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Women unfriendly?
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Persephone | Report | 10 Jun 2014 22:54 |
I learnt how to infiltrate such places from my youngest daughter. She was the master of interacting with people from aged two when she joined a play group, with a mother who people ignored for over an hour.. she gave me my courage to say Hi I am this person. I was made secretary of that playcentre and later I put myself up for the committee at the kindergarten. She went on to be on debating teams at primary and high school and then in her work got up there and did presentations.. something I still would not be able to do... but I can get myself noticed. |
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Island | Report | 10 Jun 2014 23:04 |
I'm here, I'm here. I am sorry to have gone AWOL but a couple of mishaps cropped up :-| |
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Island | Report | 10 Jun 2014 23:06 |
Ohhhh......I must have nodded off. I was responding to 'tangled up in knitting' |
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Sharron | Report | 11 Jun 2014 00:09 |
I first started my family tree thirty odd years ago when I joined a WEA class about the history of our village. There was woman there who had to let it be known that she was a history graduate and I couldn't help wondering why she thought to mention that on a course as basic as that one was, or, indeed, why she should want to attend it at all. Attend she did, adopting the role of uninvited consultant to the archivists who were teaching the course. |
Cooper | Report | 11 Jun 2014 06:32 |
:-D :-D :-D :-D oh dear, I should not laugh but I know of someone who is very much like all those "VIP" you all mention. So full of self importance. :-D :-D :-D |
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wisechild | Report | 11 Jun 2014 06:49 |
It also happens that a few new people join a group & very quickly relegate existing members to the sidelines & make them feel unwanted. This can be as hurtful as not being accepted in the first place. |
Silly Sausage | Report | 11 Jun 2014 06:50 |
How's knitting going Island me dear :-D |
AnninGlos | Report | 11 Jun 2014 08:37 |
:-D :-D Nope Hayley, I just can't ever imagine you being lost for words. :-D :-D <3 |
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AnninGlos | Report | 11 Jun 2014 08:58 |
Oh I have just remembered a group I went to where it was not so bad. This was a mixed group and was a friends of a local Art gallery and museum who met once a month for a talk by various people. The talks were really interesting, I went for about 3 years. The people were pleasant and relatively friendly and the atmosphere was welcoming. It was in one town not far from here but I live in the postal area of the other town. The town it was in was much more up market than the other and some of the people there can be really snobby so when asked where I lived the reply was usually 'Oh....!' However it was ok and I only left when they changed the meeting place and the hearing loop system was not so good for me to hear the talks. (it was a mixed group and the snobby people were women). |
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Tenerife Sun | Report | 11 Jun 2014 09:43 |
I attempted to join the WI in about the late '70's I was refused as I was divorced, I don't think this rule applies now. Not to be deterred as I only had one child free night a week I joined Keep Fit, this was in the days of black, long sleeved leotards, bare feet and a lot of waving of scarves. After we went to the pub. That didn't last long I then joined the PTA which I loved and we often ended up in the pub. We put on pantomimes and fetes and all manner of social events to raise money for school funds. From there I became involved in the local Ameteur Dramatic Society which also usually ended up in the pub. Can you see a pattern forming? I hasten to add this was only one night a week. |
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AnninGlos | Report | 11 Jun 2014 09:55 |
Lol Wendy, not worried honestly!!!! |
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Tenerife Sun | Report | 11 Jun 2014 10:53 |
:-D :-D :-D I know Ann and I'm very grateful to T's help when you are both here. Oh .... and his conversation. See you soon x |
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Island | Report | 11 Jun 2014 12:50 |
You lot have some great anecdotes! |
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AnninGlos | Report | 11 Jun 2014 12:56 |
We used to have the knit and natter group meet in our garden centre cafe. I was completely put off by how as soon as one of them went out of the room the rest all put their heads together whispering knowingly and, as soon as she came back in the door they started a completely different conversation (no we couldn't hear what was said but body language says a lot!) |
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Susan10146857 | Report | 11 Jun 2014 13:03 |
I worked at a place like that Ann......I was always in hot water for sticking up for the person who had left the room....If they can do it to them, I thought, they could do it to me.......I didn't care if I liked the person or not.....It wasn't on as far as I was concerned......Needless to say....I didn't stop long :-D |
Island | Report | 11 Jun 2014 13:45 |
No bitchin' with the stichin' at our group Ann :-D |
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AnninGlos | Report | 11 Jun 2014 15:10 |
Glad to hear it Island :-D |
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Susan10146857 | Report | 11 Jun 2014 15:15 |
Not if you leave Ann :-D |
AnninGlos | Report | 11 Jun 2014 15:55 |
:-D :-D :-D :-D |
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PricklyHolly | Report | 11 Jun 2014 17:07 |
Just got back from my weekly psychiatric appointment. |
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