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Pistorius trial

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JoyBoroAngel Report 13 Sep 2014 12:01

when my son and his girlfriend got their gun licences
I said I dint mind him having one but wasn't happy she had one to
my son asked why
and I said if you shoot her while having a row
I still have my son even though he will be in jail
but if she shoots you I wont have you at al

l he looked up and laughed and said
mum only I will have they keys to the gun cabinet :-D

i would still be happier if neither had them :-( :-(


Gee Report 13 Sep 2014 14:18

I agree with the point about not noticing your partner is not in bed.

I'm sure my husband would hear me breathing or not and if he really thought we had an intruder, he would wake me to call the police before going off to investigate

I hadn't realised Reeva had taken her mobile to the bathroom, what reason would she have to take her phone to the bathroom other than to call for help.

I don't take my phone to toilet in the middle of the night, do you!

The law really is an ass

Let's hope his next potential victim (girl friend) has a bigger gun