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Medical corner!!!!

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AnnCardiff Report 7 Sep 2010 22:36

amazing!!! a miracle!!!


Katherine Report 7 Sep 2010 20:21

He's had a miraculous recovery watching England and Switzerland judging by the Yipeeeeing when Rooney scored Haha!


AnnCardiff Report 7 Sep 2010 19:17

d'you think he'll pull through Katherine!!! I'm still not 100% but getting there albeit slowly!!


Katherine Report 7 Sep 2010 18:47

Ann, glad your feeling a bit better xx

AmazingGrace, the dying afflicted one is now feeling better, though a little shaky. I'm off to make him something to eat before I go to work later


AmazingGrace08 Report 7 Sep 2010 00:39

LOL Katherine, why is though that often when males get the flu they get it "much worse" than females...

Either they plod along refusing to go to the doctor to get anything to help them get better or when they do finally go, they fall in a heap and can't get off the couch for love nor money to make a cup of tea etc!

Hope everyone is feeling healthy and happy today!


AnnCardiff Report 6 Sep 2010 21:56

thanks for that Jean - something worth remembering - the 6th antibiotic tablet seems to have finally kicked in!! I don't walk with a iimp now!!

Jean (Monmouth)

Jean (Monmouth) Report 6 Sep 2010 19:39

At one time I had these infections frequently, then I was told about cider vinegar. Taking about ten mil of this , in water, squash, or neat as suits you, daily, will help to keep infections at bay. I too have had the occasional one with no burning signs at all and have been surprised when my sample comes up infected.


Katherine Report 6 Sep 2010 19:24

Hi Ann,
Glad you're feeling a bit better. Took my son to the doctors today and he has a throat infection. She gave him antibiotics and told him to rest as he feels dizzy a lot. He is now lying on the sofa feeling sorry for himself.
I'm off to work in a bit so no doubt he'll cope as everything is in arms reach, remote, drinks etc
You're right though, they will always be our babies no matter.


AnnCardiff Report 6 Sep 2010 13:49

Hi there all - many thanks for your kind words and advice - am feeling marginally better today - back still hurts but hoping the medication will kick in soon - hopefully we are all a lot wiser now about this condition now - I certainly am anyway

grateful thanks once again

Ann XX


ladylol Report 6 Sep 2010 08:36

hope you are feelong better this morning x x x


Julia Report 6 Sep 2010 07:31

Hi Ann of GG
I don't think we have spoken before but hope you are recovering and feeling better now.

I have had numerous recurring UTI's and know just how miserable they are. I have been investigated and still they don't know what causes them.
Now when I get one I get the usual antibiotics which are then followed up by a low dose of the same which are prescribed for 3 months and taken at night. When these finish I take a cranberry tablet daily which seems to help prevent another infection starting.

Julia in Herts


Cath2010 Report 6 Sep 2010 07:16

Ann of GG,
Hope today is better for you,
take care,


AmazingGrace08 Report 6 Sep 2010 05:34

Hi Ann,

Hope you feel better today.

Amazing how when your back is out, how much it can lay you low!

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 6 Sep 2010 04:42

Hi Ann, hope you are feeling lots better today.

Just want to say that if you are buying the cranberry drink, OS one, it's an expensive way to do it as it's mainly water. You can get cranberry extract tablets/capsules from H and B which are more concentrated and if you take them regularly they can help to keep things away, so I've been told so hopefully preventing an infection from starting.
I took them for ages after I had a kidney stone and the urologist said I was doing the right thing, he was the one who told me not to bother with the OS drink as it wasn't worth the money.

Hope you can get rid of the infection soon, last thing you need eh?



AnnCardiff Report 6 Sep 2010 01:13

forgot to say Katherine - hope your lad gets better soon - mine's in his early forties but always be my baby - though he was looking after me this morning - him and his lovely wife!!! doesn't matter how old they are does it!!


Katherine Report 5 Sep 2010 21:45

Oh Ann
BIG HUG! All the way to wales for you.
Everyone needs a bit of TLC when they are down, or ill.


AnnCardiff Report 5 Sep 2010 21:37

just read your message Janey and I shall to to my GP - he's an absolute dish anyway and I don't see him often enough!!! good reason to go!!


AnnCardiff Report 5 Sep 2010 21:36

sorry - went back to bed and just resurfaced!!! still have a painful back but in my had don't feel too bad - not hot and cold now and might actually have something to eat - have hit the cranberry juice as well

you're all a soppy lot you know, and it makes me feel very happy to be part of the gang!!! - all soppy together

I had to tell the doctor not to be nice to me this morning cos I felt so tearful a nice word would have opened floodgates!!!


JaneyCanuck Report 5 Sep 2010 21:34

Ann -- I haven't read the thread past the beginning (probably wise, I think) ...

My mum is having the same trouble only no symptoms at all, not the back pain even.

She had a blood test (part of the ongoing lymphoma monitoring) that showed elevated white blood cells, sign of an infection. So they tested her urine and sure enough, an infection. It's just happened again, after she finished the antibiotics. So she's been referred to a urologist.

I suffered from the danged things all through my childhood and young adulthood, even went into hospital for testing (nothing found). Got it from my mum's mother, it seemed. Eventually it just kind of stopped.

Now, I won't make the obvious suggestion that someone may already have. I believe we've discussed that one before. ;)

Take your meds and go back for a test when they're done!


Wend Report 5 Sep 2010 21:30

I know, you're right, Sue (both comments) :-)