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Birthday Girls card making group 01/01/15

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Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 1 Jan 2015 21:46

This thread is for our card making group to chat and exchange news and ideas. If you are not a 'member' please feel free to join in our chat anyway, and if you would like to become a member please put a message on the thread and somebody will contact you. The group involves making a commitment to send a handmade card to other members on their respective birthdays, and to a smaller number at Christmas. There are around 20 of us at present which means an average of 2 cards per month. Above all, the aim of the group is to have fun, share ideas, and enjoy your crafting with like-minded folk.
JoJo :-)

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 1 Jan 2015 21:53

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and I would like to wish you all a very happy 2015.
Ann I wonder if you could transfer your post from the old thread over to here I find it awful that you only received so few cards from your group. I am not sure what has happened there. Issy was in your group, very unusual that Flo did not send a card, she rarely misses sending cards.
I haven't checked mine yet so I might also get a surprise!!



AnninGlos Report 1 Jan 2015 22:45

Found it Jo thanks for the new thread.

Hope all the birthday girls groups did better than my group. I only had one card from my group. Thank you Jill, it was a beautiful one, loved it.

I also had lovely cards from Jo, Issy and Jean so thank you for those.
Edit that means 2 from the group. Apologies Issy.


JustJean Report 2 Jan 2015 10:50

Hi all you birthday girls Happy New Year, finally got round to sorting out some new dies bought in the sales , all neat and tidy in the folders, now I need to try them out I .
watched youtube craft section, some great new ideas ,
Thanks to my christmas group fo the lovely cards all arrived safely.. I am posting early this year so hopefully you all will get them, so dont open them until the day of your birthday :-D :-D :-D
Thank you Jo for the new thread, you are a star... <3 <3 <3

Happy crafting , share your tips too..... love Jean xx

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 2 Jan 2015 11:18

Jean, have not as yet bought anything new in the sales, I seem to have so much of things that I never use. Think I will do like you did and sort out all the things I do not use and get rid of them, crafting seems to be overtaking the house.
Off out now and when I get back will be taking down all the Christmas decs, well all except the tree that we have outside the house, that can stay till the correct time.
Have a good day all of you.

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 3 Jan 2015 13:36

Ann should have said that I received a card from Sylvias husband Johan, it took me by surprise as I did not send him one, so have sent a New Years card. Lovely to hear from him and that he is keeping well as he was a few years older than Sylvia.
Not sure who else is on this site still, so only notified you and Jean, but I think I will send out an email to let them know we are still on here and FTF.


AnninGlos Report 3 Jan 2015 13:40

How nice to get a card from Johan Jo.

Yes, it is a pity that there is only you, jean, me and I think maybe Jill still on this site, oh and Michelle (Tinkers) although she is not active at the moment.


tinkers Report 3 Jan 2015 15:53

hi all yes im still here I look in everyday but don't post as much as I should as ive been getting back into doing the tree again and digging for more stuff lol hope everyone is well and had a fab xmas n new year

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 5 Jan 2015 16:19

Well it is lovely to see you posting on here Michelle. I really need to start my family tree again, started to look at it last year but still could not progress on any more. Would love to find some of the military records for some of my relatives but nothing on Ancestry or any of the other sites.

Should have said thank you to everyone that sent me a card, Ann I did receive one from all my group, and a few more, quite a few bought ones this year, but I know so many of the members have problems at the moment.

Foggy here again today come back the lovely frosts with sunny days.



JustJean Report 13 Jan 2015 20:23

Hi all, I finally got round to make some cards, and use some of the new dies,thought I would take pics of them but the lighting has been awful today the new roof does make a difference, so it was the flash that spoiled most of them so I gave up , but will try again somewhere else in the house....I would like to have them on line as a reference
,I have loads of die cut shapes pre cut, so if anyone would like some p.m. me.....
Always sorting out like to get the birthday girls cards done and in a box.... only 18 to you are all well and rarin to go craftwise. take care and warm...

love Jean xx


JustJean Report 30 Jan 2015 06:44

Thought I would rescue this poor little thread :-( :-( I have now done all my cards for the girls, unsealed as yet and unsigned, but all tucked away ready to send.....

I have been doing some die cutting and also embossing cards and matts....
I now intend to have a go at colouring some of the many white die cut shapes ,

one of the good places to look at is youtube craft site, lots of new ideas. and tutorials.

we have had bad weather here so now the card making is put to good use ...also decorate plain party bags, lovely little extra with your gifts....

