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Sharron Report 12 Oct 2010 10:49

I am still surprised that people need to use mobile phones so much. I so rarely need to use mine that I generally don't even carry it,. After all I didn't carry one for the first forty odd years of my life.


Thorney Report 12 Oct 2010 10:30

Have to agree with Bridget with people standing in the middle of the pavement and I always find that they do it in the narrowest part of the path.
Also when you say excuse me to get by they just stare at you and then move about 5cm


Patricia Report 12 Oct 2010 09:24

lol patricia my neice does the same thing when having a convesation on the telephone with her when shes finished she just hangs up i have often walked along having a conversation with myself


Cath2010 Report 11 Oct 2010 13:38

Able bodied people who park in disabled spaces.
Where I live there is a sign which says;
"If you take my space, take my disability".
Doesn't deter people though.

Cath x


Mauatthecoast Report 11 Oct 2010 13:33

Who are 'these people'? lol

Let's all remember that no-one is perfect… that’s why pencils have rubbers on the end...

Mau xx


AnninGlos Report 11 Oct 2010 12:58

Patricia, don't you sometimes wonder why people have children?

Re mobile phones. People who wait until they are by a busy main road to make a call then have to shout because the traffic noise is loud. Why not walk around the corner to a quieter place? And why do people shout into their phones. If you think it is bad in UK, you should go to Tenerife. the Spanish speaking population, whether locals or visitors, really yell into their phones, and always when you are just sitting down for a quiet cup of coffee or a nice meal.


Harry Report 11 Oct 2010 12:38

Thank you for all the latest replies. much appreciated.

Another minor irritation is those people who park where they shouldn't and switch on the flashers as if to say "I know i shouldn't stop here but I am going to do just that"..

Happy days


Keith Report 11 Oct 2010 12:19

What about people who park on double yellow lines and in bus stop pull in's

Keith. T


Patricia Report 11 Oct 2010 11:37

hi harry great thread,
i could go on all day about things that annoy me but 1 that springs to mind is about 3.30 in the afternoon when the parents have been to collect the children from school and all you hear is mothers mostly screaming and searing at them saying i,ve had enough of you you're going straight to bed when you get home!!!!!!!!!
for gods sake they have been in school all day the parents have only just seen them!!!!!!!! arnt they glad to be spending time with them?


Cath2010 Report 11 Oct 2010 07:23

My OH not putting the lid on toothpaste drives me nuts!!

Cath x

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 11 Oct 2010 03:22

Great thread Harry!

My o.h. drives me nuts by speaking with his mouth closed, I keep telling him talk don't mutter and he also tries to tell me something from the other room the minute I switch the kettle or microwave on to make a drink (milk in a mug in the microwave) in the kitchen.
Also he doesn't draw the door curtain fully across when it's sunny and with a glass door the carpet has faded to a dreadful colour along the strip that isn't protected by the curtain.

My biggest pet hate tho is people standing their children in shopping trollies in supermarkets. I have on occasion asked whether they don't care that the child could have dog dirt on their shoes and then it goes on the food, one man said well it's all packaged! Then I pointed out that the cheese and cooked meats were packaged but he would be putting them in his fridge when he got home and then taking them out to use and so spreading any germs to the worksurface, plate whatever. You could almost see the light dawning and he blushed and took the child out of the trolley.
I have spoken to managers in every store I use, Tesco, Morrison, Asda, Sainsburys etc etc and all of them say they don't say anything because it upsets the customer. I did point out that it upsets me to have to use a contaminated trolley. Apparently Morrisons last year had several children tumble from trollies where they weren't properly seated in the appropriate part and none of those were able to claim compensation because there are warnings about having children standing up in the trollies. None of them were prepared to talk to the customer about the hygiene implications tho. One Manager in Morrisons said if Tesco started clamping down then they would too.

I never use a deep trolley for that reason but have even seen children put in the smaller trollies where they sit cross legged with the soles of the shoes that they have previously walked on pavements and grass, rubbing on the trolley mesh. I ask for paper to line the trolley now to make my point.



ZZzzz Report 11 Oct 2010 02:00

The car horn hooters, if it were a spike which came up at their face when used while stationary would stop them, people walking 2 or 3 abreast, I just stand still and watch the confusion on their faces, they really don't know what to do for a few seconds.


maggiewinchester Report 11 Oct 2010 00:21

My main bugbear are drivers who park on pavements, leaving very little room for pedestrians, let alone pushchairs, to get by.
They'd be well miffed if I, as a pedestrian, decided to stop in the middle of the road!!!
...and people who insist on talking into their mobile or, even worse, texting, as they walk along the pavement - and expect everyone else to move out of their way! (the 'pacers' - those who go back and forth -are a right pain in the proverbial)
Apparently their communication is sooooooooo important, I can go walk in the road!!!

Oh - and people who insist on walking 2 or 3 abreast on a pavement - and won't go in single file if anyone is walking towards them - yet again the poor 'sole pedestrian' is meant to go on the road.
Have to admit, in such situations, I cling to the inside line, hoping they'll notice me and not crush me against the wall.


maggiewinchester Report 11 Oct 2010 00:13

Oh Bridget - people who insist on having conversations in shop doorways, or just inside the door of a supermarket .
Late September, early October is murder here - students, just moved in together shopping for the first time in a group, discussing what they should buy and what they ALL like, blocking the aisles etc - I have a bus to catch!!


Libby Report 10 Oct 2010 23:41

Bridget. lol.

The pavement thing is my total bug bear. I live in a very small holiday town and hate the months from Easter to end of September. Our pavements are abut 4 foot wide and holiday makers insist on walking at least two abreast with children and dogs in tow and then suddenly come to a dead stop. I usually end up walking in the road because it is safer!!

Why do husbands/ father and children hang about in shop doorways when wife/mum is in the local bakers shop?. No one else can get in :((

Shouldn't moan realy because I probably wouldn't have a job because the local economy relys on the holiday industry. xx


Sharron Report 10 Oct 2010 23:31



SpanishEyes Report 10 Oct 2010 23:14

I get cross at the amount of packaging that comes with almost everything one buys.

Groups of people who stand in the middle of the pavement and then will not move when one needs to pass.

Calling children "kids",

Swearing is another bugbear, do these people not have enough vocabulary?

Why do men always leave the toilet seat up!!! five sons and one husband nearly drove me mad when they were all at home!!

Oh Yes I must not forget those terrible two words "ye know"

Bye for now


AnninGlos Report 10 Oct 2010 21:24

Or cold food (salad) on hot plates!


Robert Report 10 Oct 2010 19:22

Restaurants that serve hot food on cold plates.

Jean (Monmouth)

Jean (Monmouth) Report 10 Oct 2010 19:21

Why are blister packs so large compared to the contents? If you are trying to store something like new toothbrushes, toomuch room is taken up and your cupboard gets full. Moblle phone conversations as you are walking down the stree or round a shop. Who wants to hear where they are and which shop they are going in next. It can be startling to suddenly hear someone say Hello, turn round and find it isnt you they are talking to.