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Can Anybody Remember

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Mauatthecoast Report 5 Jul 2012 19:34

......but then when young who needs face filler lol the thicker the

better :-D

Kiku = Faberge (just Googled)


Sharron Report 5 Jul 2012 20:07

Cussons did one called Blue Hyacinth which was lovely.

There was one called Moon Drops which was absolutely vile and there was one we trialled when I worked in Market Research which was by Yardley and was called Baroque. That, too, was quite horrible.


Vera2010 Report 5 Jul 2012 21:03

I seem to remember Revlon Intimate and my sister used Coty l'aimant. I was once bought some Antelope by Weil. Thats lovely and you can get it today online. Also used Body Shop White Musk. Currently its Kenzo Flower and Elizabeth Arden Red Door.



LollyWithSprinklez Report 5 Jul 2012 21:09

Vera .. Coty L'aimant yes used to like the talc ..very soft

Does anyone wear talcum powder any more? :-)

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 6 Jul 2012 06:41

I liked Tres Jourdan but it stopped being sold in the UK, while looking at the info for the above perfumes, I tracked down a 5ml bottle of Tres Jourdan for a tenner including postage so have asked my son to get it for me. Wonder if I will still like it, it wasn't that long ago I wore it, about 15 years or so I think.



SueCar Report 6 Jul 2012 23:48

And do you remember the ad on the radio for Aqua Manda? (I used to have the radio on when I was studying for my O and A levels in the evening). I think it was Radio Luxembourg & I think it was a posh male actor (a bit like Derek Nimmo) calling

a-q-u-a m-a-n-d-a ! ! !

like he was shouting down a long corridor.

*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 7 Jul 2012 00:06

Sis used to use Aqua Manda , but I used Kiku in the purple bottle, both by Fabergé.
Used Poision when I was pregnant,but can't stand the smell of it now.
I still love Paco ,by Paco Rabanne (I know it's a men's fragrance ) but I used to nick hubby's, I now nick his Paco R Ultra Violet Man , I love it.
Channel No 5 still my fav ,the first perfume hubby bought me when we had been courting :-)


jax Report 7 Jul 2012 01:25

The first perfume my ex bought me over 30 years ago was channel No 5 I did'nt like it but kept it because I knew it cost about £20 for a tiny little bottle and one day maybe worth something if nothing else. I had quite a lot of my personal things stored in the loft and ex was ok about me leaving it there after I left...and was devistated when my daughter told me they had a boot sale and sold it for 50p...I think that was the only thing of mine they did sell and ex said as I had'nt taken it he assumed I did'nt want it :-(

Brut was used by girls in the early 70s (unless it was just me) and although I have gone through all the popular perfumes of the day that have been mentioned I prefer mens smellies and the only two I have now is fahrienheit and CK one


LollyWithSprinklez Report 7 Jul 2012 02:09

Jax - My sister is a great Ck one fan and on her I like it, But again doesn't suit me :-(

My late father bought my mum Channel 5 for Xmas one year out of desperation as she is so difficult to buy for.
She never ever wore perfume, so in a fit of pique used it as an air freshener in the loo...!! talk about sacrilege :-(

Predating Aqua Manda my late MIL thought 4711 was the bees knees and was always grateful for a gift of it when we visited.
At about the same time Pino Silvestre was popular for men and smelt like Pine needles as the name implies. That was very cheap and I liked it even though it was aimed at the male market :-D


MargarettawasMargot Report 7 Jul 2012 12:02

OMG-trip down Memory Lane!! I haven't heard some of these names for years!!

Lolly-I remember the name Aqua Manda but not the fragrance.I do remember Black Rose and Imprevu though,and 4711,which my Grandma wore and loved.There was a perfume called "Attar of Roses" or "Ashes of Roses, " which old ladies wore which smelt pretty horrible.My Dad was a chemist and I used to sell them when I worked for him.

Vera-I vaguely remember Mum wearing Coty's "L'Aimant",and her talking about Joy, and Ma Griffe,which I think she used during the War.

Mau-I agree-Poison and Opium are both too strong-just vile! I like most of the Chanel ones.I have been wearing Chloe for ages, but I think that it's time for a change now. I might try "Chance" next.

