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Assembly for atheists

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AnnCardiff Report 7 Feb 2013 10:53

when I was quite small I used to ask my Dad where he was going when he put his coat on around 9:00 pm - "Off to Band of Hope" he'd say, adding "the prayer books have handles" :-D :-D


eRRolSheep Report 7 Feb 2013 11:09

hehe - I'll have to use that one.

I think more people should look into using places like the many vacant churches for meeting venues.
The church is in massive decline - not helped by criminal actions amongst its hierarchy and the blinkered views of many of its members.
Over the past decade the number of christians in England and Wales has fallen considerably. The number of non-believers has grown massively.
So it makes sense for more church buildings to be utilised by people like atheist groups.
I guess it is called moving with the times.