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AnnCardiff Report 17 Jul 2015 14:58

I said what I said on the original posting


Sharron Report 17 Jul 2015 15:00

Can't remember what that was now.


AnnCardiff Report 17 Jul 2015 15:10

obviously I have a stalker who is sympathetic to that evil woman


AnnCardiff Report 17 Jul 2015 15:23

wonder why this person, who obviously has sympathy for this murderer, doesn't have the courage of their convictions and actually post some explanation


RolloTheRed Report 17 Jul 2015 15:25

The muddy boots branch of the family grow acres and acres of turnips. Pulling them out by hand is more than difficult.

I always thought that they were a cheap and nutritious way of feeding all the people who came to assist with harvesting stuff and so on ... Apparently not they are an excellent winter time cattle feed.

My OH says she often uses turnips but doesn't tell me. The French will eat anything except foxes.


AnnCardiff Report 17 Jul 2015 15:28

well here we go again - I said pity she didn't top herself before she inflicted such pain and misery on that innocent little boy


Sharron Report 17 Jul 2015 15:39

Turnips are horrible!

I would eat them politely as a child but one of the benefits of growing up is that I don't ever have to cook one.

Little weeny ones are delicious raw but they should never be allowed to grow up.

My grandfather would run his sheep on turnips. There's a smell I never expect to experience again.

Who have you upset Ann?


LaGooner Report 17 Jul 2015 16:12

How can anybody condone murder especially of a child ? makes me wonder what this world is coming to


eRRolSheep Report 17 Jul 2015 16:19

I don't think anybody has condoned anything - maybe just maybe some people find the fact that a minority of members condone suicide (whatever the circumstances) a little uncomfortable.


Dermot Report 17 Jul 2015 16:21

LaGooner - death appears in many forms. There is no escape from the dull futility of the inevitable.

A great number of children, beginning even before infancy, are often treated woefully simply because the law allows it.


AnnCardiff Report 17 Jul 2015 17:47

I feel the same about Hitler's suicide - would our RR person not agree with that?


eRRolSheep Report 17 Jul 2015 17:49

The death of any individual, whatever they have done, is never to be celebrated.


AnnCardiff Report 17 Jul 2015 17:56

well in my book Hitler's suicide was well overdue


magpie Report 17 Jul 2015 18:16

Ann, I think you need to ask for a refund! Your right to freedom of speech is being well and truly compromised. You are perfectly entitled to voice your opinion about this ghastly woman and other evil people too, and others are entitled to disagree, but to constantly RR you is just quite ridiculous. This person is clearly a coward as only cowards hide in the shadows. Come on who ever you are, show yourself and let's have a conversation about your concerns, don't be shy, we all.want to meet you!!!
Oh no, you too Errol!


eRRolSheep Report 17 Jul 2015 18:16


So called historical researchers


Sharron Report 17 Jul 2015 18:17

I would not celebrate the suicide of Himmler.

It was a cowardly act that prevented him from facing justice.


eRRolSheep Report 17 Jul 2015 18:18

And do you really think, Magpie, that they will be allowed a fair forum?

I think not.


RockyMountainShy Report 17 Jul 2015 19:13

so what I am hearing is, some women killed a child and ann and 'the sheep' is being picked on :-0 and somehow Hitler is involved? :-S This must be an old murder if he is involved.

Oh LaGooner, thanks for the offer, but I want to rr someone NOT the other way around sheesh ;-)


RolloTheRed Report 17 Jul 2015 19:14

I happen to know several criminal lawyers and am even related to one. I think Errol knows a fair few too. Not a profession having a great time right now thanks to the "austerity" but I digress.

Any criminal lawyer will tell you that in the case of serious offences the victim and the victim's close family and friends badly need after the attack what is often called closure. Without that they can literally go nuts and marriages can and do break up.

Since the year dot suicide has been seen as a cop out, an easy escape from facing the victims in court where they can get a large degree of closure and the law metes out punishment. The punishment partly lies in facing those who have been hurt and partly in the length and terms of imprisonment.

Suicide voids all this and why on a practical level it should not be demanded by onlookers as it deprives the real victims of closure.

As often said justice is a dish best served cold.

No matter what the trials and tribulations of a murderer there is nothing that justifies taking human life.

Taking the lives if children is even worse be it in a slum in England or barrel bombs in Syria. Yet those children who have been saved from the nightmares of ISIL and the Taliban and grown up in the UK are swiftly shipped back to the nightmares of Helmand as soon as they are 18.

That most are murdered nobody cares.



Sharron Report 17 Jul 2015 19:22

I think that the woman in the original post was probably being given a great deal of grief from the other women in prison and this is why she committed suicide after having served less than two years, as a means of escape.

Her little boy had been given a whole lifetime of undeserved grief with no means of escape at all.