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BrendafromWales Report 20 Feb 2013 11:21

We used to get the Telegraph when my oH was alive,,but I found it hard to hold and used to get it in a mess which I was always being ribbed about.I liked it ,but the amount of papers that had to go in my recycling bag...we don't have a bin,just a plastic bag,was so heavy with all the pages and mags at weekends that when He died I changed to the Mail
I really liked it,but then went toOz for 3 months and now Im on my own I don't bother ...but do get Mail on Line on my iPad...the only thing I miss is the crossword.
I like certain things in the Mail,but as my dad said years ago..... Don't even believe half you read in newspapers....and he died in 1980,so it was going on then,but do think that the media are more intrusive these days....big brother and all that!
Never liked the Sun ,Star or Mirror.
Everyone to their own likes...wouldn't do for everyone to have the same views .
Why do some folk always have to be right??...can't do with arguments..respect one another and their ways.


PollyinBrum Report 20 Feb 2013 11:37

@ Brenda in Wales. My father said the only thing you can trust or believe in any newspaper was the Date & the price on the front page. :-D


MrDaff Report 20 Feb 2013 11:38

Any news publication is only as good as it's journalists, editorial staff, editor, owner and political affiliation.

Guess they're all rubbish then !! :-D :-D :-D


Rambling Report 20 Feb 2013 11:51

I look at the Mail online, also the Guardian, Independent, and others , though the latter tend to freeze on me.

If it's a 'serious subject' I look at all alternative views if I can before commenting. I find the readers comments in the Mail are the most polarised. I think that some, myself included at times, must read the Mail to know what the 'enemy' is up to ;-) and by that I mean that years ago when I bought it the Mail used to be around the 'centre' politically so was fairly 'balanced' , now I find it further to the 'right'.


eRRolSheep Report 20 Feb 2013 12:01

If you look at ABC statistics, the Mail comes consistently second when it comes to circulation figures - that must say something.
It should also be remembered that a newspaper does not exist to provide news. It exists to make money and so each individual paper will print what continues to appeal to the majority of its readers and thus sell copy.
All newspapers have their own style and journalists will write in a way that fits that style and engages the reader, whether it is a national or provincial paper.


terryj Report 20 Feb 2013 12:31

old yes prime minister sketch

PM Jim Hacker: "Don't tell me about the press. I know exactly who reads the papers: The Daily Mirror is read by people who think they run the country, the Guardian is read by people who think they ought to run the country, the Times is read by people who actually do run the country, the Daily Mail is read by the wives of the people who run the country, the Financial Times is read by people who own the country, the Morning Star is read by people who think the country ought to be run by another country and the Daily Telegraph is read by people who think it is."
Sir Humphrey: "Prime Minister, what about the people who read the Sun?"
Bernard Wooley: "Sun readers don't care who runs the country, as long as she's got big boobs."
changed the word to boobs instead of a variety of birds save someone rr ing it

— Yes, Prime Minister (Watch the video, and note that PM at the time was Margaret Thatcher.)

more here


ChAoTicintheNewYear Report 20 Feb 2013 12:39

"I think that some, myself included at times, must read the Mail to know what the 'enemy' is up to"

Exactly, Rose, if I'm going to criticise the Mail, or anything else, then I need to read it to know what I'm criticising. I do occasionally read the Mail online for this be able to put forward an informed opinion on the article that has been written.

One of the things I like to do when reading an article in the Mail is to read the comments left below. They give a very informative picture about those readers and their views.


AnninGlos Report 20 Feb 2013 13:03

Right, been out and bought my papers. I'll let you know if there is any news later :-D

John, as has been said, you 'attacked' (ok I know it was your self perceived sense of humour) the readers not the paper which is why it is not funny.

Actually Brenda, you have a point there, we always used to read either the Telegraph or the Independent. (Liked the latter because at the time they had a fantastic photographer and we were doing a photography course in the 80s). But these days I do find a broadsheet much easier to read.

When we go to our sons he has the Times, I find it hard to read because it is ao big, he jokes about me reading the DM but always buys me one, and then he also reads it!!!


AnninGlos Report 20 Feb 2013 13:05

Actually talking about news. Has anyone been reading about the woman with 11 children who is having a 6 bed house built for her? Just read that she keeps a horse which has breathing problems so has a lot of vet visits!!!

