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Well that was very nice wasn't it :) the wedding

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Joy Report 29 Apr 2011 19:13

From a website:

The bridesmaids are Lady Louise Windsor, 7, William's first cousin on his father's side; the Hon. Margarita Armstrong-Jones, 8, William's second cousin; Eliza Lopes, 3, granddaughter of Prince Charles' wife Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall; and Grace van Cutsem, 3, godchild of Prince William.

The page boys are William Lowther-Pinkerton, 10, the son of Jamie Lowther-Pinkerton, who has been William and Harry's private secretary since 2005; and Tom Pettifer, 8, another of William's godchildren and the son of his former nanny, Tiggy Legge-Bourke

The bride-to-be chose her 27-year-old event planner sister Pippa to take on the role of maid of honour when she marries the prince at Westminster Abbey.
Another four bridesmaid have been chosen to accompany the brunette on her big day, those being Lady Louise Windsor, the queen’s youngest granddaughter, Eliza Lopes, the Duchess of Cornwall’s granddaughter, the hon Margarita Armstrong-Jones, the daughter of Viscount Linley, and Grace Van Cutsem, the daughter of Prince William’s close friend, Hugh Van Cutsem. All of the bridesmaids are aged between 3 – 8 years old.
Two pageboys will be included in the bridal party, these will be 10-year-old William Lowther-Pinkerton, whose father is William’s private secretary, and 8-year-old Tom Pettifer, whose mother, Tiggy Legge-Bourke, was William and Harry’s nanny.
According to a palace official, Kate and William decided on their wedding attendants together.


Florence Report 29 Apr 2011 19:40

Thanks for that Joy! now we know who they were .

LondonBelle, That must have been an amazing sight !
something to cherish.!
I have a feeling that this couple will stay married for a long time!!



ChAoTicintheNewYear Report 29 Apr 2011 19:53

I too have to object to the word slapper...horribly misogynistic.

I watched part of it because I wanted to see Kate's dress, which was beautiful, just like the bride herself. I thought the little bridesmaid and pageboys were lovely and Pippa looked gorgeous, loved her dress too.

I saw it from when the Queen and Prince Philip were on the way to the Abbey, waited until I saw Kate's dress and then half watched it while doing the weekly food shop.

I'd left the room by the time they arrived at the balcony.


Joy Report 29 Apr 2011 20:00

You're welcome, Florence. I like to find out about people, as we family historians do :-)

Today was a part of history, of our heritage.

Some pictures of the bridesmaids and pageboys here:


ChrisofWessex Report 29 Apr 2011 20:11

It was a lovely day, everything was perfect, even the weather. This was a marriage of two people who have a deep strong love for each other.

Yet again we showed off our pagentry and traditions which cannot be matched. OH's american cousin took a day's leave and rose at 2.15 a.m. to watch it and I am sure she was not the only one across the world.


Florence Report 29 Apr 2011 20:17

Again Thankyou Joy,



Florence61 Report 29 Apr 2011 20:22

i watched it all and thoroughly enjoyed it. yes the two sisters i felt let the side down. as soon as i saw their hats. they have the same dress sense as their mother im afraid and if i was their father i wouldnt have let them wear those outfits. sorry i dont normally speak so direct about others but one couldnt fail to notice their lack of style and coiture.

kates dress was simple but lovely. just her bouquet was rather small for a bride.usually they are long and trailing but hey it was her choice not ours.

did anyone notice the queen who was slightly shuffling into the abbey. i think she has a problem with her knee and thats why she didnt stand too long on the balcony.

anyway it would appear the day went without a hitch and the crowds were well behaved

i wonder what the menu is for the family meal tonight. wouldnt we like to be flies on the walls?


ps i notice there is another florence recently come on to the boards. i think i will sign
florence in the hebrides to avoid any confusion!


BrendafromWales Report 29 Apr 2011 20:40

Don't think anyone mentioned the Duchess of Kent.I thought she looked as though she was struggling to walk.She always used to look so elegant,and she did today,but didn't look very well to me.Didn't like Princess Michael's hat...far too big,but the whole wedding was a delight and does our country proud.There have been big celebrations in Angelsey and I think will bring a lot of business to North Wales.
My OH's homecare lady saw Prince William cycling along the cycle path here on the prom a few weeks ago and he smiled and said good morning.It made her day!


