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For Aussies......and friends

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SueMaid Report 20 Aug 2009 23:41

You guys do realise that I'm copying all your posts and they will be used against you one day......and you'll never know when:))

Sue xx


Allan Report 20 Aug 2009 23:46

Oh dear, SueMaid

It's a bit George Orwellian as in four legs good, two legs bad.

Except in this case Female good (always right) Male bad (always wrong)




SueMaid Report 20 Aug 2009 23:48

Lol, Allan:))

Sue xx


Tecwyn Report 20 Aug 2009 23:50

I have seen the most severely handicapped children achieve amazing results that even surprised their own parents - the thing is motivation, encouragement, patience, and the belief in the childs potential.
I deeply regret not having gone into that field in a professional way when I was young.
The years I worked with those kids were some of the happiest years of my life, of course there were sad times too, by the very nature of things, but more than once I crept into a corner and cried when a child achieved something nobody thought possible.

Allan..........Not the big silence.........Whooppeeee - peace at last



Tecwyn Report 21 Aug 2009 00:02


Q. What's the difference between a new wife, and a new dog?

A. After a year, the dog is still excited to see you!



Allan Report 21 Aug 2009 00:06


I get a whole weekend of peace next week.

My OH sings in the Bunbury Catholic Liturgical Choir and they are heading to Perth next week to sing in a Monastery. Yeh, go figure!

She leaves on Friday afternoon and returns late Sunday evening.

A whole week end to myself, except that my daughter will probably pop in to make sure that I am not cavorting with any loose women!

By the way, don't let the title of the choir fool you; people of all denominations, and religions, are welcome to join



SueMaid Report 21 Aug 2009 00:06

When our grand-daughter took her first steps we openly and unashamedly cried. Of course her twin brother had been running around for a year before she walked. The boys don't see a difference - they would drag her everywhere with her. The doctor told my daughter that having a two brothers would help her progress and it's true. To see the 3 of them dancing and singing to the music on the TV or stereo often brings a tear to my eye. I remember how we felt when we discovered our little one had Downs' - this was before she was born. We didn't know what to expect but she is a joy as are all the grandchildren.

Sue xx

I don't suppose it's occurred to you Allan that she may also be looking forward to the trip to get some peace from you:))


Tecwyn Report 21 Aug 2009 00:21

I think you should join the choir and sing in the monastry too - I think it would be good for your spiritual well being.............on the other hand - well a man on his own for the weekend could get up to all sorts of capers lol

I know what you mean Sue. It is marvelous that your little girl has brothers to encourage and motivate her, even if yet they don't realise they are doing that. We havea lovely girl here in the village with Downs. She is about 20 yrs old, takes an active part in the church activities, delivers the church mag around the village, and frequently reprimands me for not attending church. She is apparently very good at needlework, and makes a lot of her own clothes - quite trendy too.



Allan Report 21 Aug 2009 00:22

Nooo, SueMaid, perish the thought!

Sue I am pleased that your grand-daughter is making, what seems to me, normal progress for any three year old.

I haven't commented on this thread regarding disabilities of any nature as I have no direct experience of either working directly with or caring for any one who is disabled.

I have, however had work colleagues who have had physical disabilities. One in particular, who lost a leg due to bone cancer is the most positive person I have ever met.

Funnily enough, he never considered himself disabled. To him, a double amputee was disabled.

He also, in a good way, sometimes took advantage of his disability!

When the council was building new offices he and I had to go to Perth looking for furniture. He'd drive to the various shops, park outside and stick his ACROD sticker on the dash, and that was it: no parking hassles, no tickets.

Normally he never used his sticker!



Allan Report 21 Aug 2009 00:27


If I went to a monastery, I'd probably end up in the kitchens....

....I'd be the original Chip Monk

...or Friar



Tecwyn Report 21 Aug 2009 00:42

Oh dear Allan - that was very witty...........

my brain never works that quick - but it is late at night
OH is watching a late night movie - so I've been allowed to stay up a bit later
But it will be me who will get up early in the morning as usual



Allan Report 21 Aug 2009 00:48


There are some people who would say that my brain never works, full stop!!

