 3 Jan 2010 02:42

Hello everyone..it has been lovely catching up on all your posts.

Many thanks to those who explained what digi scrapping was...I don't think it is for me as I so enjoy fiddling and cutting etc etc...you know what I mean lol.

Hi Jean...I visit Rosemary's shop about once a month...it is about 20 minutes drive away from us up here in Cheshire. Her 12 x 12 card stock is brilliant...every colour and shade you could wish for. She also has a wonderful stock of papers however I couldn't find many baby papers so it was a good excuse to call in at my local craft shop where I found just what I was looking for! Christmas money all spent and more lol. I love the title of Nana's Boast Book.

Enjoy using your software Ann. I have bought scrapbooks at a bargain price..how can we ever resist...some lovely ones at that. The not so great ones are what I call my "holding albums". As I have 3 projects on the go at the moment I use them for storing pages in until I know what order the pages go in each "proper" album. Does that make sense?

A Very Happy 2010 to you all..

Linda x


AnninGlos Report 4 Jan 2010 14:19

Linda, that is a good idea to have a holding album, hadn't thought of that. I think some of my scrap books could do with sorting out, one is much too heavy and thick but the pages seem to belong together.

I wont go over to digital scrapping, I want to try the hybrid route though where you can mix both procedures. however I haven't had time yet to even try the software.


AnninGlos Report 6 Jan 2010 11:30

Well, an ideal day to get down to some crafting, not going out because we have four to five inches of snow, have a scrap book page planned out so will get down to that in a moment, OH making bread (we don't actually need any at the moment but it is keeping him occupied. Had to be brown as the white flour had weevils. That makes me so cross, where do they come from, little perishers?


JustJean Report 6 Jan 2010 13:31

Hi, Ann and all, I used to go mad when I saw weevils in the flour, so I bought two big click ,n, lok containers, whenever I buy flour I always have a look at the bottom of the bag and to see if there are any bugs on it, the containers are great, not had a bug since, I put SR on one and P on the other , I am a great fan of these storage containers, all my salad stuff is in a big one in the fridge also veg out of their packets, keeps very well...cakes , sugar anything....

will you let me have a peep at your pages please, I cant get going at al......, I go to pieces when I get cold, dont want to move, J and D have gone shopping , he is miffed because the cricket is on, but he has to go to pay.....lol.... the snow is hard to move, so still a problem , but has been clear of snow for two days now... hope you are o.k. and the soreness in your mouth is going....

love Jean xx


AnninGlos Report 6 Jan 2010 14:09

The bag of flour was in a sealed plastic container Jean, I have checked the other three flours, strong brown, SR white and Palin white and theya re all fine. This tells me that the weevils were already in the flour when I bought it. This has happened before.


AnninGlos Report 11 Jan 2010 12:18

Nobody scrapping then? I must admit, I have done two pages since Christmas but this week I have tried to clear some outstanding stuff like drawers that needed clearing out while I have OH here to help with shredding etc. I will get back to craft work soon though.


MrDaff Report 11 Jan 2010 13:29

Hello all.......I treated myself to a trip to Hobbycraft this morning... and couldn't wait to get started with my little treats, lol. I have 3 pages drafted....2 of Christmas Day, one of New Years' Eve... that one was so easy, it tells it's own story... I just need to write out the journaling, and see if I like the layout before I stick it.

I have just printed out photos of the three children on New Years' Day, all busy painting and drawing.... I have scanned and reduced their drawings, and will use them in a collage style before printing as the backing paper... well, as the edging, actually, a broad border... and then some journalling on that. But I have a problem with the main paper... I don't like any of the ones I have tried, so will play again in a bit.....

I bought a couple more albums, as well... I printed off some of my favourite photos from when the boys were small...that was yesterday.. R had a gadget for Christmas that lets him put old tapes and vinyl onto cd... and I have a few tapes of the boys when they were very young.... and fortunately, I took photographs of them at the same time, as we were away in Germany at the time... R spent ages taking out all the distortions, and it sounds wonderful... with the photos, we shall make a DVD... but... the photos can be scrapped as well... it was younger son's third birthday, in October, and older son was interpreting Neanderthal grunts into Christmas lists, lolol... very funny.

I like the idea of *holding albums* as discussed earlier... so bought a couple in the sale... they look ok, but are slightly damaged and marked, but were half price...these new pages will go into those, I think, for now... but I have bought a lovely red album... that I shall use for all the Christmas ones... I got a lot of very reasonable Christmas embellishments, so will complete those while I still feel Christmassy, lol... bring a bit of sparkle back to a dull January!

Well.... off to play.... just need to do a bit of swearing before I can start, lol.... then I won't be on a guilt trip ;¬))


Daff xxxx


AnninGlos Report 11 Jan 2010 14:49

Don't think I am going to get around to crafting today but got other things done to clear the way so to speak. And..... guess what I found on the second shelf of the sideboard, hidden unless you sat at the table and looked straight across at it as I did lunch time?? A tankard full of little baubles Lol!!!!! T thought I w as leaving them as room decoration.


SarahSalopianScrapper Report 13 Jan 2010 17:31


Not been about for ages mainly because I've not been crafting but am hoping to get back to it soon. The weather is certainly on the side of me crafting, had more snow here today


AnninGlos Report 13 Jan 2010 17:34

Hello Sarah, I haven't done much either, I had intended to do some today but then started letter writing and, as I had loads to write (snail mail) I got on and did them all, about ten in all so that is a good job out of the way.

Do get back to scrapping and we look forward to hearing about your projects.


SarahSalopianScrapper Report 14 Jan 2010 17:08

I've actually been struggling a bit getting back to crafting because I'd signed up to do some ATC swaps and just had no idea what to do. However I've finally finished them and have just discovered that one I did for a diferent swap is featured on Craft Stamper Magazine's website this month. It's given me a great little lift


AnninGlos Report 14 Jan 2010 17:17

That is great Sarah. I wont do ATCs because they take too long and I have so much else to do. Even with being indoors for three days because of the weather I have not got everything done I want to. And don't even mention housework, that is very low on my list!!!!

I have actually just started a scrap book page so am getting back into it. Joining the writing group hasn't helped Lol!!!!


Sallie Report 14 Jan 2010 19:16

Ann, I've been watching a craft programme today, they were using an embossing board, it looked quite easy so I thought I might have a go at doing it. Just wondered if you had used an embossing board, and if it is easy to use.

Love, Sallie.x


AnninGlos Report 15 Jan 2010 21:52

I have a Fiskars Shape Board which I used a lot when I first had it 2 years ago, not too hard to use, is that the sort of thing you mean?

I have started on a scrap book page, should finish it over the weekend, quite a simple page this one of when Daff visited the week before christmas.


Sallie Report 15 Jan 2010 22:12

Ann, yes I'm sure that's the sort I mean, only it was a different make. Thank's, I think I might get one and have a go. Don't want to spend too much if I take to it. I'd be interested in seeing the scrap page of Daff's visit before Christmas. I haven't forgotten about sending you photos of some of the scrap pages I did for my mother's cousin, but I will send them when my head starts working again, you know what I mean.

Speak to you soon. Love, Sallie.x