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re defining marriage

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Bobtanian Report 12 Jun 2012 17:35

what do you think?


Bobtanian Report 12 Jun 2012 17:37

I believe Marriage is a union between a man and a woman, full stop!


Marriage is the keyword, any other partnerships, however legal they might be, are just that...........partnerships.


JackyJ1593 Report 12 Jun 2012 17:41

I believe it should be a union between 2 people who love each other and make a lifelong commitment to each other.


AnninGlos Report 12 Jun 2012 17:44

The Oxford dictionary gives the definition as the Legal union between a man and a woman. I wonder when they will change that?


KathleenBell Report 12 Jun 2012 18:08

I agree with Bob. I have nothing against civil partnerships between same sex couples and I also think they should have the same legal status (which they do).

However I remember when I got married the the service began with........Marriage is the union between a man and woman for the procreation of children......which I think says it all.

Kath. x


Lesley Report 12 Jun 2012 18:19

I don't believe this is about redfining marriage - in cookery you can marry flavours together! It is about forcing a group of believers in a certain religion to accept something that is anathema to them.
As a Christian I know (not 'believe' as it is according the Bible not the dictionary) that it is against Gods wishes and I could not accept a church that was forced to perform (and it would be a performance) such marriages. However as a human being I respect others rights and do not interfere in other people's beliefs and if same sex couples want to make that commitment then it is not my position or desire to obstruct them. Why aren't Christians awarded that same respect. Why do they insist that Christians subject their beliefs in this way? Other religions would put people to death!

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom Report 12 Jun 2012 19:08

Live & let live I say

Marriage should be open to all of "Gods" children regardless of gender, sexual orientation or divorce.

It shouldn't be up to other human beings to order different. :-)


StrayKitten Report 12 Jun 2012 19:17

wel maybe if god didnt want same sex marriages he shouldnt have created same sex relationships................


Rambling Report 12 Jun 2012 19:20

Third re-write..... !

I agree with Mildred :-D


Rambling Report 12 Jun 2012 19:24

and now I will cook tea and ponder whether mixed sex couples who are unable or choose not to procreate should be allowed to marry..... and whether 'living in sin' is a more acceptable concept than same sex marriage ....


DazedConfused Report 12 Jun 2012 19:53

I wish that I could have a civil partnership with my OH. We are not married and do not need to be (have been together for nearly 20 years). But should either of us die we are not considered as next of kin. We have made wills but his death will have to be registered by a member of his family, god alone knows who will register me as I have no family. Maybe they can just dump me somewhere!!!! Seriously this is a joke and an insult to all people regardless of how or who they wish to live with.

As far as I am concerned you should be able to marry who you wish and have a civil registration should you so wish.

Lets be honest in the US there are people who marry their pets



Bobtanian Report 12 Jun 2012 20:41

there's no reason, I can see for not having a partnership contract for any mix of sexes but the word Marriage to me means only one thing, a man and a woman,to marry and raise children.

this is not possible for same sexers, without the intervention of a third person......



Rambling Report 12 Jun 2012 20:45

It's not possible for old couples either Bob or infertile ones...should they be allowed to marry or not? ?


StrayKitten Report 12 Jun 2012 20:49

what about all those unable to have children? should they only be allowed a civil parntership due to not being able to have children?

and those who dont know they cant have children till after there married? what then??


KathleenBell Report 12 Jun 2012 21:00

Would you all agree that if same sex marriages are allowed in the Church of England that Mosques, Temples, Citadels etc. in this country should allow same sex marriages too.

When you get all of them to agree then I dare say the Church of England would too.............but I won't hold my breath.

Kath. x


StrayKitten Report 12 Jun 2012 21:03

yes i think they should all allow it,


Eldrick Report 12 Jun 2012 21:23

I genuinely really cannot see what the fuss is about. If it's about the meaning of a single word out of the English language, then that is sad, silly and childish. If you dont think that homosexual people should be allowed to marry, then dont flippin' marry one!

Why on earth would anyone object to something that is never going to affect or harm them? Is the fabric of society going to collapse because same sex couples can call themselves married? Really, it is a none issue, a no brainer. Who says marriage is for procreation and can only be between a man and a woman? We all know the answer to that one and it can be instantly dismissed as being totally irrelevant in this day and age.

I see the CoE are threatening to split from the state if it goes ahead! Whoooooo Hooooo! It's been a long time coming but its getting there!


ZZzzz Report 12 Jun 2012 21:51

Marriage is man made and controlling, procreating is natural if you are married or not, as a matter of fact there are couples we know that are lesbian and homosexual but they married to each other and continue to have same sex relationships outside their "marriage" and this is because they feel they should appear "normal" :-(


Dermot Report 12 Jun 2012 23:32

Adam & Eve had the ideal 'marriage'.

He never mentioned that his mother could cook better than Eve & she never moaned about all the other good-looking fellers she could have married.

Ok - I'm off to bed now!


JustDinosaurJill Report 13 Jun 2012 00:06

It seems to me that if two people love each other and want to express that love to the rest of the world, then why not?

I'm lucky to have picked the right man to share my life with but I've seen massive misery and abuse in a 'normal' ie husband and wife marriage.

We only get one life to live and so long as we don't hurt others by how we live it, I'm cool. Love is love.

We, as in the human race, are quick to pass judgement upon others who do not follow an identical path or belief system to ourselves.

Until we all learn to accept one another and our differences, there will continue to be conflict be it for race, colour, nationality, religion or sexual preferences.

And would I give a stuff if my next-door neighbours were same sex couples? Nope. Being gay doesn't make someone a rapist or a paedophile and that kind of neighbour I would object to.