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Janet Report 10 Oct 2010 12:51

Another gripe I have are the people, usually women, who queue at the supermarket, put their goods into their trolley and then just stand there waiting for the check out to say how much it cost.
Then, and only then, do they decide to find their purse and sort out the money as if they have just discovered that they have to pay for it. Why can't they get the purses at the ready as soon as they have put the goods in the trolley.
Years ago I remember my non banking friends complaining about people who wrote cheques at the check out , complaining that they wasted everyone elses time. Now it has done full circle with the cash paying customers standing like statues waiting for some amount to be spoken before finding their purse.-JLe


Janet Report 10 Oct 2010 12:59

To Ann in Glos.....that can happen in N** We** bank, when I asked where the letter box was for their envelope banking. I am not deaf, but being over 60 I also got the s-l-o-w, defined words,in a l-o-u-d-e-r voice. .....and she also told me that it was 'secure' ..imagine that in a bank.

If I had been a teenager I could have used modern parlance and told her to......... JLe


Deanna Report 10 Oct 2010 13:01

My big beef is.... people who HAVE hearing aids and DO NOT WEAR THEM!
They cost a fortune and they lie in a drawer somewhere.
Then.... and you do realize that I am talking of my husband don't you?.... they say "I would understand you better "if you would just speak clearly".
Or sometimes..... "ANNUNCIATE!" grrrrrrrrr
How long would I get for homicide?

And Ann I could join you on a roll too, but I am not able to sit here to long today..
Love the thread Harry.
Deanna X


*~~*Posh*~~* Report 10 Oct 2010 13:01

People who refer to Children as KIDS....
People spitting in the streets....

I dare say I could think of more.. lol


AnninGlos Report 10 Oct 2010 13:04

In contrast I was in M&S in Santa Cruz Tenerife, apparently the assistant offered me advice on something but I didn't hear as she was behind me, my OH pointed to his ear and she immediately said "Oh Pardone, pardone" and came round in front of me and spoke quietly but clearly while facing me, in good English.


Janice Report 10 Oct 2010 13:11

People who can't afford the indicator option on the car and have decided to communicate by telepathy instead! AAAAGHHHHH!


Janet Report 10 Oct 2010 13:15

Wouldn't it be wonderful if all people were educated the same as the assistant in Tenerife. If hearing people would always speak directly to the deaf person and not facing away from them, or covering their mouths when speaking , or shouting, or mumbling it would help a very difficult disability-JLe


Julie Report 10 Oct 2010 13:18


Im glad that im not the only one who don't like it when people
refer to Children as kids

Many a time on here when helping with looks up & people say kids.......i say aren't they baby goats


gerrybear Report 10 Oct 2010 13:39

Hi all! Bit of a newby here.
Janice, I so agree with the indicator matter! My pet hate (a real problem here) is the tendency to drive way too close to the car in front. If they watn a lift, all they have to do is ask! ; )

Also, people who sound their car horn before driving away, particularly at night. Why not say goodbye before getting in the car?


Phyll Report 10 Oct 2010 14:20

Manufacturers who don't consider people with Arthritic Hands. Opening Bleach, milk and various other items - it's a nightmare.


Julia Report 10 Oct 2010 14:22

I'll second that one Phyllis, and I havn't got Arthritic hands, and still have difficulty.
Julia in Derbyshire


Guinevere Report 10 Oct 2010 14:35

People who start queueing for the bus 15 minutes before they can use their off-peak passes and then stop every bus and argue about what time it is with the driver.

Thus the bus is stopped at every stop on the way into the city and arrives 10 minutes later than it should have done.



AnninGlos Report 10 Oct 2010 14:43

Do people really do that Gwynne, no excuse is there? We all know what time we can start using our passes, no point in wasting time by getting there early.

Janet, you forgot, holding a cup or mug in front of mouth while speaking Lol!!!


Eddieisagrandad Report 10 Oct 2010 15:03

Back to toilet rolls - why are some toilet roll holders so low down that when us chaps try to get a couple of sheets to "dab off the drips", by the time we've bent over we've dripped already!
Of course, being smart, in my toilets I have a low down one for ladies and "sit-downs" and another higher up on the wall for us chaps.


Guinevere Report 10 Oct 2010 15:14

They are known as the "Twerlies", Ann.

"Am I too early?"

They are very crafty, as the witching hour approaches they try to keep the driver talking or get on v e r y s l o w l y and root round for their passes. Mostly the drivers are wise to them now but a couple still give in.

Then they have the nerve to complain that there aren't any seats!



Eddieisagrandad Report 10 Oct 2010 15:17

Oh yes, shows and theatres - the nicotine addicts that dash of for a fix during the interval and then come back stinking and sit next to me.


Luckylainey Report 10 Oct 2010 16:51

OMG Harry what a great thread this is. EddieisaGrandad, love the one about the toilet roll holder. Patricia loved the one about the bag thief. Very funny!

Can I add another? I get really annoyed when someone looking up records in the records office does not put the microfiche back in the right place. It's not difficult is it? Just needs to go back in numerical order arrrrrrgh. I spend ages putting the fiche back in the right order.

Lainey x


Harry Report 10 Oct 2010 17:18

Thank you Lainey and all the others kind enough to reply. Being nearly perfect I can only admit thatI identify with just one or two of them. The sounding of the car horn to say "I'm here" or "I'm going" is an annoyance as well as (Still?) being illegal whilst stationary.

Thanks to all. Best wishes Happy days


Deanna Report 10 Oct 2010 17:28

Nice thread Harry, I just wish I was fit to sit and enjoy it today.
Still..... if everyone keeps it on the go, I can come back when I am able.
Keep it up folks, it is interesting, funny and gives us ALL a place to let off steam.... thanks Harry.
Good night.
Deanna X


Libby Report 10 Oct 2010 18:10

I agree with everything so far.

What really annoys me are those blister pack things for tooth brushes, loo fresheners etc. How are you supposed to open the flaming things???. Another thing, why does no one put the scissors away in the right place because I can't open the blister packs without them? :((

Childrens toys are another thing, why do they have all those twisty wire things and cotton - by the tme they have unpacked them they can't be bothered playing with them AND thry come in blister packs!!

Can you tell I have had a bad day at work? lol

That feels better. A good moan does you good.