I hope all you who look in are safe and keeping well...also if anyone would like to start making cards for the first time there are lots of help on here so do ask someone will get back to you I am sure....Happy crafting ....

Love Jean xx <3


AnninGlos Report 30 Jan 2015 09:29

Well done for rescuing the thread Jean. It is s ad that this and the craft thread on the hobbies board languish through lack of interest. At one time there were a lot of people chatting on these threads.

I made three cards yesterday. I was sorting through a load of already cut dies, One I had done and a few from you Jean. Strangely I coloured a white one to use. I coloured it by wiping an ink pad across it. It worked well so shall have a go with a few more. I have a lot of new dies to try but thought I should use some of the old die cuts first.

Nice sunny day here, well it looks nice but I bet it is cold. No snow here. :-D

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 31 Jan 2015 23:34

As you say Ann there are so few of the original people who used to post still around, so many now are on Facebook, but then quite a few don't post anywhere. Seems very few still do any family history research now. Seems like there is only the four of us still on here.
We have had snow this week, enough for the grandkids to build a couple of snowmen in the garden and still have a snowball fight. I am afraid it was too cold for me, so windy with it. They have forecast more for tonight and tomorrow, but with a bit of luck it will miss us.
Like you Jean I have made the Birthday cards for the next six month all written though, if anyone leaves I will just take out the insert and get a fresh envelope, I always seem to have more envelopes than cards. Just making an 80th and 40th card for family members and also need to make a baby card for my son as his baby is due beginning of March and want to get it made, but I feel like I am tempting fate.

Hope everyone is keeping well


AnninGlos Report 8 Feb 2015 11:59

Hope your snow has gone now Jo and not returned. Isn't February a strange month with no Birthday girl birthdays?

I was just checking my craft blog Jo and realised that you and Jill (and Heather who is not on GR now) are all registered. I don't think any of you check on there now. Jean has put a lot of nice cards up, you may want to check them out and maybe share a few of yours. you would probably need to send me the photos via my e mail so I can add them as I seem to be the only one who can add. But by all means try. :-) :-) :-)

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 8 Feb 2015 23:01

Ann snow nearly all gone, just the bits left where the snow plough went.
Been in Northampton looking after 3 of the grandchildren for a few days, then home to have the rest of the grandchildren for the weekend, was a treat for them, not sure when I will get my treat!!!
Ann I used to check in on the Blog regularly but then I lost the addy and meant to contact you for it again but it went out of my mind. I love looking at Jeans cards, they put mine to shame, I need to start spending more time making cards and not doing them in a rush all the time. I used to love the time I spent making them, but now I seem to have so little spare time and so many other things pulling at my time cards come way down in the pecking order.
Hopefully the weather will stay sunny and cold for a bit longer without any snow or rain.
Take care
Jo xx


AnninGlos Report 9 Feb 2015 08:51

Oh Jo, busy busy. Lucky grandchildren. And also Mums/Dads who get a break.
I have sent you the address by PM.

A grey day here so far, yesterday was lovely blue skies and sun and a bit warmer than it has been.

I have just about finished making my easter cards now. Like to get them done early as we have a holiday in March.


JustJean Report 14 May 2015 11:46

Looking at the last posting I dont know if anyone looks on here but just adding a note sending sympathy to Joans family at her sad passing , her cards wer always a joy to recieve and she will be missed ... rest in peace Joan....

Love Jean xx <3


AnninGlos Report 14 May 2015 15:46

Yes, loved he cards she will be missed as you say Jean.

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 14 May 2015 22:40

Jean, Ann,
It was so sad to hear the news about Joan, like you both I loved to receive her cards they were always so lovely. I will miss her emails which were always very chatty.
Like you both I will really miss Joan as a member of our group.

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 6 Jun 2015 09:43

80 <3 80 <3 80 <3 80 <3 80 <3 80 <3 80 <3 80 <3 80 <3 80 <3 80 <3 80 <3 80 <3 80 <3 80

Wishing you a very special day on your 80th birthday.
Love and hugs Joxxxx

80 <3 80 <3 80 <3 80 <3 80 <3 80 <3 80 <3 80 <3 80 <3 80 <3 80 <3 80 <3 80 <3 80 <3 80
