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AnnCardiff Report 20 May 2012 00:32

If you knew someone was driving around in an untaxed car which had failed the MOT - and failed the MOT big time - would you report them to the DVLA?


supercrutch Report 20 May 2012 00:34

Yes, imagine if they maimed or killed someone in an accident, no insurance!

Sue x


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 20 May 2012 00:36

No, the Police!


AnnCardiff Report 20 May 2012 00:38

Crimestoppers didn't want to know - said it was a DVLA matter and it should be reported to them - would you do it?


AnnCardiff Report 20 May 2012 00:44

off to bed now - will check in the morning!! thanks for any input


GlitterBaby Report 20 May 2012 01:07

Would not hesitate to contact the Police

They should be stopped

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 20 May 2012 05:44

Inform the police and if you still see no action, report it to your local Councillor or MP. Someone needs to stop these morons, they are the ones who cause car insurance to rocket to cover those without insurance.



+++DetEcTive+++ Report 20 May 2012 09:47

How about one of the Community Police Officers or what ever they are called?

If you have a dig around on your Force's web site, there is normally a profile of those who cover your area, with 'contact' details.

If they really aren't at all interested, then yes, the DVLA.

The driver might be insured if s/he has a fully comp policy on another vehicle. Depending on age, most fully comp insurances will allow the holder to drive another vehicle on 3rd Party cover with the vehicle owner's consent.

However, since the vehicle isn't taxed or MOT'ed, it should be off the road, apart from the grey area of driving to and from an MOT Test Station. But heaven help them if they had an accident when they were!


~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 20 May 2012 11:18

l would report it to who ever should know. Our community PO would be very interested, if he was'nt then DVLA!!



AnnCardiff Report 20 May 2012 11:28

right - thanks for the input - shall do it first thing tomorrow morning - never see a CPO round here - well I did once!!!

the guy in question is 86 years old and wrote his last car off - but he is so arrogant and has been told quite forcefully that he should not be driving it - it was a major fail of the MOT - something to do with the body alignment - he bought it second hand through a "friend" a Ford Mondeo

usually if a car fails the MOT the testing garage can fix it there and then and retest - not in this case apparently

*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 20 May 2012 11:46

Is it hearsay about the MOT ? However he should be displaying a valid tax disc if on the road, even if it falls to the floor of the car ,he could be 'done 'for it. If he hasn't got a tax disc it's likely that he has no insurance either.

I would definitely report him to the police , with as much details as you can.
With the Registration No, the police with their ANPR will be able to establish if the car fails on any of them.



AnnCardiff Report 20 May 2012 12:07

not hearsay about the MOT failure - it came from him!! and when asked "Have you been out in your car" he replied "Of course I have!!"

Tax ran out end of April


~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 20 May 2012 12:19

Definately report him then...blinky heck!!


AnnCardiff Report 20 May 2012 12:21

my first job in the morning!!! feel like a real snitch but has to be done

~~ Jules in Wiltshire~~

~~ Jules in Wiltshire~~ Report 20 May 2012 14:33

He should know better at his age..Silly old duffer.....I would report him as he seems to know what he is doing is wrong..Talk about a danger..

Jules x


Merlin Report 20 May 2012 14:35

Direct to the Police,


AnnCardiff Report 20 May 2012 15:07

police not interested Merlin - they said it is a DVLA matter which begs the question of why the police have ANPR systems in their cars and why, on police documentaries do we see them chasing after illegal cars and booking them - answers on a postcard please :-D


Bobtanian Report 20 May 2012 15:40

Ann, I think its a slightly different matter If the police actually stop the suspect car they have powers to confiscate uninsured cars.

telling about a car that is not legally roadworthy, is of no interest.........unless they catch it being used on the road..........

goto the ASKMID site that will tell you if it is insured.........(you will have to tell a little porky) but you DO have a concern, or interest.

other than that you can goto the DVLA website, and that will tell you the state of documentation

ooops sorry there you need some numbers off a document to access that



AnnCardiff Report 20 May 2012 16:18

it is insured Bob - he keeps harping on about that and thinks that's why it's OK for him to drive - he even went to the pub in it yesterday for two pints!!!

It's still outside his house today on the road

*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 20 May 2012 16:48

Did you check ASKmid ,cos if you don't want to do it , pm me the reg number and I'll do it. I wouldn't take his word for it

I've just checked my private plate No. , which I am trying to sell, comes up as not on their data base ...which it wouldn't be cos it's on retention with DVLA.
Our other cars come up as on the data base with the make and model.

This geezer sounds a right nutter , a danger to himself and more importantly to others. If I saw him drive off in the car especially if he was going to the pub, has no tax , MOT or insurance, I'd phone the police... (give it 1/4 hour for him to have a few pints) I'm sure the cops would like a few brownie points for a pull like that !!