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Stray cat dilemma

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PollyPoppet Report 7 Oct 2009 20:00

Hi Anina i once had about 7 strays that i was feeding cost me a fortune too but worth it to know the poor little pusscats had at least something to eat my ex OH said they all probaly told their mates where to get something to eat lol


Annina Report 8 Oct 2009 00:31

I think you are right about the bush telegreph, there are at the moment,two half grown hedghogs hoovering up the whiskas.

5 mins ago I went out to talk to Wilf,and he marched into the house in front of me, I think he is at the moment exploring the bedrooms.

So, he is feeling at home,we will see what we will see!!!

Night all,I'll keep you posted, love,Nina.


Annina Report 8 Oct 2009 20:31

Well,here we are, another day in the life of Wilfred. He slept all night in hubby's bedroom,curled up on his pillow. Came downstairs with me and big squidgy cat ,William,and went out on his way.

He came to patio doors half an hour ago,and once more went upstairs.

I think that we have been adopted. I do have a note in the local pet shop,and will check him for a chip at the vet,but frankly,if he has got an owner,then they don't deserve him. Even poverty is no excuse for neglect. will keep you updated,Nina


PollyPoppet Report 8 Oct 2009 21:03

Hi Anina
thats really good to hear bless that he has found a nice place to sleep on your hubbies pillow lol and that he is getting on with your other cat looks like he has moved in

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 9 Oct 2009 03:14

So glad Wilfred seems to have settled in with you and hope all goes well at the vets and no chip found - as you say if he has owners they don't deserve to have him back.
I was adopted when I was pregnant, by a kitten around 6 months old, she was sitting on my doorstep when I got home from work one day when I was about six months pregnant - I already had two cats and hadn't planned on having more, with a baby to come and being a single parent. I put a polaroid pic of her in the local newsagent and asked around but no one claimed her, so she stayed with us for the rest of her life. She was a dear little cat, not as cuddly as my others but friendly enough and loved to sit outside and 'talk' to all the passers by. She was always very small, a tortoiseshell who, because I thought her owner would show up, I temporarily called Chloe after a good friend of mine. It was a bit embarrassing later when my friend visited and I said I had called the cat after her! Chloe lived to the age of 16 and is buried in the front garden of my house as that was where she liked to sit and watch people pass by.

Hope Wilfred gives you as much pleasure as Chloe did me and my son.



Annina Report 12 Oct 2009 13:59

Hi all, I noticed Maggie Winchester's thread and thought I would update you on Wilfred's progress. There's not much to tell,except that he now sleeps over most nights,and my two "official " cats William and Oliver,the "cat from HELL" get along with him fine. I have,on the landing, a set of shelves for linen,and he likes to sleep under there.
When he uses his litter tray,usually manages to tip it up,but at least he does use it.
He is also taking much more pride in his appearance,and He even started purring the other day,which I've never heard him do before. When He is settled,I will take him for a check up,but there is no rush as he seems fairly healthy.Will update if you are interested. Love,Nina from sunny Sheffield.


Annina Report 12 Oct 2009 14:02

Oh,forgot to mention,I now have three resident ginger toms,does anyone know where I can buy ginger carpeting and bedlinen???


maggiewinchester Report 12 Oct 2009 14:36

LOL Nina - glad Wilf's settled in - why do they like linen?
Mine make heroic efforts to get in the airing cupboard - but one hairy duvet cover at a time is enough for me - it can get embarrassing hanging out the (now rarely used) cream cover - it looks grey, covered in black fur - it's been washed but my, how the fur sticks!!!


PollyPoppet Report 12 Oct 2009 19:55

Hi Anina looks like you have yourself another cat
bet wilfred is so glad to have found someone to love him and give him a home

Jean (Monmouth)

Jean (Monmouth) Report 12 Oct 2009 19:56

Tell me about it Maggie! We have alonghair tortie, and a black short hair, then theres me shedding hair. OH has a crew cut1 Cleaner is full every day, but there is hair on everything even the tea towels!


LanarkshireLassie Report 12 Oct 2009 20:28

Hello Nina.

Just found your thread. Don't know how that I missed it.

Happy to hear that the story of Wilfred, is looking good!

A few years ago, I had an unkempt cat, come to visit. I had 3 mogs of my own at the time.

I felt so sorry for this poor bedraggled creature. He was happy enough to come in for a feed. Just had to make sure that my other crew were in another part of the house. Don't think my lot were too keen on sharing.

I managed to put a collar on visitor, just to let his owners know that he has visited, and was being looked after.

Didn't see him after a few months.

I like to think that his owners looked after him better, or moved away.

At least I know he was happy to visit us for a while.



Annina Report 26 Oct 2009 14:26

Hello all,I thought I would update you on Wilfred.

He has now taken up permanant residence with us,and is proving to be very affectionate,in fact,can't get enough cuddles. We took him to see the vet last week,no chip,but his temperature was normal. He has awful diarreah sp, so that is being treated, the Vet thinks he is middle aged as far as she can tell,but is in fairly good health.

He is going back next week to be neutered and chipped,while they are at it will sort out his manky tail. Thanks for all your interest,Nina


Jane Report 26 Oct 2009 15:06

That's brilliant news.I hope his tummy problem gets sorted and his tail.....bless.

Jean (Monmouth)

Jean (Monmouth) Report 26 Oct 2009 15:22

Nina, it may be something as simple as regular feeding of a different diet to what he is used to that is the cause of his diarrhea. Great that he is affectionate.

McAnne's Gahan-Crazy

McAnne's Gahan-Crazy Report 26 Oct 2009 15:26

Awwww i love a happy ending lol

Annina - i read your thread right through the other week and i hoped he would settle with you.

The fact that he is so affectionate i think, goes to prove that stray toms don't become that by choice all the time - just some one somewhere couldn't be bothered - I'm glad he found you :O))


PollyPoppet Report 26 Oct 2009 15:26

Hi Annina was wondering how wilfred was getting on thats great news so glad he has found a good home and someone to love him he sounds a lovely wee soul keep us updated about him


Annina Report 26 Oct 2009 19:23

Hi everyone again,It is lovely that so many folk are interested in one,scruffy little cat.I thought that I would fill you all in on his slowly emerging personality,
When we first took him in ,I put him a litter tray in the kitchen, but I don't think that he had ever used one before,so initially pood on anything that smelled like soil.
Once my hubby's work boots and one time my sweeping brush,luvly. Now he is proud of his en suite and uses it before going out in the garden.One time he got caught short and pood on the bath mat,then he folded it up really neatly in a perfect square. Strangely,although he is an entire male, he never sprays around the house,which I am gratful for,I love cats but not the smell of randy toms.
Well, bye for now, Nina


Annina Report 27 Oct 2009 01:04

Can't sleep so I thought that I would tell you the tale of the hoover.
My eyesight is very poor and I live a happy life,NOT seeing dust and cobwebs.But,I do, now and then,get out the rubber gloves and dusters and pretend to be houseproud.
Yesterday,I was hoovering the hall and sucked up what I thought was a dead leaf.However,after a few seconds it became obvious that I had dispatched one of Wilfreds turds. Now,I can't take the hoover to bits because of arthritis,and I darn't admit to hubby that the new lodger has crapped on our £65 a mtr carpet. What to do now?? leave it to mummify and hope the eye watering stench will go away?


Annina Report 27 Oct 2009 17:14



PollyPoppet Report 27 Oct 2009 17:39

lol sorry had to laugh
if i was you i would own up to hubby and get him to sort it and put up with the moans say you have to expect little accidents with wilfred and lay it on thick about him being a poor little waif and stray good luck
sorry posted twice