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Another healthy current affairs debate gone

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Silly Sausage

Silly Sausage Report 4 Jun 2010 20:29

I can hear a noise but cant see anyone..

Silly Sausage

Silly Sausage Report 4 Jun 2010 20:29

I can hear a noise but cant see anyone..


(¯`*•.¸JUPITER JOY AND HER CRYSTAL BALLS(¯`*•.¸ Report 4 Jun 2010 21:00

well heres my 2 pennuth......everytime sumink likes this happens its sort out the gun hubby has guns .and believe me its like a fort trying to get near his gun cabinet .thats if you can find he hides the keys so hes vetted real close.and so he should be .but................if this guy has done this cos of tax stuff.why not sort out that.the tax peeps they can be merciless not that i am making excuses for that guy at all.its always the gun laws etc.


JaneyCanuck Report 4 Jun 2010 21:02

Oh well, Kitty. To each her own, eh?

I can't be bothered with passive-aggressive whining, myself. Or absence of the courage of someone's convictions.

If you don't have anything to say, don't say it!

If you do have something to say, have the guts to say it.

Mottos to live by.

Howzat for short and sweet?

People who choose to engage in a discussion of a serious and complex issue in public and then whine about how many words someone uses, and whine about being presented with actual information about the subject, and whine about being challenged to back up their own words with something resembling facts, reaaaally bore me.


JaneyCanuck Report 4 Jun 2010 21:05

Just one more tip before I wander off to amuse myself, in the public interest.

Talking about owning firearms, on the internet, may not be wise. (Said to no one in particular: more than one person has done this in these two threads.)

Toronto police, for example, have strongly urged firearms owners not to discuss their firearms in public. Thieves do target residences with firearms in them. So that might be one of the bits of personal info one might choose to keep off the internet.

~~~Secret Red ^^ Squirrel~~~  **007 1/2**

~~~Secret Red ^^ Squirrel~~~ **007 1/2** Report 4 Jun 2010 21:06

Well it looks like you're both bored by each others comments.

I find it fascinating (today at least) but nethertheless, I do wish that you wouldn't get so personal and stick to the subject.


JaneyCanuck Report 4 Jun 2010 21:10

Oh, well .......

Why not sort out the tax stuff? C'mon. I'd rather not pay taxes myself. (Of course, I realize that wold leave me without roads and sewers and schools ...)

We can't sort out every grievance that every loon might have. Marc Lépine was aggrieved that he couldn't get into engineering school, which he believed he deserved to do, for which he blamed women, so he shot 14 women engineering students dead. A guy a few months ago in the States was aggrieved that attractive women wouldn't date him, which he believed he deserved, so he went to a gym and shot a few women dead.

We also can't keep guns out of the hands of every loon with a grievance.

But we can be realistic and say that it is unwise to allow everyone, including loons with grievances, easy access to firearms, and do what is likely to be effective to at least make it more difficult for that to happen, so it happens less.


JaneyCanuck Report 4 Jun 2010 21:14

Well, SRS, I guess you weren't talking to me, since I did not get personal and I stuck completely to the subject.

Until somebody came along and started getting personal (in the usually cowardly way) about me and whining about something totally unrelated to the subject and completely about me ...

Amazingly, I really have no interest in being a topic of conversation.


(¯`*•.¸JUPITER JOY AND HER CRYSTAL BALLS(¯`*•.¸ Report 4 Jun 2010 21:15

janie we dont give access to just anyone .you are vetted and checked ,[and rightly so.]my point was if this guy had problems with tax issues its about time the government were more helpfull on this issue ...its pay up or else.maybe this guy got scared i dont know .not that it gives him the right to do what he did.but as soon as this happened hubby said you watch gun laws here we go again.


Kay???? Report 4 Jun 2010 21:16

Joyous ~~ I think it goes much deeper than his Taxes,but all in good time.

♥ Kitty the Rubbish Cook ♥

♥ Kitty the Rubbish Cook ♥ Report 4 Jun 2010 21:21

I am deleting my previous 2 posts TW.

If I have offended anyone. I sincerely apologise, my opinions are clearly not wanted, so I will keep them to myself in future.

~~~Secret Red ^^ Squirrel~~~  **007 1/2**

~~~Secret Red ^^ Squirrel~~~ **007 1/2** Report 4 Jun 2010 21:27

In my opinion JC, I think your post was quite personal too. Obviously you don't see it that way:

Oh well, Kitty. To each her own, eh?