And it is early morning over here in a damp WA



Susan10146857 Report 21 Aug 2009 00:55

This is a beautiful thread SueMaid. One day when I have the 'real' time, I hope to add to it and make 'real' friends with other members as opposed to sticking my oar in now and then when time permits :-))


Allan Report 21 Aug 2009 00:58

G'day to you Susan with numbers

I trust that you are well




Tecwyn Report 21 Aug 2009 01:01

Hello Susan with numbers,

Don't know about the rest of your brain Allan, but you are certainly quick witted in your humour.

Well the tv has gone off, so I must stagger off to bed.

Good Day my Aussie friends.
Goodnight Poms



Allan Report 21 Aug 2009 01:02

Thanks, Tec, and goodnight to you




Carolee Report 21 Aug 2009 01:13

Good Morning/evening all:))

Sue..yesterday you asked me if we were close to those fires.
No, thank god!! We were put on alert a couple of times though, It was the most scariest time that I have ever been through. I am really dreading this years summer fire season!

I am going to Ballarat this weekend for my oldest sister's 50th birthday, which is on Sunday. We are taking her to a nice restaurant on Saturday night. It will be great to catch up with some of our large family, we are staying in motel rooms for the night, it should be fun:))

My house is a home.. its clean, but not always tidy. Living with 3 teens, I find you cannot possibly have a spotless house without having a nervous breakdown, so I don't stress too much. Its a slow process, training the teens.
My oldest son who is 18, and can cook, made the best rice pudding the other day. It was as good as the rice pudding my dad once made. So I feel I'm doing something right!!
I'm going to try to make sure that when all my children eventually leave home they can fully take care of themselves.
I feel that if the never ending washing and ironing are done and kept up to date, I'm content:))

Our day here today is cold, wet and very windy.

I hope you all have a great day/night:))



Janetx Report 21 Aug 2009 04:21

Good Morning !!

Wow you guys and gals can chat :))))))

I am able to get up and about today as this cold has really taken hold over me this last week and with the tendonitis its been a yucko week..!!

Have not been able to attend tafe and was suppose to go back to work on light duties this week but had to put that off as I work with elderly/disabled and people having treatment for cancer and a cold is the last thing that they would want.

Reading through posts about grandparents made me think back as to when i was a child I was constantly asking my parents about my grandparents, as we came out from the UK when I was only two I have no memory pf grandparents and I missed that connection with them. My friends would often talk about spending time with their grandparents and I suppose i felt like i had missed out not having them around. As we did not have any other relatives out here it was just the five of us!

I too was very close to my father as a child he was a very reserved man and did not say too much, but as I got older we became great mates and had the same sense of humour and when he died it absoloutely broke my world I miss him everyday and its like they say he was the first man that i loved. My mum and I have a great relationship but that to took some time to develop but we are on the phone everyday and I would do anything for her. She is a great grandmother also to me three always handing out sweets and treats and hugs.

Sue...We to have a downs in our family...and he is very special to us !!

Have a lovely day all I am going for a nap again..catch up on some sleep i have missed coughing through the night.

ttfn xx

Going to have to work out this problem as its becoming a pain...I think I know what the problem is now tho its the keyboard....Sorry will get it fixed!!


SueMaid Report 21 Aug 2009 07:34

Hello my friends:))

Janet nice to see you although I'm sorry to hear you've not been well with your cold and tendonitis. You've not had a good week have you? Hope you feel better soon.

Carole - hope you have a lovely time in Ballarat. I love it. We've been several times and I always enjoy that area of Victoria. I'm glad you weren't directly affected by the bush-fires but it must've been frightening all the same. Let's hope that the loss of so many people last year was not in vain and that lessons have been learnt.

Susanwithnumbers you know you are always welcome on here:))

It's been cold and cloudy all day although it started well. The wind has come up and it looks like rain which I guess we need. We did some outside tidying up this morning. We have a pergola at the back of the house that has become neglected since we built the front verandah. It's started to look like a dump with a couple of old chairs and plant pots etc. cluttering the area. Our barbecue was also looking grubby so we gave it a good clean and put a new cover over it. A good morning's work.

Allan I hope your OH has a lovely time in Perth with her choir. We'll be watching you so behave yourself:)))

I'm sure I'll be speaking to some of you this evening/morning - look forward to it.

Sue xx


me Report 21 Aug 2009 07:40

Do we have any members who live in Perth ?

if so i have a mate who is moving there next year and is looking for some contacts