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dutch Report 18 May 2011 01:13

Well ladies off in afew hours to catch my plane still in quite some pain but i,ll manage ,got to see my G.Grandson cant sleep thats why im putting this up ,just incase afew more might see it and like to come also going to be G.Grandmother again taking it up to 6 now G.Grandchildren and 28 Grandchildren will see quite afew while im in Sheffield but they have to come to me as i have problems walking,and cant talk my wheelchair as it wont fit in my friends daughters car,well never mind Sallie and Allan are picking me up for the meet so i,ll be ok

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 18 May 2011 03:16

Have a good flight Joyce, will try and talk with you at Ann's

Looks as tho the weather forecast is good for the weekend and the meet. I will be with you in spirit and try to call you to talk to some of you there.



AnninGlos Report 18 May 2011 09:11

Have a lovely time Joyce and enjoy the meet.


~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 18 May 2011 09:19

Yehhh see you soon Dutch.... Take care:o))

The more the merrier:o)
See you all soon
love jude xxxx


Sallie Report 18 May 2011 12:41

Joyce and Jude, really looking forward to seeing you on Saturday.

Joyce hope you have a good journey over to Liverpool and then down to Sheffield.

Speak to you soon.



~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 18 May 2011 14:21

Sallie...are you bringing the dog???

jude xx


Sallie Report 18 May 2011 15:40

Jude, no I'm not bringing the dog,lol!! If I did none of us would get any peace to natter,,,,he's such a fuss pot..likes to make a fuss of everyone and wants lots of fussing in return. We all love him to bits though.

Jay is Jennie and Michael's dog (daughter and son-in-law) and as they have no children he's treated like one by all of us, he's spoiled rotten.

You'll meet Jennie on Saturday as she's going to come up with us so that she can keep Alun company when he has a look round the Model Railway shops in Sheffield.



~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 18 May 2011 18:15

Ok l understand as we have Madoc and he's the same, he would be a pain in the

l think my friend Geoff will be staying, not 100% sure though, but he'll not be far away though.

Look forward to meeting you all:o)

love jude xx

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 19 May 2011 04:08

I spoke with Joyce last evening late, at her friend's house, she had had a busy day and had to wait around to be picked up from the airport cos the plane was early!!!! She said she got cold as she had to wait so long, she had told her 'lift' a much later time to come and fetch her. She has seen one of her sons and spent time with him and will be on her way today to Liverpool. I am sure she will be pleased to see more of the family and she is looking forward to the meet, altho she is very tired from not sleeping well due to the pain in her feet.
Have a great time all of you



~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 19 May 2011 09:11

Thanks Liz.....she must be k-nackered bless her. Great to hear she's seen some of the family and soon she'll be meeting some of the GR family!!
Amazing this cyber world and then you actually get to meet the people for real:o)

Off to get sorted as we are meeting Jean Monmouth this morning:o)

jude x


sprucespringclean Report 19 May 2011 19:03

Hope you all have a great time in Sheffield, sorry i can't make it.

Take Care Spruce :D


FootieAngel Report 19 May 2011 21:00

Hi Dutch and all enjoy yur meet plz let us kno how it goes x


~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 20 May 2011 19:17

Off now to Derbyshire...then Sheffield tomorrow to meet Dutch and Sallie plus her family:o)

See yeh:o)

jude xx


Rambling Report 20 May 2011 19:39

Have a good day :))


~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 22 May 2011 13:24

Hello Everyone....did you all get home ok??
It was so lovely tomeet you all atlast, especially you Dutch:o)

Sorry for the quick departure but as you all know my friend had another seizure (sp) and l had to dash off!! it was her 3rd and probably the worst so far, she spent the night in hospital and is going back to the N/Home today. She was quite settled last night at the hospital, so l may not go visit again!!!
We saw her yesterday am at the n/home before her seizure and she was brilliant, even knew me, so l think l need to leave it at that now!

Please update as to how the rest of the meeting went....:o)

Take care and love to you all:o)
Best surprise of the day was Liz (Purple) walking in and no one but me and Sallie knowing about it, the look on Dutch's face was brilliant....l only told Sallie about 20 mins before Liz arrived:o)
jude xxxx


Sallie Report 22 May 2011 14:52

Hello Everyone,

All went well at the meet., nice food and lovely company. It was great meeting Jude and Liz at last, so much nicer now that I can 'put a face 'to you all when we speak to each other on here.

Although I had never spoken to Sheila on any of the threads, it was great to meet her and her friend (another Sheila) too. Both lovely, friendly ladies.

We also met Joyce's two lovely grandaughters and their children.
Rachel's three children were happy playing in the childrens indoor and outdoor play area there.....they were all very good.
Danni's gorgeous three week old baby son slept most of the time except when he was ready for his bottle.

Jude, such a shame that you couldn't stay longer, but maybe we can all have a meet another time. I'm really sorry about your friend, I hope she isn't suffering, bless her. Please could you give my regards to her hubby, who we all met yesterday. Thinking about you all at this difficult time.
Have a safe journey home!

spruce spring clean, sorry you couldn't make it , it would have been nice to have met you.

Well ladies, I'm going to do some baking now, so speak to you all soon.

Love, Sallie.xx


sprucespringclean Report 22 May 2011 18:32

Dear All

So pleased you all had a good time, hopefully next time you have a meet i will be able to come.Not only did i have to work Saturday, i have been in today as well. Hope your freind is feeling better soon Jude.

Take care Spruce

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 23 May 2011 04:57

Hi all, oh how I wish I could show you the mini video o.h. took with Joyce's jaw on the floor as I walked in to the meeting place lol Her face was a picture as I had just previously rung her and asked her to let me speak with Jude as if I was saying hello to everyone lol As I was talking I walked up to the table and she did a double take lol Second time I had caught her out, I did it at Liverpool two years back but as Sallie said, if there is another meet and I can't go she will still be expecting me!

It was lovely to meet you at last, Sallie and to see you again Jude, and to meet the two Sheilas. Such a shame Annina wasn't well so couldn't make it and also that you were working Spruce and couldn't attend. Very sad that your friend was poorly Jude so you had to dash off to meet with her husband and go to her. Poor man, he must have been so upset to hear the news and I hope your friend will be back to the nursing home now and comfortable and her hubby can relax for a little while. Hope you have/had a safe journey home.

Ours was eventful and I managed to surprise Yorkshire Caz and Deanna too by calling them and inviting ourselves round for a quick visit. Now I can picture our Caz with Cocky and her hubby in her little flat and the same with Deanna, her lovely son had to come and find us as we got lost and he guided us to her house then gave us a printed out map to help us find out way back to the main road again.

Must get to bed but will write more later today.
Just have to say, Joyce's granddaughters are lovely young women and wonderful Mums, their children were a delight. The new baby is adorable and I wanted to steal him and bring him home with me, and little Olivia has the sunniest placid nature and was so good.

love to all I am off to bed in a mo


Sallie, Jude and co, I will forward the pictures I took later on, if you let me have email addresses.

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 23 May 2011 16:52

I have some great photos - one which Joyce's granddaughter took shows us all looking the essence of misery lol We weren't really, we laughed a heck of a lot!

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 23 May 2011 17:24

Joyce is on the coach back to Liverpool but it's been in traffic so taken hours longer than it should and she has cramp, no food or water and nothing to eat since breakfast, after which her grandson's gf with whom she stayed apparently fell asleep so no lunch prepared. Poor Joyce, she said she won't be off the coach till past 5pm and then has to be picked up to go to her friend.

Not good for a diabetic so hope she will get something to eat soon and be ok.