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Am I really an old-fashioned

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ChrisofWessex Report 23 Mar 2012 16:38

Tomorrow her son & dau are coming here and staying over both 23 and 26 must remember to tell them this story re their mother and uncle.


JustDinosaurJill Report 23 Mar 2012 16:17

Chris that is so funny and it must be such a normal thing because we had it. When daughter who was two years and nine days old when son came along compared her body to his she wanted to know of course if her dad had a willy. The Eeeek moment happened when she asked her grandfather. Thankfully he simply told her he did.

As with most boys when the nappy comes off the hands go straight down. Without thinking one day I said to my son "Stop playing with your willy". Couple of days later she walked into the bathroom (no locks in our house) where hubby was going to the loo. Quick as anything she said "Oh Daddy. Stop playing with your willy". The lessons you learn the hard way about engaging brain before opening gob when there are very little children around. :-D


ChrisofWessex Report 23 Mar 2012 15:44

I loved and watched that programme from day 1. All those oldies having the time of their lives being daft and paid to so do! :-D


George Report 23 Mar 2012 15:42

LOL Chris, just love that program, reminds me of my mum when she had her old biddies round for tea...LOL :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

George :-) :-) :-) :-)


ChrisofWessex Report 23 Mar 2012 15:38

Or George she was told to 'drink her tea'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


George Report 23 Mar 2012 15:36

Reading this thread reminds me of Last of the summer wine.

The ladies all sitting together drinking their tea, and discussing whats going on, and the older one telling the youngest one, "we don't want to hear that" when she mentions something about her Barry....PMSL :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

George :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)


ChrisofWessex Report 23 Mar 2012 15:35

Hi Jillian - a bit up and down but heigh ho. Daughter was 2 1/2 yrs when son born. He was about 3 months old and I was changing his nappy (quite openly - I had seen mothers turn away with a baby on their knee to change them) when she appeared in front of us 'What's that' she asked with her head nearly on his winkle. I explained he was a little boy and that is what little boys had - next question, 'did Daddy have one like that when he was little?' My reply was of course 'Yes' - 'Has Daddy got one now?' - 'Yes' replied Mummy - quick as a flash turned to her father who was sitting opposite - 'Let me see Daddy' - never saw him move so fast .................out of the room.


JustDinosaurJill Report 23 Mar 2012 15:24

Hi Chris,

How are you these days? When daughter was about eight or nine, she asked me 'the' question one day. I was so shocked I didn't know where to start and couldn't stop laughing. I was embarrassed and so ashamed of myself for all my fine ideas and then had let myself down, I was ready the next time and after that rather stuttered start I did it right. I'd like to think it was just the shock of the first question because you know you are going to get it but never know when.


ChrisofWessex Report 23 Mar 2012 15:11

Jillian, I have to admit that because of lack of information or anything else from my mother I was cdetermined that if and when I had children I would answer their questions honestly, bearing in mind their age and I did when that time arrived.


JustDinosaurJill Report 23 Mar 2012 15:04


Perfectly put. Any reference to sex was an embarrassment in the parents' house.The male parent never went near the subject and the female know those two Les Dawson characters discussing stuff in nods and hints. Dressing always took place behind closed doors and I remember being so embarrassed when some tv programme showed a man in his shirt and underpants. I'd never seen the male parent without trousers or shorts on. And as love and affection were forbidden, I really can't imagine how my sibling and I were created.

The parents had a caravan for a few years in South Wales. They said one day that they would like us to go and see it. I wasn't interested to be honest but agreed. That was when I was told that my very soon to be hubby and I could go together but it would have to be when convenient for the parents as one of them would have to chaperone us. At the time I was twenty six and now hubby was twenty eight! They were more desperate for me to see the caravan than I was so I managed to always be busy.

We went up to South Shields to visit my paternal grandmother so I could introduce her to now hubby. The only reason we were allowed to go together and not be chaperoned was because we had to promise to stay at the same B&B the parents did so that they could make enquiries to check that we had separate rooms.

I suppose that it kind of confirmed that for them, sex was something for the night time after you had gone to bed.

I didn't want my kids to be raised that love is wrong, relationships and consequently sex also. Part of the reason I wanted things to be different for our kids and why no question, so long as it is asked honestly is forbidden regardless of what it is about.


GRMarilyn Report 23 Mar 2012 14:05

Oh dear reading this thread has reminded me of my mother ....she was so embarrassed to watch any play or film with a BEDROOM SCENE with people not always doing anything I might add ,but just in case they did ..LOL........and immediately would say 'OH lets switch over' might be something good on the other side !!

We used to giggle to ourselves, she was over the top with prudeness .....I don't know how I was ever conceived !!! ;-)


JustDinosaurJill Report 23 Mar 2012 12:31

My two (16 and 14) happened to channel-hop and found it and called me. We have always had a nothing hidden/no question or subject out of bounds policy. My daughter asked me all sorts of questions after she found Sexcetera one night when she couldn't sleep.

I wasn't embarrassed by it but definately not impressed at that time of the day. I have no idea if a warning of some sort was given before the programme or before the item aimed at parents who had young children with them. I went back to baking saying it wasn't something I wanted to see and suggested that they should find another channel which they did. I have no idea what they showed beyond the couple of second look I had so can't comment on the content.

So no I don't think you are a prude. I don't think of myself as being one, yet I still would have prefered not to have seen any of it. I think for me it was just the time it was broadcast.


Barbra Report 23 Mar 2012 11:22

what goes on in the bedroom should stay in the bedroom not on TV screen ,but you dont have to watch .its your choice.* no I didnt see it* .all i will say dont come to my house filming would rather tidy the garden & have a good meal out :-D


Cynthia Report 23 Mar 2012 11:19

Chaotic, I guess you would get worked up about if it DID matter to you then. :-D

Can't manage a Babycham Eldrick.....I go all woozy and peculiar.... ;-)


ChAoTicintheNewYear Report 23 Mar 2012 10:14

I didn't see it but it wouldn't have bothered me if I did

There are many more important things, to me, to get worked up about.


Eldrick Report 23 Mar 2012 09:48

Woo hooo, is that a date Cyn?

It's been ages since I had a a Mcwimpy burger and babycham :-)


Rita Report 23 Mar 2012 09:31

Sorry Eldrick I thought you meant me lol.



Cynthia Report 23 Mar 2012 09:26

Ooops. Forgot! I invited you to our church luncheon club .......

it's closed today.

Soz..... :-D


Cynthia Report 23 Mar 2012 09:23

I don't get the chance to change channel Eldrick........OH has command of the remote control :-D

We never did meet up for that lunch...........not sure I can manage to get to any of your royal residences or, indeed, Iceland but, I can make it to Chorley in 15 mins...... :-D


Eldrick Report 23 Mar 2012 09:21

wasn't getting at you rita, I was using the royal 'you'