If I look out of my upstairs windows I can see her present house.


Merlin Report 20 Feb 2013 13:27

Ann, When its complete,Move in and make it a "Squat" :-D. I read the Mail and other newspapers, That does not make me a B moron unable to make my own mind up about things,Unlike others on here who have to "Google things" to comment on them.**M**. :- :-| :-|


PollyinBrum Report 20 Feb 2013 13:59

@AnninGlos I have just been reading about the woman due to be rehoused. Looking at the photographs in the paper, I hope she looks after it better than the one she is in at the moment. What a disgraceful state.


ChAoTicintheNewYear Report 20 Feb 2013 14:00

Are you suggesting that googling things in order to inform yourself of a subject that has been posted on here is moronic Merlin?


wisechild Report 20 Feb 2013 14:05

I don´t consider myself to be a moron either. I read the Mail, do the crosswords & puzzles & it usually keeps me occupied for a couple of hours. Some of the articles are interesting, some are a load of ........
If I want to know what the weather is like, I open the back door,
For one thing, my bikini days are over & for another, I live in Spain, so have very little interest in what the weather is doing in England.


Merlin Report 20 Feb 2013 14:05

In some cases yes.Not all.


ChAoTicintheNewYear Report 20 Feb 2013 14:10

Glad to hear that, especially the second half. I don't buy papers but often read the news online. If someone posts something on here about an item in the news and I haven't read about it yet then I'll often click on the link, if one provided, and then google for any further new articles in other papers/news sites before commenting on here about it.


Merlin Report 20 Feb 2013 14:15

Well some people (No Names no Pack drill) google things and still can,t get it right,as no doubt you have noticed yourself.


AnninGlos Report 20 Feb 2013 14:50

Paula, yes it is a tip, most of the houses are ex council properties sold to private tenants, theirs isn't, theirs is Housing association. To be fair, although the neighbours appear to have a problem with them they haven't affected us here except on summer evenings when the sheer number of them milling around outside can be noisy, and Fireworks time. I think she is quite strict with the younger ones.

However, given that she is on benefits, the fact that the paper has been saying her partner is unemployed but a neighbour has said in todays paper that he is a lorry driver. (yes I have seen a lorry parked there, also white market type vans), and that she can afford to keep a horse and was going to buy 2 more, I think somebody somehwere might be checking up on the finances.

The local council did say on our local news last night that the new house, once she no longer has a need for 6 bedrooms, will be capable of being divided into two 3 bed houses.


ChAoTicintheNewYear Report 20 Feb 2013 14:54

Ah, now I get you, Merlin.

Yes, googling something and still getting it wrong is different to informing yourself of the subject being discussed.


Claddagh Report 20 Feb 2013 16:13

Anne, like you, I read the Daily Mail online...couldn't care less what others think about this paper.I do the Guardian crossword (really great) also read several Irish papers,i.e Irish times, Irish Examiner, so what? There is a Dutch paper that I also read called de Telegraaf, roughly the same as the old News Of the World, a sensation (dutch expression) paper...again. Also read a middle- of- the- road paper called Het Parool, It's no-one's business but mine.So what?Does this make me a bad, empty-minded person?Back in '62, several relations of my then-husband came over to be at our wedding.One b.i.l and a step cousin of my then husband made some realy nasty, rude comments about the paper my mother & aunt had a sub. of then, i. eThe Mirror...nothing wrong with it at all, it was a normal 'family' type of paper back then,I have no idea what it is like nowdays.It made me and my family REALLY***y cheek of them both, they could hardly speak English back glad I kept my mouth shut... otherwise.................


ChrisofWessex Report 20 Feb 2013 16:50

I cancelled the Telegraph some months after OH retired. The reason - there were days when the only thing which had been read was the crossword on the back page whilst I had a coffee.

It was a lot of money to put in the bin. Apart from the Sun, Star and papers of that calibre I did not care what we had - so the Mail took it's place.

I think I am suffiently intelligent to separate the wheat from the chaff.

I have never trusted newspapers since many years ago I was misquoted completely. I believe it was the Express.

John is it not time you realised that you are the only one who thinks you are funny - at least that is what you say you were being when challenged.