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New Scam....

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~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 24 May 2012 17:54 problem:)

l had the same call yesterday and l shouted at him, he put the phone down:)))...l did'nt swear either:))

jude :-)


AnnCardiff Report 24 May 2012 18:46

try answering in broken English - I no understand what you say - speak up - if you answer every question like that they'll soon get fed up and you can have some fun at the same time - Chinese accent or Japanese would be extra good :-D :-D

*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 24 May 2012 18:51

Lol Jude,

I just said in a very calm voice ...Can I just stop you there for moment... .....line goes dead,. B*gger !
He didn't let me say :-
Hubby's a copper PHD in IT...he also works for your company.
Yes my PC 's cream cracked.
This call is being recorded for training purposes.
Didn't you ring me yesterday ?
Sling your hook.
Some callers have no sense of challenge ;-)

Edit I haven't tried that one Ann, my Italian accent would be the best :))


LadyScozz Report 25 May 2012 01:49

We're on the "Do Not Call" list - so I know these callers are fake.

I talk to them in (what I can remember!) of a non-English language, or use broken English. That always works.

Or I say "hang on a minute" and put the phone on the desk and walk away. They don't usually hang on for long.

If OH answers, he says "Im busy right now, can I call you back?" - they always hang up.

*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 25 May 2012 17:03

Just had another scam call, think she said it was about a prob with Microsoft , couldn't understand what she said really but got the gist of it.
I let her do her blurb
She wasn't persistent, and politely said Thank you maam, when I told her, that we have no probs with any of the PCs, son has a PHD in IT , hubby has his own IT business ( all a load of crap, but that's what they are giving you )


AnninGlos Report 25 May 2012 17:16

yep we had one this morning, persistent little devils aren't they?


JoyBoroAngel Report 25 May 2012 23:21

they sure are :-D :-D


supercrutch Report 25 May 2012 23:37

Ring, ring

"can I speak with Mrs ???????"

"what's it about"

"her electricity supplier and the money we can save her" or "the mis-sold PPI she has probably paid for"

"really, I want your name and your company's name and registered address"


"you have just contravened the data protection act by disclosing the purpose of this phone call to her neighbour who is gerbil sitting"

Phone goes dead :-D


Eeyore13 Report 25 May 2012 23:40

I'm glad you said gerbil not guinea pig :-D


supercrutch Report 25 May 2012 23:42

I could have said worse ;-)


Eeyore13 Report 25 May 2012 23:45

I know ;-) ;-)


JoyBoroAngel Report 26 May 2012 10:01

i wonder who thinks of these scams
is it little joe public sat in there garden


AnnCardiff Report 26 May 2012 11:26

scam mentioned by money guru Declan Curry on BBC news this morning - someone rings up alleging to be from your bank telling you your card has been misused and has been cancelled and that a courier will be sent to collect it!!! Now who would be daft enough to hand it over?


~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 26 May 2012 12:02

Thats the one l originally put on here....the link...BUT apparently some dipsticks did fall for it!!!!!

jude ;-)


AnnCardiff Report 26 May 2012 12:18



~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 26 May 2012 15:33

l'm only saying.... :-P :-P :-P


AnnCardiff Report 26 May 2012 16:09



LadyScozz Report 28 May 2012 11:45

got another weird email this morning (I wish people would bcc their emails!!!)

Looks like I've won one million pounds in the UK Lottery

I just have to send my details to a person with a Yahoo email address..... unless one of you nice people in the UK want to collect it for me. I'll give you a share lol

Do people really fall for this rubbish?


~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 28 May 2012 12:17


*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 31 May 2012 13:07

I'm feeling neglected :( I haven't a scam call for a few days :-( ;-)