Kay???? Report 29 Apr 2011 20:43

what a shame those lovely well behaved spectators left a mountain of rubbish everywhere adding to the hefty bill its cost.


Florence Report 29 Apr 2011 20:52

Hello Florence61.

Not that new!
I have been with Genes a long time abt 7yrs i think ( at a guess)
I do not however come on chat that often !



Muffyxx Report 29 Apr 2011 20:53

Worth every penny imho Kay...days like today are what makes me proud to be a Brit !

I noticed the Duchess of Kent..haven't seen her for ages and was shocked at how much she has appeared to have aged.

Prince Philip too...i mean I know he's 90 but I think he is now really beginning to look his age !


****MO***Rocking***Granny**** Report 29 Apr 2011 20:59

I thought she looked really beautiful today
I enjoyed it more than I thought I would to be honest


Joy Report 29 Apr 2011 21:05

You;re welcome, Flo; sorry, I typed Florence in error :-)


Kay???? Report 29 Apr 2011 21:14

Oh Muffy I dont,,I dont think any royal is worth our well earned taxes ,they have enough of their own to foot the cost of a wedding when theres so much more important stuff it needs spending on,,,,


Florence61 Report 29 Apr 2011 22:51

hello florence, nice to meet another of the same name. sorry have not seen you about before and assumed you were new. i have been a member for nearly three years now.

brenda, what a delight. i think william is so down to earth like his mother was and could chat to anyone and would regardless of who he is unlike some

in the hebrides.

Teresa With Irish Blood in Me Veins

Teresa With Irish Blood in Me Veins Report 29 Apr 2011 23:08

It was a wonderful Regal it should be for our furture King and Queen.

Catherine's dress was stunning and she looked absolutely gorgeous as did the bridesmaids and pageboys.

William and Harry looked so handsome in their uniforms too!

I'm sure William and Catherine's marriage will be a long and happy one as they seem so happy and relaxed together. God bless them.

The whole day certainly made my patriotic gene tingle too!

I loved it when Catherine and William first came out on to the balcony at Buckingham Palace....'OH WOW' she said when she saw that thousands of people had completely filled the area outside of Buckingham Palace and all along the Mall waiting to see them.
No doubt she will witness that again many more times.

Yes, to-day made me feel very proud to be British!



Caroline Report 30 Apr 2011 01:39

Lovely...what more can you say =0)

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 30 Apr 2011 04:54

Personally I think it's a shame that Prince Andrew's girls are always put down with what they wear, they are individualists who are trying their way with fashion, what's wrong with that? Didn't we all make mistakes when we were young? I have seen programmes with them in and they seem to be pleasant friendly young women who are just typical of today's young people. Glad their father is proud to be seen with them, there is always such a closeness between them and their Dad which is lovely and as it should be.
Sam Cam looked no better than they did and she should know more about the way to look, at her age. She looked as if she was just out to see friends, not at a high profile wedding, especially with her husband's position. Posh looked ridiculous and so did several others, who had clearly not sought advice or opionions from friends and wore hats that didn't look right with the dresses etc

Each to his own,



Mauatthecoast Report 30 Apr 2011 12:14

Okay perhaps I was wrong to use the term 'slappers',would 'looked tarty' be a better adjective?....why should I be ashamed? just my opinion after all and certainly not meant to be a misogynistic one....I like women lol

As I said earlier ....everything about Kate and William's wedding was tasteful,they looked wonderful and I wish them well. x


GRMarilyn Report 30 Apr 2011 12:41

My American friends were all up by 4am to watch the wedding and were thrilled by ALL.
They quoted in E-mail to me ... You Brits are be the envy of us in the USA as we really thought it was OUR Royal Wedding !!!!!!!! LOL

I have now got to go and get Cup & Saucer of Wills & Catherine for many of them as a memento of the day they too enjoyed the wedding. so here's hoping all regalia is half price today ..!!

Out Shopping now ..

Marilyn ...