I can't be bothered with passive-aggressive whining, myself. Or absence of the courage of someone's convictions.

If you don't have anything to say, don't say it!

If you do have something to say, have the guts to say it.

Mottos to live by.

Howzat for short and sweet?

People who choose to engage in a discussion of a serious and complex issue in public and then whine about how many words someone uses, and whine about being presented with actual information about the subject, and whine about being challenged to back up their own words with something resembling facts, reaaaally bore me.


(¯`*•.¸JUPITER JOY AND HER CRYSTAL BALLS(¯`*•.¸ Report 4 Jun 2010 21:27

i think your right gripe is how straight away the government start with the gun laws.i cant see how they can make them tighter.


TeresaW Report 4 Jun 2010 21:28

Kitty no need to delete, you are as entitled to your view as much as anyone else is hun.

Joyous, like Kay said, it must go deeper than tax problems, and its still all speculation at the moment, the police have not confirmed or denied any of the rumours circulating at the moment. The only thing they are sure of is that his brother, his solicitor and the taxi drivers were not random killings, but the rest were.

We don't know what tipped him over the edge. The tax investigation does seem the most plausible at the moment, but that doesn't explain why he shot his twin brother.


TeresaW Report 4 Jun 2010 21:29

Joyous, the government have not started with anything. All they have said is that there shoudl be NO kneejerk reaction regarding gun laws at least until we know as much as we can about it. It's the do-gooders and the anti-gun lobby that have jumped on this particular bandwagon in the main.


StrayKitten Report 4 Jun 2010 21:30

kitty you pay your subs and are allowed an opinion as well as the rest of us, and shouldnt feel the nee to delte hun xxxx


JaneyCanuck Report 4 Jun 2010 21:30

Joy, I know all about the gun laws, really.

The question is whether there is some way to prevent incidents like this, and others.

The fact is that they are commonplace in the US -- it's a rare week when there isn't a mass shooting somewhere, a workplace, a school, a street.

They are rare but not unknown in Canada. They are virtually unknown in the UK.

What's the common thread?

Anybody over the age of 5 can get hold of a gun in the US without breaking a sweat. In Canada, I could go through the process of getting a firearms licence and a firearm, but anyone who couldn't would have a more difficult time getting a gun -- much more effort and much more money than in the US, for example. In the UK, it would be more difficult still, I expect.

One common thread is the gun laws. There may as well not be any in the US, it is so easy to ignore them. And there is precious little in the way of laws about storage of guns -- so you get cases like teenagers taking their parents' guns and committing mayhem. In Canada and the UK, where the laws are stricter, there is less mayhem.

Obviously, there is a connection.

Would different laws make the situation even better? That is always the question. Plainly, in the US, laws requiring licensing, registration and safe storage -- if they were enforced to at least some degree -- would likely make a large difference. The UK has those laws. Are there other laws that could make a difference? Possibly.

Nobody can even begin to consider that question without knowing a lot more about the recent event -- where the gun came from, how the man got it, etc. etc. Nobody really thinks that "more laws" will do something. It's a question of what laws, and how they are enforced.

As for the taxes business: what else is a government supposed to say but pay up or else? Unless it was a real case of undue hardship or unfair treatment, and there are ways of dealing with that. Even if there aren't, and you lose your case completely, you really just don't go murdering people. Not if you're normal and decent.

If there are gun laws that could reduce the risk of an abnormal, immoral person murdering people, what would be the problem with that?


(¯`*•.¸JUPITER JOY AND HER CRYSTAL BALLS(¯`*•.¸ Report 4 Jun 2010 21:33

yes i know its only speculation at the moment.but if you read i said IF.and on that note i,ll leave you all to bite each others arses..PRESS THE BUTTON ....nite


(¯`*•.¸JUPITER JOY AND HER CRYSTAL BALLS(¯`*•.¸ Report 4 Jun 2010 21:37

who ??? me


(¯`*•.¸JUPITER JOY AND HER CRYSTAL BALLS(¯`*•.¸ Report 4 Jun 2010 21:43

ok cool.