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Your evening meal

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StrayKitten Report 14 Jan 2012 19:43

yep dfo sandwich, unless its with chips then its a buttie, of bacon buttie,


ChrisofWessex Report 14 Jan 2012 19:59

Coming from that part of the world where the Butty King lives - anything in between two pieces of buttered bread is a butty.

~~ Jules in Wiltshire~~

~~ Jules in Wiltshire~~ Report 14 Jan 2012 20:09

Lunch is lunchtime and dinner is the evening meal...

Jules x


Kay???? Report 14 Jan 2012 20:23

dinner at miday.

if cooked meal at home its tea,,,,,,,,,out its a meal.

sandwich its has to be cause its got a filling.


Psalms Report 14 Jan 2012 21:09

dinner is around 1 and tea is around 6 im Derbyshire...and..we say cob not bap lol :)

Carol 430181

Carol 430181 Report 14 Jan 2012 21:43

Had never heard of baps till I stayed with friends in Stattordshire, never had supper till I visited husbands grandparents, and always understood tea to be about 3 p.m.



AnninGlos Report 14 Jan 2012 22:01

Like Rose if it has chips in it's a buttie (Although if you live in the Forest of Dean a Buttie is a mate. We also refer to bacon butties.

When I was a child we had breakfast dinner (main meal always cooked midday and tea - bread and butter, cake etc.

These days we have breakfast, lunch (whether main meal or not) and dinner if main meal or 'a snack' if not. We rarely have tea these days in the proper bread and cakes sense of the word.

And I'm from down south.

~~~Secret Red ^^ Squirrel~~~  **007 1/2**

~~~Secret Red ^^ Squirrel~~~ **007 1/2** Report 14 Jan 2012 22:24


sandwich and have to agree with Rose, if it had chips in it would be a chip butty but I don't eat chip butties so it doesn't arise very often.


Wend Report 14 Jan 2012 22:30

Dainty cucumber sandwiches without the crusts on at tea-time, 4 pm, with Earl Grey tea in a tea-pot ;-)


Wend Report 14 Jan 2012 22:51



ChrisofWessex Report 14 Jan 2012 23:18

When son was about 3 yrs my MIL offered him a jam piece. He declined so I told her to ask if he would like a jam butty! Yes please.

When children were small and husband came home in the middle of the day we had our main meal - dinner. Then when they began school our main meal reverted to evening - dinner.


TeresaW Report 14 Jan 2012 23:24

Yes Wend, I had a feeling that Hayley was going to ask ....baps, rolls or barm cakes. (while we were talking about sandwiches and she asked sandwich or buttie).


Barbra Report 14 Jan 2012 23:28

Dinner/ lunch cooked meal .so it can be digested .shouldnt eat heavy meal later than 7pm.
Tea, oven bottom muffins .plain or currant tea cakes toasted .use to enjoy them .
Up north thats what we do :-)
everybody different x


Libby Report 14 Jan 2012 23:41

OK. A Scousers point of view.

As a child I had Breakfast, Dinner and Tea. The main meal served at 6pm ish.

Dad worked shitfs, so sometimes we had our main meal served at mid day (ish), we all came home at "dinner time" from school so we had dinner, main meal.

Nowadays I still have a butty/sarny at lunch/dinner time and our main meal is at about 6:30 pm, tea.

Sunday, we have dinner at about 2pm, dinner, followed by buttys at tea time.

If we go out in the early eveneing we just go out for a meal.

Call it what you like.

As a matter of interest, do you have a kitchen or a back kitchen?

Supper, if we have it is a snack about an hour before bed.

A butty isd anything served between two slices of bread. A bap is a soft bread roll and a cob is a crispy bread roll


ChrisofWessex Report 14 Jan 2012 23:46

Libby - when I was a child we had a kitchen and a back kitchen as did g.parents/aunts etc. There was the sittingroom, the livingroom, the kitchen which had a black range in it and then the back kitchen which had a sink, food cupboards, gas cooker, gas boiler etc.

Late forties moved to a more modern house and the kitchen/back kitchen were amalgamated!


Libby Report 14 Jan 2012 23:59

My Nan had a iving room with the black range and the back kitchen had the cooker, cupboards and sink in it. The pantry was the cupboard under the stairs.

Never knew where the kitchen was though,. lol. The parlour was the front room, wihere the good leather suite was ( including cracks in the leather through lack of use), the fire was only laid and lit on Christmas Day or funerals.

It was strange though because somehow the back kitchen in our house somehow morphed into the kitchen in the 1960's. Perhaps my Mum and Dad thought we had come up in the world :-D :-D


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 15 Jan 2012 00:59

Dinner for us is the main meal of the day. Because of our life style, it is eaten in the evening. The 'midday' meal is lunch - usually a bread based snack.

The in laws have their main meal about 13:00, so for them, its Dinner.

What's a Back Kitchen? Does that mean there was a main kitchen as well?


SylviaInCanada Report 15 Jan 2012 05:13

I'm just a crazy mixed up one!

Oldham, Lancashire, from birth to 19 ...........

Dinner at noon-1pm (whether at home or school). Cooked or sandwich
Tea at 5-6 pm

High Tea was what the posh ones had at about 4 pm

Went to Liverpool University when I was 19, and it became .......

Dinner 6 pm

Came to the US and Canada .........

Lunch 12 - 1 pm
Tea 3-4 pm
Dinner 6-7 pm (North Americans tend to eat dinner early)

Dinner in the evening was the main meal both in Liverpool and now over here, whereas dinner at noon was the main meal when I was at home.

I think OH's parents (one from Wales one from Yorkshire, but living in Cheshire) used to have Lunch (main meal), and then Tea at about 6:30 ish

We just had a kitchen when I was growing up ...... but it was the room where we spent most of our time in the house we lived in until I was 11. The next house was bigger .............. and had both a dining room and a "front" room. So we spent most of our time in the dining room (it was HUGE!)

Did you have a front door, then a little hall (usually square), then another inner door into the house?

What did you call it?

In Oldham, we called it the vestibule ......... I was told not long ago that was very posh! But we all called it that!

There was also a unspoken but clearly understood "language of the doors"

...... if the front door was closed, no neighbour, friend or relation would attempt to enter.

...... if the front door was open, but the inner door was shut, then any of those would knock on either the front door or the inner door, and wait to be asked in.

....... if the front door and the inner door were both open ......... then they would just walk in, maybe with a tap on the door as they shouted "Hello"



Julia Report 15 Jan 2012 08:46

Morning All
I once read this in an etiquette book, so the words are not mine.
Early Breakdast (served at 7.00am)
Breakfast (8.00-9-30am)
Late Breakfast (10.00-10.30am)
Elevenses (11.00 am)
Lunch (12.00-1.00 pm)
Afternoon Tea (3.00-3.30 pm)
High Tea (usually a cooked light meal (5.00-7.00)
Dinner (7.00pm prompt)
Dupper (9.00-10.00 pm)

Oh Lawdy, lawdy, I'd never make it till dinner if I ate at all those times. I think it was written for someone out of Debretts Peerage.
At Our House We Have
Breakfast 9.00-10.00 am
Lunch 1.00pm. Must be eaten dead on for me because of Diabetis Type 2.
Dinner 7.00pm

Julia in Derbyshire


ChrisofWessex Report 15 Jan 2012 11:04

Sylvia - we had a vestibule in Wallasey during war years - I can recall getting smacked because I emptied the sand bucket kept there and had a lovely time making sand piies until I was caught!

The floor was tiled and the inner door had stained glass upper half.