Sharron-I proudly wore Tweed as a teen-ager-perfume,talc,hand lotion,you name it,if it was a Tweed product,I wore it.My family protested so much,that I then transferred my allegiance to Youth Dew-what was I thinking?? It's even worse, and stronger, than Tweed,and my family's protests got louder, until eventually I became sick of it too!

:-| :-| :-| :-|

Piglet's Pal-If you like Chanel perfumes ,you might like "Chance," it's citrussy, and lighter and fresher than the other Chanel fragrances. :-) :-)

My late Dad always wore lovely after shaves-"Givenchy "Gentleman" springs to mind, possibly "Fahrenheit", also a Calvin Klein one,can't remember the name now.. He prided himself on always smelling beautiful. <3 <3 <3 <3

Whoever mentioned "Intimate, " I do remember that one,too, and Chanel No. 5,which I used to wear, it's still around now.

Thanks for that little trip into the past, Lolly! LOL!! :-D :-D :-D


*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 7 Jul 2012 13:02

Another blast from the past that I loved that hubby used , Aqua de Selva ...pre internet selling I searched Cardiff for some ,when his duty free bottle had run out !


Susan Report 7 Jul 2012 16:13

An old lady who I know found Vanilla Lace in her drawer.
Had forgotten she had it. She was so pleased that she had found it as it held many memories for her! :-)


AnninGlos Report 7 Jul 2012 17:04

Used to love Helena Rubensteins Apple blossom, then in the 70s there was one I think was called Babe or something like that. Youth Dew I used to like, always hated poison, don't like Chanel No 5 too sickly but for evenings still quite like Opium if not sprayed on too heavily. Anais Anais I still have but don't wear much, also Red Door, that is still being sold, quite like that. Used to have a lovely lilly of the valley one but can't remember the make.
Anyone remember Revlon Charlie?

I don't stick to a particular perfume but have quite a selection. I like Pleasures, Beyond Paradise and Beautiful by Estee Lauder, Eden, Lou Lou and Promesse by Cacharel, One called Euphoria Blossom, French, can't see the 'maker', Rives Gauche, Obsession Calvin Klein and Red by Hugo Boss, and Red door by Elizabeth Arden depends what mood I am in as to what I wear


jax Report 7 Jul 2012 17:37

My ex wanted me to wear Charlie was'nt too keen myself...I remember one I used to like called Choc and I had this huge bottle which I dropped in a bar once and it smashed on the floor...what a stink :-D


Diamonds-R-A-Girls-Best-Friend Report 7 Jul 2012 19:04

Sparkling Sandie

Paco by Paco Rabanne, wow that bought back some memories of very happy moments:-D :-D ;-)


Vera2010 Report 7 Jul 2012 19:09

Bloomin heck Ann. I think you can pass one of those over to me. I have to wait until birthday/christmas for my perfume or my Boots points. I'll have the Red Door because I've just run out.

Jax I don't recall Choc. Nor do you now. I bet you were mad but the pub would have smelt nice.

My husband in later life liked Davidoff and Givenchy. Before that it was good old Brut. Davidoff was my favourite.



jax Report 7 Jul 2012 19:32

Choc was launched in 1981 it was probably a year or so after I wore it...still available to buy in small bottles


minihousenut Report 7 Jul 2012 21:24

remember my aunt wore California Poppy for everyday use and Evening in
Paris for special occassions. I see both are now available again. My preferred fragances were Hypnotique by Max Factor and Elizabeth Taylors Passion


AnninGlos Report 7 Jul 2012 21:29

Oh I had forgotten Hypnotique, used to like that.

Vera, perfume is about the only thing I buy now to bring home from Tenerife. And only then if it is cheaper than I can get it on line or in the UK. I check before I buy. Usually one shop or another is having 20% off at some time during the 4 weeks. Strangely Red door was a Christmas present from a friend.

*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 7 Jul 2012 21:47

Charlie smelled disgusting on me, tho friends used rave about it ,I wasn't very fussed on it them either.

Always found Chanel No5 perfume too heavy (and expensive) as with Coco so use the Cologne or Eau de Toilette, No 19 doesn't suit me ,nor Cristalle.

Lol Lesley,I have 'very pleasant' memories of when hubby used Paco.