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AnninGlos Report 31 Jul 2016 13:00

My icon has now disappeared. :-D


Lyndi Report 31 Jul 2016 10:07

Just switched on my newer laptop and the windows icon was still there so clicked on it and got a message saying my free upgrade was reserved and it's on it's way:-0 They are rolling it out, it could be hours or days and once I clicked 'notify me when ready' the icon disappeared. I have always got the trusty oldie with windows 7 lol.


JemimaFawr Report 30 Jul 2016 17:33


The Windows 10 icon has now disappeared from my task bar!

I knew the amber triangle with exclamation mark were not to do with compatibility, cos they said a while back that my laptop was suitable. And I had not declined the offer until after the change in logo.

It was probably to do with telling us undecided people to hurry up!

Well, I didn't upgrade! I'm still with Windows 7 and happy about that :-D

Thank you all for your advice and info posted on this thread :-) :-)
Please feel free to keep posting your experiences with Windows 10, how you are getting along with it, problems etc.

With people like Rollo and Kense and others here, I'm sure they will be pleased to give advice if any of you are experiencing problems with your upgrade :-)


RolloTheRed Report 30 Jul 2016 16:44

there are two ways of UG to windows 10 (a) mostly fetching stuff over the net and (b) donwloaded the .iso file and creating a boot disk or usb key.

(a) requires a reasonable net connection and will display an error icon if it thinks the machine is not up for it.
(b) requires that you use a Microsoft tool to download the .iso file and is not an update option. It is a lot moire reliable than online update.

Windows 7 has always had user options about what to update and what not to and when so that it is surprising so many go with the defaults.

UG is available as usual of course but M$ are now charging around £ 100 when you can buy a perfectly legal license from an OEM for around £ 30.

In any case unless you are well into Microsoft Phone and their pricey tablets or have a lean and mean Direct X 12 gaming machine it is really difficult to see what Win10 offers over Win7. The demise of VM means you can no longer run XP as a virtual OS. It is a v risky proposition on laptops unless installed by the OEM. What with the default profile we-will-spy-on-you-cos-we=can and heavy sales pitch for Skype, Store etc free is about the right price.
Having tamed the interface from Windows 8.x chunks of Win8 are about to come back Terminator style in the next serice pack which is another reason to let it be.

Windows, mostly harmless


Island Report 30 Jul 2016 14:32

Jem, it's safe to click the icon :-D

'Sorry, free upgrade has ended' Aw shucks. :-0



Island Report 30 Jul 2016 14:25

That would be why the amber triangle is on the Win10 upgrade icon and not on my internet connection icon then? :-S

Nope. Definitely a Win10 alert


RolloTheRed Report 30 Jul 2016 13:46

the amber / yellow triangle most likely signals that yr wifi /internet connection has problems rather than anything to do with ug to Win10 or not.


Island Report 30 Jul 2016 10:35

The yellow triangle only appeared when I declined about a week ago.
I assumed it to be an amber alert as time was running out.


RolloTheRed Report 30 Jul 2016 09:26

The expiry was 9am Eastern Standard Time not BST.
Upgrades started before this should eventually finish - a lot are stuck at varying stages inc 99% for very extended periods of time.

If you have installed Windows 10 hold off on the upcomiong "Anniversary Upgrade" some elements of it are a reversion towards windows 8.x eg start menu while scope for controlling MS "monitoring" has been reduced.

Windows 10 is the only OS supporting the new gaming Direct X 12. One consequence will be a lot of slightly used tin on the market which will whizz through multi media tasks such as video and audio editing, CAD and what not. You can't do everything on a pad or laptop.



Kense Report 30 Jul 2016 08:14

The fact that you have a yellow triangle with exclamation mark probably means that there is a problem that prevents you upgrading to 10.

If you press it it won't let you upgrade, especially now that the time limit has passed. It might tell you why.

Edit PS: It might just be there because you declined the free upgrade.


JemimaFawr Report 30 Jul 2016 01:08

Well, it's 1.08am on Saturday July 30th .... 1 hour and 8 minutes after the Free Upgrade offer was supposed to expire.

..... and the Windows 10 logo with the amber triangle and exclamation mark is still on the task bar!

What would happen if I clicked on it now I wonder? :-S :-S :-D :-D


JemimaFawr Report 29 Jul 2016 21:30


(Unless they have already closed this offer of course)


NOT ME! :-D :-D :-D

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 29 Jul 2016 06:55

I specifically bought a new laptop with Windows 7 on it as was advised by a friend who is a website designer

Took some getting used to as my PC is still on XP

Kept getting the offer to upgrade to Windows 10 that I declined ,one time though just like Guinevere. I put the lap top down to answer the front door and came back to find it was installing itself any way .

Was worried about stopping the install so let it finish

Must say I am finding it ok and not a lot different that I can see from Windows 7
There must be a difference but I was still getting to grips with 7 anyway

TBH I use my iPad more anyway for easy access genes email etc . It's lighter on the lap and seems to hold more battery power


Guinevere Report 29 Jul 2016 06:46

A few moths ago I popped to the loo and returned to find Windows10 installing itself in my absence.

I've got used to it but I do think it was a cheek.


JemimaFawr Report 28 Jul 2016 20:48

I'm going to stick with Windows 7 too Lyndi:-)
I am happy with it, and by 2020 I may have a new laptop anyway.

Thanks Rollo for you knowledge of these things :-)

Thanks everyone for your input. :-)

Don't forget.... the free upgrade offer finishes tomorrow... there is still time if you are tempted :-D


Lyndi Report 28 Jul 2016 20:37

I am staying with 7 on my old laptop, but decided to upgrade from 8.1 on the newer one - but it won't let me :-( Keeps saying 'sorry, something went wrong. Please try later' Looks like I will be staying put lol


RolloTheRed Report 28 Jul 2016 19:22

U can ug and then go back 4 up 2 10 days if u don't like it


kandj Report 28 Jul 2016 19:01

It's a NO THANKS from me. Microsoft are still insisting and I am still resisting.
I am happy with Windows 7 and don't need the ongoing hassle. I will be more
than glad when 29 July has come and gone!

Decisions, Decisions.Time is running out and it's soon Make Your Mind Up Time Jem.


JemimaFawr Report 28 Jul 2016 16:21

That's exactly what I think too, Island :-)

Yes, I've still got the logo with the amber triangle and exclamation mark!


Island Report 28 Jul 2016 16:04

I declined about a week ago but the logo is still on my screen - it now has an amber alert triangle.
Sticking with Win7, it or my computer can be temperamental so I didn't want further hair tearing. By 2020 I expect to have replaced my laptop anyway.