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Barbra Report 6 Aug 2016 10:57

No Thank you .fed up of BBC moving programmes .or cancelling .Casualty not on till end of August :-| I enjoy Red Rock lunch time its been moved to BBC two Good job an all , The BBC must spend a fortune on sending Staff to cover the Games .why so many .??


GlasgowLass Report 6 Aug 2016 11:05

I watched some of of it Island and I really enjoyed it.

By 1.30 am I couldn't stay awake any longer but I think you will enjoy it.

:-D :-D


Island Report 6 Aug 2016 11:09

Thank you GL, I'm sure we will :-D
I was nodding off at 10.30 so knew I wouldn't stay the pace before it had even started.


Allan Report 6 Aug 2016 11:14

Barbra, same here in Oz :-(

Channel 7, the owner of the Broadcast Rights in Australia, have the broadcast going on from now (or earlier) until after midnight :-|

Every Channel 7 show over the last two weeks has had a 'Rio' theme.

Even before the Games began, I was suffering an overload of Olympics, whether it was the opening spectacular or the events :-|

And for months we've had some participants on the TV adverts spruiking their particular sports :-|

I'm suffering an overload already :-P


GlasgowLass Report 6 Aug 2016 11:17

I'm not a huge sports fan either but I do enjoy a TV spectacular and I think Rio delivered one.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 6 Aug 2016 11:22

Island - as said last night, I might have watched had OH not turned the TV off.
For most people the time difference made it after their bedtime.

People saying that they had no intention were only expanding their answer to explain why.


Barbra Report 6 Aug 2016 11:25

Put TV on this Morning 9am .wanted to watch the News .well BBC one news .about Rio ? & BBC two highlights of the highlights of opening ceremony .All well & Good bringing nations together .but TV is saturated with it .puts me off when locals live in complete poverty .& Drugs & Scandal are there before the games even begin .call me a moaning old ~~~~~ Hello Allan ;-) :-)


JemimaFawr Report 6 Aug 2016 11:49

I stayed up!

I didn't intend to, but there's something very addictive in watching the participants and representatives of all the different countries parading out in their country's costumes.

Had I realised how many countries there were, and that I would not get to bed until nearly 4 o'clock, I would not have started watching! :-D :-D :-D


Island Report 6 Aug 2016 12:03's once every four years.

You're a moaning old ~~~~~


Rambling Report 6 Aug 2016 13:24

I did stay up but got distracted by a search on here, however I saw bits and will watch more later. :-)

I take all the points re the politics, economics and doping etc and as said I won't watch all of it, probably bits of the athletics and swimming ( I can do neither of them but wish I could lol) but the opening ceremony I look at as a piece of theatre...and that is always worth watching I think :-D

But good luck to all the clean athletes who have worked so hard to get there. :-)


Von Report 6 Aug 2016 16:18

I agree Rose :-D :-D :-D

I didn't manage to stay awake but I have just watched the opening ceremony on I Player on the TV screen.
I thought it was great, very clever and cost a lot less than London 2012 and IMHO just as interesting.
I also learnt a lot about the history of Brazil that I didn't know.
I love the idea of all the athletes planting seeds of trees that will be planted in a park near the stadium.

I think it's wonderful that so many children were able to take part in something they will remember for the rest of their lives.

Whilst the Olympics is about the sport of course it is about so much more as well.
Great friendships can be formed and by talking to people from other countries gives better understanding of different cultures and customs.
Much better to compete in a civilised and safe way than in military combat. :-D :-D :-D


InspectorGreenPen Report 6 Aug 2016 17:50

I agree with Barbara.

Why does the Beeb think the public want to be saturated with something that most people only have a passing interest in?

They should have kept BBC 3 and used that for their wall to wall coverage instead of messing up the main schedules.


InspectorGreenPen Report 6 Aug 2016 18:18

And, I have just been reading that some viewers were so frustrated by Hazel Irvine and Andrew Cotter's 'dire' description of the opening ceremony on the BBC that they switched over to a commentary-free channel.

No doubt when this is reported on Point of View next week we will be told that we are all missing the point and the program producers know best.


LynGinN Report 6 Aug 2016 19:08

Good to see that there are more than me finding the Olympics a bit of a bore :-D

And I can't stand the phrase "Team GB" for some reason :-0 ;-)


Linda Report 6 Aug 2016 21:16

As they only come once every four years and remembering the good feel there was in this country four years ago when we held them I think they are worth it better then football week after week


Guinevere Report 6 Aug 2016 21:27

*wot Allan said*


Barbra Report 6 Aug 2016 21:28

Why don't they use BBC Two for The Games .leave One alone for Normal programmes .only saying :-)


Kay???? Report 6 Aug 2016 21:46

I dont reply on TV to entertain me so havnt been overloaded with it and the opening of the Olyimpics held no interest for me so why sit and watch it.. I have no interest in athletics or who wins gold medals.

but certainly not an old misery sod.


Rambling Report 6 Aug 2016 22:08

Look at it another way...I am sick of soaps ( came upon me about 10 years ago lol) and yet they are on tv 2, 3, 4 times a week...same old stories rehashed with different faces. But I don't have to watch :-D


SheilaSomerset Report 6 Aug 2016 22:21

I don't like sport that much but once every 4 years for the Olympics seems OK. I will watch a few highlights no doubt. Didn't watch the opening ceremony but didn't watch the London one either - just not my cup of tea.

And WHY should things be moved to BBC2? There ARE actually regular programmes on there too that some of us watch, it's not just a 'dumping ground' :-S