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Childhood games/toys
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Michelle | Report | 9 Apr 2012 18:47 |
Loved my spirograph and etch a sketch, there was a game called magna doodle too, similar to etch a sketch |
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TeresaW | Report | 9 Apr 2012 18:43 |
I loved my Spirograph and my Sindy....and spent hours on my Britain's miniature garden set... |
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Florence | Report | 9 Apr 2012 18:26 |
Wander if anyone can recall making rugs ? |
Michelle | Report | 9 Apr 2012 17:44 |
Have been following that thread, I love to hear and read about stories from the thirties or forties which was when my nan was young, makes me feel close to her which sounds strange. |
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AnninGlos | Report | 9 Apr 2012 17:37 |
Yes, rationing went on, I think, until at least 1952. I still have one of my Mum's ration books. can remember when sweets came off rationing very clearly. I should mention here that there is another similar thread running which has a lot of similar memories to this one. You might like to read it as well. By Mel, it is called what kind of things do you remember from childhood. |
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Michelle | Report | 9 Apr 2012 17:36 |
That last memory has really made me chuckle :-D |
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Michelle | Report | 9 Apr 2012 17:34 |
Speaking of dogs 2 of my sisters used to go out with a piece of string or ribbon and any dogs they found wandering the street they would harness and bring back home hoping my mom would allow them to keep it...needless to say they always ended up disappointed when she made them take the dog back to the place they found |
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Florence | Report | 9 Apr 2012 17:26 |
Gwn , great , |
Michelle | Report | 9 Apr 2012 17:25 |
My nan used to talk about ration books, she said they were still being used in the early 50's and a lot of people used to use their back gardens to grow fruit and veg to sell to neighbours and friends who couldn't grow their own. A lot of people also kept chickens during the war years for meat and eggs. |
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Florence | Report | 9 Apr 2012 17:07 |
I think Caz , ( as the saying goes just hit the nail on the head,) |
AnninGlos | Report | 9 Apr 2012 17:01 |
That is probably it Gwyn. |
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Gwyn in Kent | Report | 9 Apr 2012 16:55 |
Flo |
YorkshireCaz | Report | 9 Apr 2012 16:37 |
I remember making dens in the woods next to the church, also climbing trees to see how high we could get, silly thinking of it now. I lived in a small village and everyone knew everyone else, I used to go to the shops for the old ladies and did it willingly. The best time was Thursday night when mum let us stay up to listen to the church bells practice. If only it could go back to being like that, I think I had the best childhood born after the war when no-one had much. |
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Florence | Report | 9 Apr 2012 16:31 |
I,d forgotten about whats the time Mr Wolfe ha, ha, |
AnninGlos | Report | 9 Apr 2012 16:22 |
Michelle We were playing kiss chase from the age of 9/10 years old. I guess they are more likely to want the real thing these days rather than a game sadly. :-D |
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Michelle | Report | 9 Apr 2012 16:18 |
I wish my nephews and nieces could see what we did as children...mentioned kisschase and what's the time Mr Wolf to my nephew the other day and he didn't have a clue what I was talking about |
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Florence | Report | 9 Apr 2012 16:16 |
I remember my children playing gutter ball Michelle , |
Carol 430181 | Report | 9 Apr 2012 15:52 |
This thread is bringing back such childhod memories. Those were the days when we could play outside till all hours without fear, just wish my grandchildren could be transported back to that era. Know some will say about medical advances etc. etc. but still think it was a good time to be a child. :-D |
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Michelle | Report | 9 Apr 2012 15:38 |
I remember my mom laying on a buffet for our street on the day Prince Charles was married...she said she would never do it again after the house was invaded by children from neighbouring streets lol |
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Michelle | Report | 9 Apr 2012 15:34 |
We used to play gutterball and marbles a lot during the summer evenings after school and the long break at the end of the school year, if the weather was warm enough my brother and sisters used to camp outside in the garden, my mom always left her bedroom window open so she could hear if they got up to any mischief though. |
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