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Pistorius trial

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Gee Report 13 Sep 2014 14:18

I agree with the point about not noticing your partner is not in bed.

I'm sure my husband would hear me breathing or not and if he really thought we had an intruder, he would wake me to call the police before going off to investigate

I hadn't realised Reeva had taken her mobile to the bathroom, what reason would she have to take her phone to the bathroom other than to call for help.

I don't take my phone to toilet in the middle of the night, do you!

The law really is an ass

Let's hope his next potential victim (girl friend) has a bigger gun


JoyBoroAngel Report 13 Sep 2014 12:01

when my son and his girlfriend got their gun licences
I said I dint mind him having one but wasn't happy she had one to
my son asked why
and I said if you shoot her while having a row
I still have my son even though he will be in jail
but if she shoots you I wont have you at al

l he looked up and laughed and said
mum only I will have they keys to the gun cabinet :-D

i would still be happier if neither had them :-( :-(


~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 13 Sep 2014 10:04

He definately knew what the bullets would do, as Joy says he was experienced in guns.
Look at the video of him at the rifle range firing that gun and that awful laugh...

Firing one under the table of a restaurant and firing one from the open roof of a car
......he loved guns!!



JoyBoroAngel Report 12 Sep 2014 21:26

he was well experienced with guns
he knew

his hot headed temper got the better of him


Guinevere Report 12 Sep 2014 21:24

I do wonder if perhaps he didn't realise the bullets would pass through the door.


JoyBoroAngel Report 12 Sep 2014 21:22

if I thought we had an intruder
I would wake the butler tell him to phone the police
while I go down and investigate

I think they had a row and she took her phone in the toilet
locked the door to phone the police or for help
as she was scared of his temper
and he shot her before she could ring them
he then bashed the door down with the cricket bat
to stage the scene before the police arrived :-(

end of I think he was guilty
and there was no justice for that innocent lady :-( :-( :-(


~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 12 Sep 2014 21:17 feelings exactly, why did'nt he put his hand out to see if Reeva was there next to him, then he would have been sure that an intruder was in the toilet.
Why did he use the cricket bat on the door??


nite nite


~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 12 Sep 2014 21:14

Thanks Kay........all l can say is "lets hope the gods are on Reeva's family's side on the 13th Oct"......!!!

Dermot....this man was an amazing athlete, maybe still is but l don't want to see him compete again. With the disabilities he had and he still became one of the top names in athletics, not just in the para events, he competed with able bodied athletes......That is what makes the difference in his trial compared to other trials in SA....but he became sour when he lost, accusing others of cheating, he had a dangerous possible obsession with guns, if it was'nt an obsession it was still dangerous and he used illegal ammunition, fired guns off under the table in a restaurant....NOT NORMAL in my opinion..!!


nite nite


Linda Report 12 Sep 2014 21:06

This is only my opinion but surely if your sleeping with someone and you wake up in the night you sense that that their not there in the bed. beside you, it just not ring true with me and I can't understand why he has got bail till next month


Kay???? Report 12 Sep 2014 20:43

The bullets found that are illegal and cant be bought in SA and he didnt own a gun that used them were,

Black Tallon...........,which is claimed belonged to his father.who didnt own a gun for their use stated in the early part of the trial.

Black Tallon actually split into spikes when fired,,hence Tallon.

I belive he will get some jail.......the judge bases her terms on the crime and not any retubution for the family.


~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 12 Sep 2014 20:17

Yes Joy l quite agree with you!!

Is he getting charged for using illegal bullets??

This case gets more frustrating by the minute.... :-( :-0


JoyBoroAngel Report 12 Sep 2014 20:09

maybe they should jail his dad to :-D :-D


Guinevere Report 12 Sep 2014 20:08

Yes. Illegal bullets. He claims they belonged to his father.


~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 12 Sep 2014 19:54

Is this really what he used????


 Sue In Yorkshire.

Sue In Yorkshire. Report 12 Sep 2014 19:08

I think it's bloody awful on Reeva's parents that they are not getting the full justice Reeva deserves.

I have said all along that they had had a row and she may have told him it was over between them and not wanting to lose a girlfriend that was a high profile model he couldn't take rejection.

There is only one other person that knows the whole truth and that is Reeva R.I.P

He still should get 25 yrs .


JoyBoroAngel Report 12 Sep 2014 18:47

Chris he shot her with 4 dum dum bullets

I think they had a row and he blew it :-(


Gee Report 12 Sep 2014 18:10

I think pre-mediated means, planned

I don't think he planned it, it happened in a fit of rage

That saying, he should go to rot in jail

What's betting, he get's a fine :-|

Like that won't be hard to pay, once he's sold his story to the media


ChrisofWessex Report 12 Sep 2014 16:31

Wasn't he in possession of dumdum bullets? Normal ammunition then?


~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 12 Sep 2014 12:06

He got bail then :-( :-(


Guinevere Report 12 Sep 2014 12:01

I'm reading about the women protesting outside the courtroom about the law and police not doing enough about violence perpetrated against women, Dermot. And you?