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AnninGlos Report 20 Feb 2013 08:45

I get really sick of people slagging off newspapers, in particular the Daily Mail. I read the Daily Mail and, yes, a lot of what they write is rubbish & questionable. But I like to think I am intelligent enough to realise that and form my own opinions.

At least by taking the time to read a newspaper I am keeping up with things and keeping my retired brain active. Yes I also read books and magazines,even some lightweight magazines. But the Mail and my local paper give me a) something to read while I eat lunch and b) a brief overview of world and local events.

It really annoys me to read somebody pronouncing "I hate the DM". OK, Just don't read it but please don't criticize my reading material. I don't like the Sun or the Mirror but I don't think all people who read them are unintelligent. We read what we can afford, and what we have time to read. If I want a paper that takes ages to read I'll read the Times, or the Guardian, or the telegraph, I have nothing against them. But when it comes to writing information that is biased, or skewed, I am pretty certain that no one newspaper is any worse than the rest.


ChAoTicintheNewYear Report 20 Feb 2013 08:54

Personally I think the Daily Mail is a mysoginistic load of clap trap designed to set people against certain sections of society. I also think The Sun should be sued under the Trades Description Act for calling itself a newspaper.

However, I criticise the newspaper, which is my right, not the people who read it. I will reserve the right to criticise and challenge, if I so wish, people who start spouting forth the views of these papers if it's obvious that they have simply read and believed what's in it without question.

I do find a difference between people who read a variety of sources before forming an opinion and those who take something printed in any newspaper as gospel.


JustJohn Report 20 Feb 2013 08:54

I really really hate the Daily Mail and the Sun.

Sun because of Hillsborough and several other things. Mail because it is just absolute rubbish from front to back. Nothing (absolutely nothing) of any value to society whatsoever.

The best newspaper today costs 20p. The rest of them are all poor reflections of the past. :-( :-(


JustJohn Report 20 Feb 2013 08:58

In Asda, when I take a break, they lay out all the newspapers. I will read the Mirror, the Telegraph (for balance) and Western Mail (now 60p for about 12 pages). But never the Express, Sun or Mail. And would never spend money on them unless I was much more wealthy than I am. :-)


RolloTheRed Report 20 Feb 2013 09:02

let's here it for the daily mail my fascist mother reads it i have to buy it and my pussy cats love it i their cat litter rah rah rah

Silly Sausage

Silly Sausage Report 20 Feb 2013 09:03

I dont read newspapers anymore because I detest the media, however what I am a hypercrite because I am following 2 court trials at the moment the Phillpott one and the other on the shooting of 2 police offers which he has now change his plea to gulity. I follow them on BBC news on t'web.

I do agree with you about people having enough intelligence to question what is printed and how it is worded but to me there is just to much doom and gloom. Same as with mags, not interested but I did buy a couple for my mum yesterday. I have a deep hatred for the daily mirror and Piers Morgan :-|


SpanishEyes Report 20 Feb 2013 09:05

Why does it matter which newspaper we choose to read? Is this simply reading to gain an idea of what is happening both locally and around the world or do we realy care and try to help wherever and whenever we can.
If I choose to read a newspaper to read for relaxation, for information that is clear and upto date etc then my choice is OK for me, and I will support anyone to have that freedom.
Quite honestly I find that I can get as much news as I need on my iPad and on the TV news.

Bridget :-)


Joeva Report 20 Feb 2013 09:07

I rarely buy a newspaper, thanks to British media online. All National and local publications I need to read. ;-)


Muffyxx Report 20 Feb 2013 09:09

I read the mail.........out of all of them it's the best displayed on the web and as I don't buy papers I find it easy to navigate round the site.

Like you Ann, it's something I read when I'm having a five min break and can go back to at different times during the day.

I don't slavishly believe anything I see or read....whether it's in a red top or a broad sheet...often I google the author's name if I've read an article that has irritated or exasperated me to find out what the background on their piece was....I dislike all the media... BBC included... equally... having seen for myself what is NOT said here which is said in other countries...but t he Mail is no worse than other papers....if you are questioning all of it in the same way.


