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**Ann** Report 2 Aug 2010 21:39

No! I suppose it is down to being in the right place at the right time, the time you bought your tickets etc..........i dont go in for the rabbits foot thing lol.

My daughter had a similar thing happen a few months ago, she and OH needed a new gas boiler so decided to break into their savings and get some quotes, as they were looking for local plumbers on the internet her phone bleeped with a message, it was a message to say they had won £2790.00 on the lottery! Just enough for a Supply & fit combi.


**Ann** Report 2 Aug 2010 21:41

See they are still being kept apart then. John james will need his extension pole tonight then! LOL


**Ann** Report 2 Aug 2010 23:14

Yawn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!the Josie & JJ show, it was far more entertaining watching Ben on BBLB


GRMarilyn Report 2 Aug 2010 23:16

Its gone back to being BOOOOOOORING again ..Ughhh.

Night all ...... xxx


MarionfromScotland Report 3 Aug 2010 20:22

Hi all.

Did you check your shoes Ann?...Standing on **** is meant be lucky lol.


**Ann** Report 3 Aug 2010 20:27

LOL Marion! We are thinking of going again on fingers crossed!

Well looks like Josie is about to crack, Sam is really getting under her skin!

JJ Rachel and Mario did their save and replace task and Mario won and put Dave up instead! Why didn,t he put up Dosey Josie!


MarionfromScotland Report 3 Aug 2010 21:04

Hi Ann.

Sams a bit funny,sense of humour if nothing else lol


GRMarilyn Report 3 Aug 2010 22:40

Hi All,

Well I'm under the influence ...Of Gin & Tonic !!

My sister decided I needed it ...LOL she gave me a very large one then we had a meal cooked by her and more wine,
So I'll give my thoughts tomorrow.....I'm off to bed so will watch BB tomorrow ..

Bye for now xxx


StrayKitten Report 4 Aug 2010 12:21

hi ladies,

i won be about much, as i have internet problems, so will only be on now n again when im a mams lol,

sam is right stirring them up, woop woop x


GRMarilyn Report 4 Aug 2010 12:27

Hi Stray ,

I wondered were you were yesterday ...

Never mind you'll have to read all about BB later as nothing much is happening anyway ....Unless Ann got any scandal that we don't know about ..LOL

Back tonight......hope it livens up a bit ..


MarionfromScotland Report 4 Aug 2010 14:46


I loved the message from the tree pmsl.
So much for splitting up 'the love birds'....if they are really that is.


GRMarilyn Report 4 Aug 2010 18:13

Awwwhhhh in it nice.....JJ & Corrie Slept together last night .

Suppose her so called girl friend will be weeping now ..

Mind you she did tell him he's not to look at her in the morning without her mask on ..LOL

I have seen her wake up with them false eyelashes on, must be vain or what ? mind you I never wiped my eyebrows off when I first got married .. it did'nt last long .. LOL


MarionfromScotland Report 4 Aug 2010 18:51

Hi Marilyn.

Yes she looks a lot differnt with no eyebrows or lashes.


**Ann** Report 4 Aug 2010 20:47

Evening Comrades!

Lots of tension in there today. Sam stirring & stirring! JJ getting too big for his boots.........thinks he's untouchable now....Mr. popularity along with Mrs Popularity!............god I hope they put them all up next week so one of them will go.

Stray.........You not paid your internet account .lol

Going to make a coffe now and a little something to nibble on.



StrayKitten Report 4 Aug 2010 22:24

lol Ann, no my neighbour has lol

i fixed her lappy when i first moved in, and she said dont get the net, run of mine n gave me the passowrd,

i was running of mams but hers was a better signal, shes been cut of n mams was playing up reaching mine, but alls ok now lol, i think haha

missed he firs half of bb but im here now lol,

was having company but change of plan lol x


**Ann** Report 5 Aug 2010 00:16

Oh Crikey...........looks like the JJJ romance has been beaten to the finish line by JJ & Corrie..........blimey the internet is buzzing (pardon the pun!) about what she was doing to him under the covers!

Watched live feed and John James is in a right strop arguing with Dave, and looking like he is about to explode, by the way he is dressed for the dickens task in a wedding that I suppose did not go down well.........also walked out of the task.......then tried to justify his actions by saying he was helping Rachel as she did not want to do it! Making himself out to be a hero.

Should be a good one tomorrow & Friday!!

Where is M&M??

nite nite allxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


GRMarilyn Report 5 Aug 2010 01:49

I'm here Ann ..LOL

I couldn't sleep ....its 1-45 am .

Just had a cuppa & toast.

I watched BB in bed but wished I hadn't as I fell asleep and .... I woke up just as Corrie was jumping in bed with JJ .....Ohhhhhh what WAS she doing ...LOL

Going to watch it all tomorrow as I have also videoed +one.

Just looking at some threads now...


MarionfromScotland Report 5 Aug 2010 08:24

Morning all.

Reporting for duty lol.

Well, what do you think of Corrin? Is this for real or to take the attention off the othe two? i bet they wont be happy.
What about Corrin's girfriend??? The mind boggles lol
Sam is putting some life into things.

Yes JJ is getting a bit big headed,thinks hes in with a chance.


GRMarilyn Report 5 Aug 2010 08:55

Hi Marion,

I don't like that little toe Rag Sam......what a weird fellow he is !!

I like things stirred up in BB ,but he's stupid with it and doing it all wrong ...LOL
Irritating ....mind I think Josie has said a lot of what I would have said to him ,
but whats with John James .....whimp !! why cant he say a few words in favour of Josie ??

Josie get rid of your lover I say ....LOL


GRMarilyn Report 5 Aug 2010 08:59

Marion ..

Forgot to say Corrie I think she does like JJ, isn't she funny though she's grown on me.

There was some talk about Corrie not that bothered about the friendship with her girlfriend outside ........but you don't know who to believe in the papers do you ??