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Wayne Rooney... and foul language

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sally Report 4 May 2011 00:05

I also totally agree, Think Rooney got of lightly. The problem with football today is there is no passion. Footballers get paid far to much but who's to blame??? Joe public will always go to the match what ever the cost, alot of the players don't care as long as they get their money! Wayne Rooney does what he does because he thinks he can (SIMPLE) he thinks like lots of players that they are untouchable, they forget without the public they would be nothing!!! Enough said


Guinevere Report 3 May 2011 20:33

According to Sir Trevor it wasn't straight into the camera like Rooney and that was the difference.


“It was totally different [from Rooney]. The reaction straight into the camera [from Rooney] was the difference,” Brooking added.



Bobtanian Report 3 May 2011 19:32

better than a ban...........he should be made to put a goal in his OWN net at each "banned" game!!


PompeyForever Report 3 May 2011 18:25

What about Kenny Dalglish who swore down the camera.................. no action Taken.................. Rest my case !!!!


Thorney Report 9 Apr 2011 22:01

Muffy I agree with your friend,Ashley Cole should have been done big time if I shot someone with a air gun I would be in jail.

But the trouble is how many people swear on TV or how many times do you see a celebrity or pop star been done for drugs or being drunk and children see that


Muffyxx Report 9 Apr 2011 19:42

I'm not sure what the new guidelines say about shouting it at the crowd Pompey...but if it was seen and put in the referee's match report then hopefully they'll be action taken...i'd have thought that was just the sort of behaviour they were trying to stamp out.

I still think you're missing the point though about the fact that he DELIBERATELY said it in front of the camera and brought it into people's homes whether they wanted to hear it or not. There IS a difference...

I wonder how HE would feel if people started swearing and behaving like that around HIS child? x


PompeyForever Report 9 Apr 2011 19:31

Whilst i do not condone what Rooney did & yes he is a vile piece of work, he was treated Harsh cos of who he is.

Does anyone commenting on hear remember what John Terry, Frank Lampard & Jody Morris said on 9/11?

The FA wouldnt get involved. Now that was BAD & Tasteless !!!


PompeyForever Report 9 Apr 2011 19:22

Today at Fratton Park Hume Scored for Preston to put them 1 -0 up against us !!!

he promptly ran to us & shouted F&^k you Pompey, will he get banned? its unlikely,

Rooney is being made an example of !!!!!


Julia Report 9 Apr 2011 17:30

Yes BC and Muffy, another dear,dear friend, greatly missed.
Get you A*** into gear, and get back on here

Julia in Derbyshire


ChrisofWessex Report 9 Apr 2011 17:27

I believe that at football grounds there are family areas so I would hope in those areas language is kept under control.

However if I had a little lad all eager and watching 'his' team from the safety of his own home and was subjected, without any warning, to that disgusting rant, I would be very upset.

I am led to believe that the word under discussion is an anglo-saxon verb for a particular act so why it is used as an adjective and noun is beyond me.


Muffyxx Report 9 Apr 2011 16:41

*nods sadly*

She is missed x


ButtercupFields Report 9 Apr 2011 16:24

*wonders who that 'fiend' could be.....

a Man U supporter, no doubt.

..a bit gobby when she feels passionate about summat so much so she er...or he...forgets to put spelcheek on...

hmmmmm......Lolol.....For FFS Hayley please get back here, I sourly need your ad-vice so I do:)))))....BC XXXXXXXXX


Muffyxx Report 9 Apr 2011 13:31

...and just to say...I absolutely disagree with the post...but I'm more than happy to post it lolololol x


Muffyxx Report 9 Apr 2011 13:30


I am going to disagree with you all and no it’s nothing to do with being bias. Firstly of course no one should swear in front of children, however if you take your child to a football match are you going to tell other supporters around you to curb their language in front of them? no I don’t think so if you don’t want your child to hear swearing keep them off the terraces.

I do think he is being single out he is a high profile footballer, and is being made an example off. The media have had a field day with this and constantly bring up his private life and that a prostitute sold her story, remind me again please what has this to do with football? Nothing its back to Wayne’s high profile. Ashley Cole shoots a YTS boy at their training ground the other month did he face a ban, no of course he didn’t, because it was an accident nothing to do with football, but who takes an air gun to work? If that was Wayne Rooney he would have been on firearm charges and branded a gangster by media because of course he is a scouse.

The OTT goal celebration was he answering his critics, he had an awful world cup and he hasn’t had the best of sessions, it was a brilliant goal and his emotions were running through the roof, the ban is over the top its at a vital stage in the premiership and Europe session, and of course of the run up to the FA Cup. He knew what he had done he apologised and no doubt got an ear bashing off Sir Alex, but for god sake the world isn’t going to end because Wayne swore in public.


SpanishEyes Report 9 Apr 2011 08:52

Sorry for the spelling mistakes but I think you will still be able to read my entry


SpanishEyes Report 9 Apr 2011 08:48

Oh dear, I suspect that I am going to be controversial here!

I like many sports but never played any after I left school. My first husband played squash and tennis, and was interested in West Ham but he was a great poker player and also supported West Ham.

My second husband has been a West Ham supporter since he was about 12 years old, he even persuaded his parents to go as well and they also became ardent supporters.
Swearing it seems has become the normal thing and it is not only the men who swear.....
Some of the most foul words I have heard come from the women, and yet this is rarely mentioned.

Wayne Rooney is a long way from my favourite player, and from what I have readbhe is not a very pleasant person. BUT he is a rather uneducated young man and the spotlight's on him most of the time because his behaviour sells newspapers, magazines, Tv and radio hours, so my view is the more comments, including mine just awards him and all those around him.
so I will continue to readvthe thread but will not add to it.


Ps in the 1970s I lived very close to WH football ground and could tell you all about the drinking habits of many footballers who used to usebthe Pup next to the WH ground, and as for the womanising, well........


InspectorGreenPen Report 9 Apr 2011 07:37

I could not agree more Wayne Rooney IS a spoilt, arrogant, entitled brat
It is a pity they can't stamp it on his forehead in indelible ink then next time he gobs off in front of the camera, it will be there for all to see.


Cath2010 Report 9 Apr 2011 06:19

Spot on RR.


Rambling Report 8 Apr 2011 22:44

If the camera hadn't been there Mr Rooney and his fellow players would be getting paid peanuts.............


ButtercupFields Report 8 Apr 2011 22:39

You are all picking on poor Wayne cos he is so ugly ....and he plays for Man U. lolol....*runs before the bring back the birch mob gets me.......BC XX