KittytheLearnerCook Report 20 Feb 2013 09:14

I agree with you Ann,I have heard the phrase "the type of people who read the Daily Mail"used as a derogatory remark both here and on TV several times.

I believe that nobody should be defined by the newspapers they read, type of house they live in or anything other criteria.

We are all individuals and should be treated with respect..............or in some cases given a very wide berth :-D


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 20 Feb 2013 09:20

The majority of us here are regular users of the internet for all sorts of reading matter so can access different news media with no trouble.

The majority of the population will buy only one daily newspaper – if it’s just the DM, then they are subject to very emotive style of writing which is easy to become immersed into. Main news items also carried by other papers are usually OK. It’s their ‘investigations’ which are the problem!


AnnCardiff Report 20 Feb 2013 09:20

I also buy the Daily Mail and whilst I am well aware, that like all newspapers, you take the news content with a large pinch of salt, I enjoy the articles and particularly the crossword and other things to work the old brain - I buy it for entertainment as much as anything else and will continue to buy it - criticise the paper by all means, but not me for buying it


trailertrash Report 20 Feb 2013 09:25

isn't it the Daily Mail who always have the wild weather stories?? It is well worth a read just for the entertainment factor!! Or have I got the wrong paper?


supercrutch Report 20 Feb 2013 09:25

Morning :-D

I'll have a moan at most papers (I read the Telegraph) BUT I do skim through a lot online.

The tabloids ARE guilty of sensationalising news by using headlines that grab attention, when you read the body of the article the headline appears or IS total garbage.

TBH if anyone criticised the Telegraph I wouldn't bat an eyelid. It's my choice not everyones' elses.

The articles about Kate and Mantel were snippets of the speech. I found the whole speech and made my mind up after reading it. It just reinforced my opinion about the author.

In all honesty I don't take anything printed as the whole truth unless I have read other sources where FACTS are recorded.

All newspapers, TV news and local gossip are open to scrutiny and criticism. None of them are sacrosanct. So Ann I think you are on a loser with your request.

Sue x


AnnCardiff Report 20 Feb 2013 09:28

morning Sue - and which Ann would that be?

I love the Telegraph on a Saturday, terrific crossword


JoyLouise Report 20 Feb 2013 09:45

I'm with Ann. The only newspaper I buy is the Daily Mail and I enjoy it.

No matter whether I always agree with what's written, Littlejohn, Cable, Platell etc have always written entertainingly. Cable wrote a beautifully poignant piece recently which uplifted one's spirits and made one think.

A couple of weeks ago I turned a page and found on one side a piece by Liz Jones and the opposite side a piece by Linda Kelsey (hope I've got the right spelling there). How interesting those two pieces were - a brilliant idea to put them side by side, so to speak.

As far as news is concerned, in whatever way it's written it's the same but different newspapers emphasise different news stories and I would not knock anyone who buys any other newspaper for he who pays the piper .....


Porkie_Pie Report 20 Feb 2013 09:48

I stopped buying newspapers in the 70's for all the reasons posted above and don't want to contribute 1p towards the salary of journalists or the profits of these media bosses

If their is a paper laying around in places like work canteens or in a cafe then i will scan through the headlines in case i see something of interest,

I tend to listen to radio or watch the news on TV because it tends to be more factual although they are often just as bad but as i have to pay my license fee then i make the most of that



~Lynda~ Report 20 Feb 2013 09:48

Only a Daily Mail reader would write such comments..............

:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D


SheilaSomerset Report 20 Feb 2013 09:52

Jeez, I said I hate the Daily Mail, not think that those who read it are thick, moronic or blinkered. Half my family read it.

I hate it, me. Just as I hate asparagus, Big Brother and Macdonalds :-D.

I dislike all newspapers, just some more than others. We buy one at the weekend, mainly for TV, crossword and weekend-y bits.


JoyLouise Report 20 Feb 2013 09:57

Here's another one, Lynda.

Take note Sheila; I love asparagus!

Again, it's the prerogative of the buyer - not everyone in my family buys the same.