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I need to go live in a cave !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Porkie_Pie Report 9 May 2013 19:25

KempinaPartyhat, Their is a thread about the same subject/article? but in the daily mail



KempinaPartyhat Report 9 May 2013 17:47

just reading this .......dont think I agree with it all but it does have its points


KempinaPartyhat Report 9 May 2013 17:44

Now this will make you laugh ......not in a funny way!!!

New claims of sex abuse have come to light over Michael Jackson!!!!!

No Supprize there!

Budgie Rustler

Budgie Rustler Report 9 May 2013 02:06

I worked in the rag trade for many years and in one particular factory, I know that the owner and his son, and his grandson have each in turn had several flings with girls and women from off of the shop floor and all three of them were married at the time.
Only once did I see one of them taken to task, one of the young girls in question told her mother and she came storming into the factory and confronted the factory owner.
After the incident the girl continued to work at the factory. We assumed the mother had been paid hush money. (about 1960 that was).

There was no HR to go running to in those days.


Barbara Report 9 May 2013 01:27

I agree that in the 60s there was groping - but you dealt with it.

However, young children now that is a different matter


Mauatthecoast Report 8 May 2013 17:15

In my teenage years (late fifties) we knew the boys who had 'wandering hands' and we stayed well clear of them :-|

I do remember though one of our work managers who was considered suggestive. We reported him but nothing was ever done about it......we stayed well clear of him as well (if we could).

It was a long time ago,but when young then you could be easily intimidated by folk in senior positions.


Joy Report 8 May 2013 17:07

It was only allegations about Dave Lee Travis last year, too, but his programme was taken off radio station Magic AM after his arrest.


KempinaPartyhat Report 8 May 2013 16:58

Anncardiff I cant see a missing post

I,m glad that there are more people not groped than were gropped but in the world of stars it "seemed normal" for tails to be told of who slept with whom for status


AnnCardiff Report 8 May 2013 16:34

by the way, I've just learnt that one of my postings on this thread was reported - now had the reporter taken the trouble to inform me of the fact that they found my posting unacceptable - which was a joke for all to see - I would have removed it - no probs - whenever I report a posting - which is rarely - I always say immediately that it was me and why


AnnCardiff Report 8 May 2013 16:32

I worked through the fifties until 12 years ago and was never groped and had I been it would not have been acceptable in any way at all and I never heard of anyone I worked with having been groped - I worked in insurance for four years, a cigar factory for 11 and the NHS for nearly thirty years - we had lots of fun and antics in the NHS but nothing sinister


CupCakes Report 8 May 2013 11:43

I'm so pleased that the OP has now been restored. I felt so insenced by the so called self appointed police refering it.

It was whooshed away but regardless the thread continued

There is nothing new that we don't know from the News Papers

It is hot topic at the moment and should be discussed freely :-( :-( :-(


Sharron Report 8 May 2013 10:23

You dealt with it alone rather than have the weight of society's approal on your side.

There was nowhere to complain in the workplace and no discretion if you did.


Guinevere Report 8 May 2013 10:06

I never accepted groping in the 60s and 70s.

I slapped a few men who tried it on and elbowed others. I'm sure I'm not the only one to believe it was always unacceptable. I can't remember any of my friends putting up with it either.


Sharron Report 8 May 2013 09:11

Women were in a different place in the sixties and seventies.

You had to kind of accept groping,and protect yourself from it as best you could..

It was not peasant but there was not much recourse to be had.

Because you knew it was likely you did as litte as possible to invite it.

Now it is truly unacceptable behaviour with likely immediate consequences consequences for the perpetrator.


AnnCardiff Report 8 May 2013 00:13

although I am very much against the alleged perpertrator being named, there is another side to the coin - the fact that someone has been named might well encourage others who have remained silent to come forward so perhaps that is why the alleged perpertrator is names - look how many came forward in the Savile case - and the Sturart Hall case, so there is a case for naming the alleged perpertrator


Kay???? Report 8 May 2013 00:03

Of course they are bailed as at this moment in time there is no charges made,,,,,,,,plus bailed because there is lack of or little evidence to make a charge,,,,,they could be trying for more evidence in the mean time,


ChrisofWessex Report 7 May 2013 23:47

Three things I dislike - one being accused of something I have not done.

Just imagine you are in your seventies with g.children and you are being investigated for abuse and you know you are innocent
but cannot prove it. You daren't go out or the press are after you like a pack of hounds. The mental stress of this at an elderly age (or any age come to that) will make one ill and very possibly suicidal.

Even when charges are dropped/proved innocent - what state that does leave you and your family in? Wrecked???

It may have been normal in the film industry to 'lie on the casting couch' but it was never the norm any where else.

The only man I slept with wore a wedding ring - which I had placed there.

Budgie I can recall circa 1971 - a group of four young men in their twenties complaining that if there was free love around that they could not find it and would someone tell them where it was.

(in the fifties it was supposed to be the girls who work dark stockings!!) ;-)


KempinaPartyhat Report 7 May 2013 20:14

Jimmy Tarbuck has cancelled a solo show in June due to ill health

And thats the problem .............when they are inoccent until proven guilty

but they are not

so if he has done something punishment should be given but if not what will happen to him!? :-S

Budgie Rustler

Budgie Rustler Report 7 May 2013 20:12

Oh dear, Hayley you sweet innocent young thing .
The 60s saw the start of the sexual revolution. you are far too young to have heard of "Free Love" and such goings on. :-0

I`d better not tell you about it or whoooosh, I`ll be blown into oblivion. :-D :-D


KempinaPartyhat Report 7 May 2013 20:11

lol plms I,m glad you know your place .........verbially anyway!! :-D :-)